rF2: More Cars (and Tracks?) Revealed for Upcoming 'Reiza DLC'

Paul Jeffrey

rF2 Reiza DLC Extra Content 4.jpg

Despite some delays the 'Reiza DLC' is still heading to rFactor 2, and the Brazilian developers have now revealed the extra bonus cars.. and potentially a track or two...

So now we know... kind of. When Reiza Studios, the Brazilian development team behind the exceptional Automobilista announced to the world they would be creating a DLC for rFactor 2, many fans were understandably delighted to see how those high achieving sim racing developers would fair when sending their content into the impressive rFactor 2 simulation.

At the time, Reiza confirmed they planned for four cars and two circuits as part of the new pack... however for various reasons that DLC has failed to materialise - with delays causing quite a few within the community to voice their frustration at having to wait for what is undeniably some exciting content.

Because Reiza are quite frankly exceptional people, to make up for the delays encountered with the new DLC they've made the really cool decision to throw in some free content by way of apology.. and now we know what that content is going to be - the Puma GTE and the excellent Puma P052..

So that bumps the new pack up to six cars and two circuits, but Reiza Studios haven't finished yet! According to the social media post that contained the new images, the developers have hinted that one (or maybe more) tracks will also be added into the pack as well! With the quality of content found in Automobilista, it will be very exciting to see what these extra pieces of sim racing goodness turn out like in rFactor 2.

Can you tell what the track is from these screenshots?

rF2 Reiza DLC Extra Content 1.jpg
rF2 Reiza DLC Extra Content 2.jpg
rF2 Reiza DLC Extra Content 3.jpg

Check out the initial 'Rezia DLC' content previews HERE.

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This kind of mindset we really need to get out of simracing. Sorry, I really can't let this go unchallenged Neil.

Do you know what actually gets things fixed ?
Number of sales is one form of feedback. If your stuff sells well then you may have less incentive to fix anything at all. High number of sales generate more profits and if that money goes back to development then of course it gives the developer more money to hire more people and commit to bigger projects. But it doesn't guarantee it.

Money spent on games in my opinion should be based on one thing. Is it worth the money now? If it is then buy it because it is a good deal and it is likely you'll get more of it later. If not then don't and maybe that sends a message you want something different. You are not entitled or guaranteed to get or affect anything ever really but you do get now what you buy now.

It is fine to buy products just to support a product or developer but you have to be careful with that as you are essentially buying into a dream which may not even be the same dream the developer has. You may get nothing at all. You buying all the dlc may make the dev think lets focus purely on dlc and not that the dlc money goes into making the base game better. And if you are willing to support the game no matter what then the developer don't really have any reason to change or do anything at all.
I see this as really positive news and cause for celebration and I really don't understand all the negativity in this thread.

It's pretty simple really if you take a step back and look at the bigger picture here and realize that Reiza is extremely overstretched and has taken on a whole lot more than they can handle, while under-delivering on their own self imposed promises.

The last dlc for AMS that is nearly 2 yrs late. Reiza 2016 that morphed into Reiza 17, and now likely wont see the light of day til the next decade. And this rF2 dlc that Reiza said was supposed to release in August of last year, before this new material system from S397 was even released which is what Reiza is claiming the delay is all about now.

Everyone knows the quality of the product that Reiza releases is top notch, but there comes a point where you need to hammer out what you have promised, finish it up and move on to whatever is coming next. Instead of taking on project after project with no real progress and not releasing anything. Perhaps if Reiza would have been better at communication in the past year, actually giving status updates instead of going radio silent, people would be a bit more forgiving now. But each update they post claims this stuff is right around the corner, when it clearly hasnt been anywhere near that yet.

Yes, we all know Reiza is the smallest sim-racing dev... so why take on so many projects would be my question then. That's just a recipe for disaster since they just dont have the manpower to crank this work out in a timely fashion.
When I first saw someone mentioning on here to completely port AMS over to RF2 I must admit I thought it was slightly ridiculous, but having read other comments and thought about it, Reiza content in VR????!!! BIG THUMBS UP! That would be an amazing idea it makes me sad that I can't get to sample AMS in VR, my sim-life would be complete! Back to RRRE for VR for me til then.
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...Reiza is extremely overstretched and has taken on a whole lot more than they can handle,
How do you know?

And this rF2 dlc that Reiza said was supposed to release in August of last year, before this new material system from S397 was even released which is what Reiza is claiming the delay is all about now.
No, initial delay was due to undisclosed events.

...but there comes a point where you need to hammer out what you have promised, finish it up and move on to whatever is coming next.

...people would be a bit more forgiving now.
Forgiving about what? Are you asking for refund? Are you not going to buy their future products because they are "late"? I hear this a lot in comments on various games. If I want something now, why wouldn't I want it in a year? Sure, maybe Reiza 20XX will be obsolete once it's out because we'll be playing rFactor3. So what?

so why take on so many projects would be my question then. That's just a recipe for disaster since they just dont have the manpower to crank this work out in a timely fashion.
Sure, maybe they run their studio badly and will go bankrupt tomorrow. So? It's their business and their money. What's it to you? Did you buy Reiza stock?
How do you know?

No, initial delay was due to undisclosed events.


Forgiving about what? Are you asking for refund? Are you not going to buy their future products because they are "late"? I hear this a lot in comments on various games. If I want something now, why wouldn't I want it in a year? Sure, maybe Reiza 20XX will be obsolete once it's out because we'll be playing rFactor3. So what?

Sure, maybe they run their studio badly and will go bankrupt tomorrow. So? It's their business and their money. What's it to you? Did you buy Reiza stock?

Glad I could pop your Race Dept comment cherry :)

How do you know?

Instead of explaining the painfully obvious, I'll instead ask you a counter-question.

What makes you think that a studio of ~5 people can handle creating a new game on a different game engine, finish dlc for their current game that is already nearly 2 yrs late, and finish dlc for another companies game after facing numerous delays?

Perhaps you are one of the few people that are okay with waiting another 5 yrs for all of that to happen.

What's it to you? Did you buy Reiza stock?

As one of the ~1500 people that bought into the crowdfunding campaign Reiza ran back in 2015 (and certainly still feel that I got my money's worth), I do have a unique perspective here I suppose. Some people do vividly remember all that Reiza/Renato mentioned back then, and all the things that have slipped away into years far down the road.

After seeing all the back-patting that the community does regarding Reiza though, perhaps I am one of the few that have become ready to move on, and have become discouraged seeing Reiza heinously lose their path.
Glad I could pop your Race Dept comment cherry :)

Instead of explaining the painfully obvious, I'll instead ask you a counter-question.

What makes you think that a studio of ~5 people can handle creating a new game on a different game engine, finish dlc for their current game that is already nearly 2 yrs late, and finish dlc for another companies game after facing numerous delays?

Perhaps you are one of the few people that are okay with waiting another 5 yrs for all of that to happen.

As one of the ~1500 people that bought into the crowdfunding campaign Reiza ran back in 2015 (and certainly still feel that I got my money's worth), I do have a unique perspective here I suppose. Some people do vividly remember all that Reiza/Renato mentioned back then, and all the things that have slipped away into years far down the road.

After seeing all the back-patting that the community does regarding Reiza though, perhaps I am one of the few that have become ready to move on, and have become discouraged seeing Reiza heinously lose their path.
I'm gonna offer an opinion here, but I'm not gonna word it as though I'm stating facts - that would be wrong (IMO). Seems to me that it's very easy to go on a forum and pick holes in something. I'm guessing that it's way more difficult , to do something well. Reading your comments, I get the impression that you think you know where Reiza are going wrong... maybe they should employ you?
Personally, I do find it disappointing, when a sim racing project of some kind is announced and then subsequently delayed. I don't feel justified in, or motivated to vent my frustration by posting negative and critical complaints on a forum though (takes all sorts though, I get that). I'm all for public debate, in all issues - I think it's healthy - but I believe that this should be done responsibly. It's my considered opinion, that there are individuals who lurk in these forums, waiting for a chance to pour scorn on something (Maybe not you Nate). The impression I get, is that they derive pleasure (or similar) from point scoring, or they try to look clever, by pointing out what they perceive to be mistakes of sim developers.
If the team at Reiza is as small as you say (I have no idea), then a new sim on a new platform does indeed sound like a mammoth task. Did it not cross your mind that funding may have become an issue? I believe they resorted to crowd funding last time? Perhaps they are reluctant to go down that path again? Other developer(s) have chosen to seek financial backing from big business. One would imagine that the financial backers would want a say in the business model? Maybe Reiza don't fancy that? I don't pretend to know. We do know however, that other sim development paths have met twists and turns in the road, which inevitably lead to delays. It seems to be in the nature of sim development. No surprises there.
You say that you got your moneys worth out of AMS? So why do you feel the need to berate them so strongly in public, for not delivering a new sim, on a new platform, in a time scale that you personally find acceptable. Like you said, you've had your moneys worth, I don't see how they owe you anything.
I really hope this DLC does come very soon, so that we can all move on and stop complaining and enjoy our sim racing. :thumbsup:
Perhaps you are one of the few people that are okay with waiting another 5 yrs for all of that to happen.
After seeing all the back-patting that the community does regarding Reiza though, perhaps I am one of the few that have become ready to move on, and have become discouraged seeing Reiza heinously lose their path.

No, i'd want to see rF2 pack and Reiza 20XX out tomorrow. Is there something I can do about it? Are you trying to pressure them into working faster?

I don't want anyone to pat Reiza on their backs. This situation is ridiculous, and they put themselves in it. But you should know that apparently a lot has changed since rF2 pack was announced.

You're ready to move on? From what? It really sounds like you're complaining for the sake of complaining...
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Personally, I do find it disappointing, when a sim racing project of some kind is announced and then subsequently delayed. I don't feel justified in, or motivated to vent my frustration by posting negative and critical complaints on a forum though (takes all sorts though, I get that). I'm all for public debate, in all issues - I think it's healthy - but I believe that this should be done responsibly. It's my considered opinion, that there are individuals who lurk in these forums, waiting for a chance to pour scorn on something (Maybe not you Nate). The impression I get, is that they derive pleasure (or similar) from point scoring, or they try to look clever, by pointing out what they perceive to be mistakes of sim developers.

This is a fair opinion, though I would disagree that legitimate criticism should be seen as deriving pleasure from pointing out mistakes.

Not everything should be a circle-jerk where only positive attitudes are shared. Though to be fair, RD does get the outrageous comment to the opposite extreme as you imply and bash things simply for the sake of bashing them. If my comments above sound like that, well... someone should take a step back and look at the truly inflammatory posts around here :p

You say that you got your moneys worth out of AMS? So why do you feel the need to berate them so strongly in public, for not delivering a new sim, on a new platform, in a time scale that you personally find acceptable. Like you said, you've had your moneys worth, I don't see how they owe you anything.
I really hope this DLC does come very soon, so that we can all move on and stop complaining and enjoy our sim racing. :thumbsup:

Sure I got my money's worth from AMS, since that is specifically what I helped fund. And with all the features and content that Reiza has released, it is quite a nice package.

That said, AMS is a game with roots in 2011, or 2007 if you want to go to it's extreme roots. It's dated. Reiza knows that which is why they talked about a new game releasing on a more modern engine. Development of Stock Car Extreme/AMS was not supposed to continue into 2019/2020.

I am still of the mindset that words matter. And you simply cannot get away with saying that something will be wrapped up by (X) date, and then 3 yrs later say, whoopsy, jk.

Need we forget that this rF2 dlc was going to solidly release 3 weeks into November after Renato made numerous posts about that? If it aint ready to go for whatever reason, dont use definitive language that says it will absolutely release by (X) date.

This isnt me berating them or bashing them for no reason. This is taking their words, and holding them accountable.

You're ready to move on? From what? It really sounds like you're complaining for the sake of complaining...

lol good day to you.

A bit off topic, but I wonder does S397 have an official office or do the 30 employees primarily work from home?

I doubt they have 30 full time employees. Kunos barely manages that, with a much larger budget.

'30 employees' probably consists of all the contractors that do 3d modelling, etc. Most sim-racing studios use contractors and include them in their employee count for whatever reason. The core team is likely much smaller than that number.
And this rF2 dlc that Reiza said was supposed to release in August of last year, before this new material system from S397 was even released which is what Reiza is claiming the delay is all about now.
But it's not up to Reiza to release the DLC, because Studio 397 is the gatekeeper to the rF2-store and if just anybody could sell DLCs in the store, i guess there would be a lot more available than today. They do the quality control and my guess is, they wanted more, if it's better graphics, new tyre-model, more content or all of it. With Imola on different layouts and the Puma cars there will be more meat in the DLC and i missed something like that before.
When it does finally come out, will it be top quality? I think yes, and that will be worth the wait. I have enough mediocre-quality cars and tracks in rF2 to fill a swimming pool. Very few top-notch ones, and most of them now require purchase from S397.
When it does finally come out, will it be top quality? I think yes, and that will be worth the wait. I have enough mediocre-quality cars and tracks in rF2 to fill a swimming pool. Very few top-notch ones, and most of them now require purchase from S397.
One of my main concerns is, lets say an RF2 update "breaks" the Reiza dlc. Given their track record, how long is it going to take them to fix it?
What is it about Reiza car design that makes the cars look so flat and lifeless? It's like the paint jobs are 'pasted' on rather than painted on. Anybody else notice that?

I like Reiza so don't go off the deep-end it's just something I've noticed and I would hope they'd improve upon for releasing cars to rF2.

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