
Misc Sol 2.2.9

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I mean it doesn’t work out the box perfectly though does it, because there is literally a list of issues with the current build (listed and compiled by you) so... let’s agree that it works, but there are some issues, and you haven’t captured them all!

There are also issues noted by yourself and others that are being fixed in the next version! So... it’s not quite perfect Peter is it!

The issue I am experiencing (following the instructions EXACTLY) is the following.

When I install sol (manually) and the recommended version of the shaders patch, and select a car (especially the NISSAN GT3) and take it to a track at the evening (sunset) all is fine, except headlights are essentially useless.

I can post screenshots of this for you, and you will see they do very little.

Take a screen shot of the interior especially a close up of the dashboard view (top of dash under window) and you will see that the plastic/material dash is lit correctly, but headlights do nothing (except when it’s pitch black)

However, if You then update the shaders patch to the most recent version (as described in the instructions) the interior of the car is now badly incorrectly lit/shaded!

The dashboard looks like it’s not shaded at all and is a flat evenly lit over exposed texture (it’s far to bright/over exposed and flat) when it shouldn’t be as in the previous version of shaders patch (but headlights are better).

The dash (directly under the window) Is no longer affected by its surroundings light. I can again post a pic of this for you if you are to lazy to take the 2 minutes to test it, but are happy spending 5 minutes writing abusive reply’s.

With No other changes made, just click install sol and shaders as described, load Nissan GT3, at sunset, move camera close to dash, take screenshot!

Now update shaders to most recent version and do exactly same again! You will see the dash is over exposed and not shaded correctly!

Now rollback to recommended version of shaders and days is perfect again but headlights at ****!

Use the Nisan GTR dashboard as a baseline at sunset on a track!

Very easy to test Peter, less abuse to users reporting issues more testing would benefit you greatly!

It takes 2 seconds to test this bug, and you can recreate this yourself. If you spent less time being abusive and invested that time into something more productive such as testing / listening to use feedback, you might improve your mod!

Again, I don’t know why you don’t just test the bug reported, it’s a 2 second job to test! I have provide instructions for you to follow. If you can’t follow them perhaps modding isn’t for you.

Instead of pretending the issue doesn’t exist, by refusing to testing it and instead lowering yourself to ad hominem childish abuse, just test it!

There’s no need to be a such a low level person.

If someone is reporting a demonstrable, reproducible bug with clear instructions and directions for you to follow, for your community driven mod, is too upsetting or hard for you. Perhaps the internet isn’t for you :)
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I mean it doesn’t work out the box perfectly though does it, because there is literally a list of issues of the current build (listed by you) so let’s agree that it works, but with some issues. But there are also some issues noted by yourself, others that are being fixed in the next version! So...!

The only issue I am experiencing (following the instructions EXACTLY) is the following.

When I install sol and the recommended version of the shaders patch, and select a car (especially the NISSAN GT3) and take it to a track at the evening (sunset) all is fine, except headlights are essentially useless. I can post screenshots of this for you, and you will see they do very little. Take a screen shot of the interior dashcam and you will see the dashboard is lit correctly.

However, if I the. update the shaders patch to the most recent version (as described in the instructions) the interior of the car is badly lit/shaded, the dashboard looks like it’s not shaded at all and is evenly lit when it shouldn’t be. It’s not affect by its surroundings lught.
No other changes made, just click update form recommended to most recent.

It takes 2 seconds and you can recreate this yourself. If you spent less time being absurd I’ve and more time testing you might improve your mod!

Again, I don’t know why you don’t just test this bug report instead of ad hominem childish abuse assuming it’s user error!

There’s no need to be a such a low level person.

If someone reporting a demonstrable, reproducible bug with clear instructions and directions for you to follow, for your community driven mod, is too upsetting or hard for you. Perhaps the internet isn’t for you :)



Here there are the headlights at different times. In my eyes they are working right.

AGAIN, all of your reported things is no part of the Sol Mod, but part of the shader patch. You should try to get help on the discord server:

But i should warn you! With your expectation of your own courtesy, you will get a great feedback there.

AND one other thing. It´s not "mine community driven mod". Its a community driven mod pack which called "Custom Shader Patch", with many sub mods. Sol is just one little piece of the whole thing.
And to say it with your own words: The community gets headaches from messy people like you!
Peter did you read the instructions?
I said the headlights are working fine on V140?

You literally tested something I agree works fine :)

I said the lighters didn’t work well on recommend version (49) you clearly didn’t read or follow the instructions I wrote clearly above :)

So which one of these images that I have posted is correct Peter?

As you can see the dash is a mess in 2 of them! There is a bug here!

The ONLY change to this screenshots is shader patch version!

One has the recommended install version of sol and shader patch as describe by you!

The other has the recommended version which is installed by default!

So which one is right and which one is wrong!
I think it’s pretty clear!

Following YOUR instructions leads to the over bright dash! Whether that is because of shaders or not is irrelevant! You should advice people to use version 49 shaders as otherwise it will bork sol!

You were rude to me, didn’t test the issue, denied the issue discussed!

Then you Posted results for a test I said worked fine??
And also questioned my capabilities etc when you didn’t follow the instructions yourself :)

I mean that’s classically beautifully irony right there :)

I have a right to reply to abuse comments online, don’t grow stones at me if you don’t want them back! Speak to me with respect I’ll speak to you with respect, act like a child I’ll treat you like one!

I don’t give a **** about kids on discord! If they can’t see there is a bug and deny it, then the mod is worthless and progress is pointless if they won’t listen to bug reports!
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Peter did you read the instructions?
I said the headlights are working fine on V140?

You literally tested something I agree works fine :)

I said the lighters didn’t work well on recommend version (49) you clearly didn’t read or follow the instructions I wrote clearly above :)

So which one of these images that I have posted is correct Peter?

As you can see the dash is a mess in 2 of them! There is a bug here!

The ONLY change to this screenshots is shader patch version!

One has the recommended install version of sol and shader patch as describe by you!

The other has the recommended version which is installed by default!

So which one is right and which one is wrong!
I think it’s pretty clear!

Following YOUR instructions leads to the over bright dash! Whether that is because of shaders or not is irrelevant! You should advice people to use version 49 shaders as otherwise it will bork sol!

You were rude to me, didn’t test the issue, denied the issue discussed!

Then you Posted results for a test I said worked fine??
And also questioned my capabilities etc when you didn’t follow the instructions yourself :)

I mean that’s classically beautifully irony right there :)

I have a right to reply to abuse comments online, don’t grow stones at me if you don’t want them back! Speak to me with respect I’ll speak to you with respect, act like a child I’ll treat you like one!

I don’t give a **** about kids on discord! If they can’t see there is a bug and deny it, then the mod is worthless and progress is pointless if they won’t listen to bug reports!

I will not recommend shader patch 49, because the new version fixes much bugs and brings a big fps boost. For me the too bright Nissan Gtr3 dash is also with CSP v49. But its car specific. With other cars there is no problem. Its not caused by Sol, so if you be so kind, report it here:
I will not recommend shader patch 49, because the new version fixes much bugs and brings a big fps boost. For me the too bright Nissan Gtr3 dash is also with CSP v49. But its car specific. With other cars there is no problem. Its not caused by Sol, so if you be so kind, report it here:

So we agree the bug is there when SOL and CSP are used in their recommended form and using the recommended settings. Great!

But why did I have to endure insults to get where we are now?

I found a bug, I posted that there was an issue, I added screen shots, a demonstrable, repeatable method to recreate the bug and was met with insults!

I won’t go to the discord and report it, as I am uninstalling the app and leaving this particular community (SOL/Shaders not RD) as it’s just disgusting to be around such abhorrent blinkered and abusive users.

If you want to log the issue, that you have now confirmed yourself (by following my instructions) and can see that it is clearly reproducible for anyone, if you have a good relationship with the community and have verified it, they will likely be more welcoming to hear it from your rather than me, as you and your community seem to just want to attack those who are trying to help, by being constructively critical.

Feel free to log it yourself, because I want nothing more to do with a disgusting community that attacks those that try to assist with bug reports.

I’m very grateful that you tested it, and I’m very grateful that you proved my issue to be valid!

As you can see, had you only approached me with a more reasonable manner and not insulted me etc. We could have collaborated and I would continue to pin down the bug for/with you. Instead of insulting me and creating a hostile environment.

For what it’s worth, there is also a further issue but there is also a fix!

If you install SOL “manually”
Then install CSP p140!
Launch game
Then delete CSP p140!
Then Install CSP p49!
Launch game (it will be broken/incorrect)
Exit game
Reinstall SOL manually AGAIN (copy over again)
Relaunch game!

Perfect interior and perfect road texture (not over bright and now affected by shadows) however headlights are still very week!

Again, it’s worth mentioning that you know nothing about me, and to insult me when reporting a bug (that you now ironically actually verify as a bug, after insulting me and saying it works perfectly and that there was no bug) is not only a poor way to approach a support channel, it’s also a poor way to be in life!

It’s worth staying that I work in the IT sector and have done for around 40 years! I’m no fool and can copy and paste, and as you can see, on this occasion I was right again, proved you wrong and pointed out a flaw in the mod and in your approach.

I hope you don’t attack all new users to the mod like this, as it’s a real shame that I could have assisted with the bug testing but will now uninstall and leave this mess of a mod until an unspecified future date.
I'm getting a disco light effect on the grass on Nordschleife. I was using SOL 1.2.2 with shaders patch 1.25.74 but have just updated to SOL 1.2.3 with 1.25.139 and its shill doing it. It does the day or night, day time it looks more like its switch back and forth from brown to green grass.

try disabling Use Dynamic Ambient in the Lighting FX section of the Patch settings in CM
A solution is available in the custom shaders troubleshooting section of the AC Discord Channel.

Took a bit to find it but thanks. Fix below
leBluemYesterday at 2:54 AM
@skereee123 dl configs, unpack to "ac\extension": (green button Clone/dl)
if still does not work, move all files (not subdirs) from "ac\extension\config\tracks" to "ac\extension\config\tracks\loaded"

try disabling Use Dynamic Ambient in the Lighting FX section of the Patch settings in CM
Didn't help, but thanks
Personally I did another way and it worked.
As the "Loaded" folder is not present at the 1st install of the extension folders .... it's created when launching a track for the 1st time .... using the config of the "ac\extension\config\tracks".

I had a disco problem with Nordschleife trees.... I installed the new track config in "ac\extension\config\tracks" and deleted the Nordschleife config files in the "Loaded" folder.
After starting a new session ..... the problem was settled. ( as new files were created in the Loaded folder ).

EDIT: in fact, by caution of such problems, I mostly delete this "Loaded" folder first each time before installing the full new version of the tracks configs.
Surely the session start might take a bit more time at the 1st time the track is used ... but it's a good way of avoiding problems.
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So I installed Sol manually as latest version suggest, but any time I try to enter a track, it won't load. It doesn't matter if it is an original or mod track, it won't load. Any ideas of what am I doing wrong? I also updated the Custom Shadder patch in CM.
Probably another amateur hour question, but does the SOL version have anything to do with "sparks", or is that all up to the CSP?? Cause at some point, I had sparks.. But now, not so much.. :( Don't really want to start over if at all possible. Currently using SOL 1.2.3 CSP 140. Far as I can tell everything is fine, but sparks?
Its generation is CSP related, and it has changed in between patch versions. Just open assettocorsa\extension\config\particles_fx.ini, find [SPARKS_DEV] and under it delete "; hidden". You'll then have all spark options available under settings>csp>particles fx to tweak. On csp discord if you search for sparks, you'll surely find some alternative user configs.
Thanks AlleyViper!! I'll certainly give this a look!! I went back a couple days of posts on Discord (a few days ago) and saw a few mentions of sparks being reduced, but never found any solutions.. Thanks for the tip!!
Oh well, Sparks are "active" in the CM->settings->CSP->Particles FX.. Didn't see but (1) particles_fx.ini posted on the CSP Discord and its identical to mine.. Just wait and see if a newer CSP brings them back I guess.. :(
OT: @Mickstix Just a bit bellow a post with a particles_fx.ini there's a screen with a suggestion to set spawn rate to 30000, size mult to 2.5, brightness extra to 5, and spread mult. to 18.09 for more sparks (link). When searching it's better to use a more generic term like "sparks" and check for posts with screenshots. Most times users will respond with a settings screen instead of pasting a whole ini file.
Thanks for the help fellas!! Much appreciated! I'll give those settings a try! I ran a test and preview 74 definitely has sparks. Preview 140 I had to rewind the replay multiple times, but I saw "a" spark.. One! :D lol And sorry Peter, I know this isn't a SOL problem.. ;)

*Holy cow, they're back! Those settings worked for Preview 140! :D :thumbsup:
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Hi all
Spent portion of evening yesterday installing SOL and extras. Wow, what a mod, respect!
Still have a lot to go trough with menus etc, like to test it myself, but some info on 1.1 installation guide is a bit confusing. Anyone can help with this?
- page 7, "drive menu" it highlights to tick only "custom weather particles", why other 2 options should be disabled? to me the description of other 2 makes them desirable, why should be off?
- page 12 - light configs - according to manual I should only update files from "cars" and "track" but there is much more folders/files that you download in this zip file. Should those remain unchanged (do not copy&overwrite) or is it just older manual and nowadays all directories should be updated and all files overwritten?
- is it normal that rain is visible only from inside of the car? outside it is still dry and no wathersplashs etc... is that just graphic engine restriction?
- i didnt have "dwrite.dll" library in my AC folder, is that normal?

thanks again for the effort of all people making this mod possible, it transforms the game!
Hi all
Spent portion of evening yesterday installing SOL and extras. Wow, what a mod, respect!
Still have a lot to go trough with menus etc, like to test it myself, but some info on 1.1 installation guide is a bit confusing. Anyone can help with this?
- page 7, "drive menu" it highlights to tick only "custom weather particles", why other 2 options should be disabled? to me the description of other 2 makes them desirable, why should be off?
- page 12 - light configs - according to manual I should only update files from "cars" and "track" but there is much more folders/files that you download in this zip file. Should those remain unchanged (do not copy&overwrite) or is it just older manual and nowadays all directories should be updated and all files overwritten?
- is it normal that rain is visible only from inside of the car? outside it is still dry and no wathersplashs etc... is that just graphic engine restriction?
- i didnt have "dwrite.dll" library in my AC folder, is that normal?

thanks again for the effort of all people making this mod possible, it transforms the game!

- the other 2 option were for the older system. With weatherFX (a modul of Shader Patch) a complete new graphics system is present. Also PPFilter can be now used dynamically, which is done in the "sol custom configs". This is a script, which can be used by PPFilter modders.

- "track and car configs" are now downloaded automatically in CM. So just clean your "/extension/config/cars" and "/extension/config/tracks" folder. Then you set the autoload feature in CM - press the 3 dots menu button:

The same for cars.

For the VAO patches (this is a backed ambient shadow map), you can download them also automatically!

- For now rain is just a visual windscreen effect.

- There must be a "dwrite.dll", otherwise Shader Patch and Sol is not working.
AC root folder is where Steam places the game binaries (not the documents folder)
In the manual there is a describtion where to find it.

Update Shader Patch in the CM settings!:

Install Sol MANUALLY!
1. Open the Sol zip.
2. Go into the folder /MODS/Sol
3. Copy the folders apps, content, extension and system to AC root folder
4. Confirm overwriting existing files

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