HP Reverb G2 - User Experiences & Owner Impressions

Mr Latte

Reports are it may be launching in September 2020 which is earlier than some expected.
I'm seriously considering one of these having had a CV1 in the past and enjoyed VR

Finally, though with this device, now we have image quality that is very good for simulations. Also offering easy setup, superb audio, and nice controllers but all at a good price.

Steam HP Reverb G2
UK Pre-Orders

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  • Deleted member 197115

OC profile should have more aggressive fan curve. They also have XOC Bios that increases power limit, handy if you OC. Check EVGA forum.
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Update on my audio issues, I feel a bit daft as I eventually traced it to the main cable connection, seems like it needs checking every few days as it must slowly creep out with use. I've got unto the habit of checking it's fully seated when I start playing and everything is good.

I'm still going to try the Index but as I've optimised more games for my system I've become happier with the G2, hopefully steam will settle on a 100% resolution lower than it currently is (feels like a best guess at the moment) and I can get ACC how I'd like it.

I'm playing more iRacing and RRE at the moment, both of which run beautifully at 90hz.
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so steamvr`s update note from yesterday

Note: Some users with NVIDIA GPUs are experiencing dropped frames with SteamVR 1.15. If you encounter this issue on a 10xx or 20xx card, consider rolling back your GPU drivers to 446.14. This resolved the issue for many people.

i havent noticed much but when i ran frpvr yesterday i noticed hundreds of face dropped even when just in steam
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  • Deleted member 197115

Some idea for nose guard.
HTC Nose Rest + double sided tape.
Screenshot 2020-12-19 113309.jpg
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Discovered a lot of new things today, with the G2 and EVGA 3080 combo....

Well firstly had to switch my card to the OC/Extra fans BIOS, as it was sitting on 60 deg on idle!!
I run open case, so no case fans, never had a problem before, but I think this card needs constant airflow over the backplate. Now about 40deg idle, but all three fans are at 1000 rpm.

I was finally able to go into LA canyons in AC and drive around at night with 25 other cars (not all in my view), at 90 fps and 74% SS.

In skyrim VR, I discovered something great, if you set the SS to 100% you no longer need TAA, since SS is in fact SSAA, super sampling anti aliasing. Looks great and TAA off actually allows the 100% SS. Gpu was only 70-80% (55% in some places) and about 65-67 deg.

Oh also ran out of virtual memory in Skyrim VR, haven't seen that problem for years, must be the 3000x3000 frame buffers or something. paging file now set to 8GB.

I also received my VR cover odyssey velour cover (not +), and made it fit using that + 3x layers of double sided velcro I had. Wow, what a difference, much much more comfortable, seems lighter somehow and the FOV increase it huge. Now in cliff house I can see a rock on the left side I couldn't even see before, in the startup position.
Still blurry off centre though.
Thanks @Andrew_WOT for the info and ideas.

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I just received my G2. This is my first experience with VR, and after all the insane Youtube, etc., hype, the experience has been very disappointing.

Washed out colors, a very small sweet spot that I would never call "sweet" in the first place, dog-poor borders, cheap-feeling controllers, no eye-to-lens adjustment, and so on. (The headset at least felt decently made and light enough, with a decent fit.)

But the biggest disappointment by far is the software ... OMG, after three hours of cursing, fighting MS's garbage, trying to get Steam to play nice, I finally got one game to work. Others either failed to launch at all, or were stuck in an endless "up next" scenario (or even tried to play "flat" in a window in the headset). I'm probably doing a thing or two "wrong," but how can the most fundamental thing of all - getting something to work on your shiny new headset - be that hard?

In just one bit of utter software stupidity, for example, it seems many games insist on projecting your game to both the headset and your flat screen simultaneously, apparently with no obvious way of alternating or choosing. Steam even warns you about the performance penalty of this, but there's no offer of a fix. I've seen some comments on how a line could be inserted in some file somewhere to prevent that, but holy heck, what an obvious thing to build in as a simple choice. Where is it!? Oh, right, that's not an important lead to greater engagement with M.S., which of course that damnable cliff-house, etc., is all about. By "Mixed Reality," M.S. apparently means "we don't really know what this is for yet."

So running that one game that ran (Dirt Rally 2) was ... interesting. Horrible frame rates (on a 2080ti), but I assume that was largely because the game insisted on projecting to my flat screen too.

Yes, it was more "immersive," if you can ignore the visual shortcomings. But would I actually play it like that for more than a few minutes as a demo? Thus far, I think not, and even
"demos" are an aggravating waste of time until the software experience (like getting a game to actually run!) is improved. I expect my 55" OLED screen will see far, far more use. A screen that size is already quite "immersive," it's beautifully sharp and colorful, the frame rates are great at 4k and maxed-out quality, and best of all, the games actually work on it!

OK, so this is a rant. Maybe I'm all wet, I'll get past the software issues, and it will turn out to be a wonderful experience. Maybe. But so far, sadly, absolutely not.
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I just received my G2. This is my first experience with VR, and after all the insane Youtube, etc., hype, the experience has been very disappointing.

Washed out colors, a very small sweet spot that I would never call "sweet" in the first place, dog-poor borders, cheap-feeling controllers, no eye-to-lens adjustment, and so on. (The headset at least felt decently made and light enough, with a decent fit.)

But the biggest disappointment by far is the software ... OMG, after three hours of cursing, fighting MS's garbage, trying to get Steam to play nice, I finally got one game to work. Others either failed to launch at all, or were stuck in an endless "up next" scenario (or even tried to play "flat" in a window in the headset). I'm probably doing a thing or two "wrong," but how can the most fundamental thing of all - getting something to work on your shiny new headset - be that hard?

In just one bit of utter software stupidity, for example, it seems many games insist on projecting your game to both the headset and your flat screen simultaneously, apparently with no obvious way of alternating or choosing. Steam even warns you about the performance penalty of this, but there's no offer of a fix. I've seen some comments on how a line could be inserted in some file somewhere to prevent that, but holy heck, what an obvious thing to build in as a simple choice. Where is it!? Oh, right, that's not an important lead to greater engagement with M.S., which of course that damnable cliff-house, etc., is all about. By "Mixed Reality," M.S. apparently means "we don't really know what this is for yet."

So running that one game that ran (Dirt Rally 2) was ... interesting. Horrible frame rates (on a 2080ti), but I assume that was largely because the game insisted on projecting to my flat screen too.

Yes, it was more "immersive," if you can ignore the visual shortcomings. But would I actually play it like that for more than a few minutes as a demo? Thus far, I think not, and even
"demos" are an aggravating waste of time until the software experience (like getting a game to actually run!) is improved. I expect my 55" OLED screen will see far, far more use. A screen that size is already quite "immersive," it's beautifully sharp and colorful, and the frame rates are great at 4k and maxed-out quality.

OK, so this is a rant. Maybe I'm all wet, I'll get past the software issues, and it will turn out to be a wonderful experience. Maybe. But so far, sadly, absolutely not.

I've never had that many problems with Steam VR and WMR, the odd 10 minute hissy fit and reboot is about it. Have you installed "WMR for steam"? It's a small program available free on the steam store.

Many games let you choose the resolution of the screen mirror (and then let you window it).
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Sent my G2 back this week :( The breakout box (active cable) died after 5 days and neither the distributor nor HP could replace it.
I've had just about all HMDs since DK1 and only ever really been inetrested in racers..and this headset was worth the wait. I'll pick up another in the New Year when I can get one from HP or the official distributor, dealing with HP over warranty issues has made me too nervous to buy one from forums or Ebay.
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I just received my G2. This is my first experience with VR, and after all the insane Youtube, etc., hype, the experience has been very disappointing.

Washed out colors, a very small sweet spot that I would never call "sweet" in the first place, dog-poor borders, cheap-feeling controllers, no eye-to-lens adjustment, and so on. (The headset at least felt decently made and light enough, with a decent fit.)

But the biggest disappointment by far is the software ... OMG, after three hours of cursing, fighting MS's garbage, trying to get Steam to play nice, I finally got one game to work. Others either failed to launch at all, or were stuck in an endless "up next" scenario (or even tried to play "flat" in a window in the headset). I'm probably doing a thing or two "wrong," but how can the most fundamental thing of all - getting something to work on your shiny new headset - be that hard?

In just one bit of utter software stupidity, for example, it seems many games insist on projecting your game to both the headset and your flat screen simultaneously, apparently with no obvious way of alternating or choosing. Steam even warns you about the performance penalty of this, but there's no offer of a fix. I've seen some comments on how a line could be inserted in some file somewhere to prevent that, but holy heck, what an obvious thing to build in as a simple choice. Where is it!? Oh, right, that's not an important lead to greater engagement with M.S., which of course that damnable cliff-house, etc., is all about. By "Mixed Reality," M.S. apparently means "we don't really know what this is for yet."

So running that one game that ran (Dirt Rally 2) was ... interesting. Horrible frame rates (on a 2080ti), but I assume that was largely because the game insisted on projecting to my flat screen too.

Yes, it was more "immersive," if you can ignore the visual shortcomings. But would I actually play it like that for more than a few minutes as a demo? Thus far, I think not, and even
"demos" are an aggravating waste of time until the software experience (like getting a game to actually run!) is improved. I expect my 55" OLED screen will see far, far more use. A screen that size is already quite "immersive," it's beautifully sharp and colorful, the frame rates are great at 4k and maxed-out quality, and best of all, the games actually work on it!

OK, so this is a rant. Maybe I'm all wet, I'll get past the software issues, and it will turn out to be a wonderful experience. Maybe. But so far, sadly, absolutely not.

Dirt Rally 2 on a Reverb G2 will not run, at 70% resolution steam vr settings and medium graphics, at 90 fps on a rtx 3080.

Good sims to try are PC2, AMS2, AC and iRacing as all will run well at 80% resolution steam vr settings and medium graphics preset.

The sweetspot is difficult to get centred, it takes a bit of fiddling with and adjusting the headset to find the clearest view. It's so sharp, compared to other headsets, in the sweetspot that the parts outside look worse than they would in other headsets (IMHO).
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  • Deleted member 197115

Dirt Rally 2 on a Reverb G2 will not run, at 70% resolution steam vr settings and medium graphics, at 90 fps on a rtx 3080.
Are you using MSAA, with CMAA it works fine even on 1080Ti.
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  • Deleted member 197115

Sent my G2 back this week :( The breakout box (active cable) died after 5 days and neither the distributor nor HP could replace it.
You sure it actually died and wasn't just playing dead? :D
I know you already sent yours back but for the rest of the folks, if you see light disappear from the box try the following:
- Shut down PC
- Turn PC power off
- Hold power button for 30 seconds
- Turn power back one and start PC

That should revive it unless it's indeed RIP.
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I must say, after reading through the last 30 pages, I'm glad I stuck to my Rift S. It might not be as clear as a Reverb G2, but at least it works flawlessly, both in Steam VR or in Oculus.
I've decided to spend the money I was going to spend on the G2 on a set of Heusinkfeld Pedals, to replace my CS v3s.
Maybe I'll consider the G2 next year when they have gotten the bugs ironed out. Until then, I can live with the Rift S.
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  • Deleted member 197115

I must say, after reading through the last 30 pages, I'm glad I stuck to my Rift S. It might not be as clear as a Reverb G2, but at least it works flawlessly, both in Steam VR or in Oculus.
I've decided to spend the money I was going to spend on the G2 on a set of Heusinkfeld Pedals, to replace my CS v3s.
Maybe I'll consider the G2 next year when they have gotten the bugs ironed out. Until then, I can live with the Rift S.
VR in general is far from "working flawlessly", Oculus or anything else. There is always some learning curve especially when switching platforms.
Steam native (old HTC Vive and Index) are more straightforward as do not require additional 3rd party SDK like WMR and Oculus, but that's probably all the difference.
Setting something like Quest2 to work with PC is even more involving.
It's just the nature of the beast in the current state, I am afraid.
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I received a very interesting email from the UK distributor this evening. I've applied, and will see how it goes. I've no idea why they're offering cashback, but always happy to take something for nothing at Christmas.

Reverb G2 HP £50 Cashback
We apologise for all the delays, missed delivery dates and general confusion caused during the HP Reverb G2 Pre-order launch.

As a good will gesture HP is offering you £50 cashback which will be paid into the account of your choice. To receive the cashback, you must visit this page - xxx and complete the simple claim form.

You will need to provide a copy of your Invoice as proof of purchase. You can download a copy of your invoice from your account on our website
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I just received my G2. This is my first experience with VR, and after all the insane Youtube, etc., hype, the experience has been very disappointing.

Washed out colors, a very small sweet spot that I would never call "sweet" in the first place, dog-poor borders, cheap-feeling controllers, no eye-to-lens adjustment, and so on. (The headset at least felt decently made and light enough, with a decent fit.)

But the biggest disappointment by far is the software ... OMG, after three hours of cursing, fighting MS's garbage, trying to get Steam to play nice, I finally got one game to work. Others either failed to launch at all, or were stuck in an endless "up next" scenario (or even tried to play "flat" in a window in the headset). I'm probably doing a thing or two "wrong," but how can the most fundamental thing of all - getting something to work on your shiny new headset - be that hard?

In just one bit of utter software stupidity, for example, it seems many games insist on projecting your game to both the headset and your flat screen simultaneously, apparently with no obvious way of alternating or choosing. Steam even warns you about the performance penalty of this, but there's no offer of a fix. I've seen some comments on how a line could be inserted in some file somewhere to prevent that, but holy heck, what an obvious thing to build in as a simple choice. Where is it!? Oh, right, that's not an important lead to greater engagement with M.S., which of course that damnable cliff-house, etc., is all about. By "Mixed Reality," M.S. apparently means "we don't really know what this is for yet."

So running that one game that ran (Dirt Rally 2) was ... interesting. Horrible frame rates (on a 2080ti), but I assume that was largely because the game insisted on projecting to my flat screen too.

Yes, it was more "immersive," if you can ignore the visual shortcomings. But would I actually play it like that for more than a few minutes as a demo? Thus far, I think not, and even
"demos" are an aggravating waste of time until the software experience (like getting a game to actually run!) is improved. I expect my 55" OLED screen will see far, far more use. A screen that size is already quite "immersive," it's beautifully sharp and colorful, the frame rates are great at 4k and maxed-out quality, and best of all, the games actually work on it!

OK, so this is a rant. Maybe I'm all wet, I'll get past the software issues, and it will turn out to be a wonderful experience. Maybe. But so far, sadly, absolutely not.
I had never used VR before either and the G2 was my first headset. My initial dissapointment was similar in that it all felt so unfinished and experimental. I put it away after a few hours and gave up.
A day later I decided to try again as obviously you need to tinker to get this to work. Some of the settings you will see will contradict each other. After i managed to get the headset working well (thankyou Andrew wot) I was blown away, Its just so immersive. Even looking over your shoulder at your engine, wow.
It appears they all have their drawbacks but for sure try the suggested tweaks and i am sure you will change your mind (or not!)
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VR in general is far from "working flawlessly", Oculus or anything else. There is always some learning curve especially when switching platforms.
Steam native (old HTC Vive and Index) are more straightforward as do not require additional 3rd party SDK like WMR and Oculus, but that's probably all the difference.
Setting something like Quest2 to work with PC is even more involving.
It's just the nature of the beast in the current state, I am afraid.
I can only speak for me, my experience with the Rift S has been flawless, at least with rF2, AMS2, and R3E, which are the games I mainly play. PC2 and DR2 also work constantly well.
I've seen some people here have had a plug-and-play experience, but the vast majority have been having problems to some extent, sometimes a minor annoyance, and sometimes game- breaking.
VR is still a very young technology it's true, but I'm not prepared to drop nearly €700 to be allowed to operate as an unpaid beta tester for HP and WMR.
My last VR headset before the Rift S was an Acer WMR headset, and it was very buggy too. I think maybe the problem is with WMR and Steam VR not playing very well together, but why should that be my problem for nearly €700?
They should not have released the G2 in its present state, and that's a hard fact. It has cock-all to do with the current state of VR technology, it's just sloppy work, or as we say where I come from, taking the piss.
It should have been capable of running more or less out of the box on all systems that fulfill the hardware requirements stated by HP and WMR without having to tweak this and that, and modifying the visor so you can see acceptably etc etc.
For €700 it's a joke, how glad I am that they put the release date back a month here in Germany, so I had enough time to follow this thread for the past few weeks, otherwise I would've bought one for sure, and probably also be tearing my hair out like most people here.
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