You Should Give AMS 2 Another Try: Here’s Why

Image credit: Reiza Studios

Automobilista 2
has always suffered with issues with its engine. But with a recent update, the AMS 2 physics have seen large improvements. Here’s why the game deserves another chance.

Recently, Automobilista 2 received a sizeable update, bringing the simulator to version 1.4.8. Adding the Circuit de Barcelona Catalunya and a definitely-not-Indycar open wheeler to the game, the update has plenty to please the fans.

But, perhaps more exciting for those that have given the title a miss over recent months, are the numerous physics tweaks. A selection of cars, mostly of the single seater variety, have received major refreshes to their handling models. This list of racers is set to preview major updates coming to every car in version 1.5 of AMS 2.

Automobilista 2 Barcelona Catalunya.jpg

Barcelona joined AMS 2 in the latest update. Image credit: Reiza Studios

As the bulk of this new update acts as a preview to the huge changes coming in a few weeks’ time with version 1.5, this is the perfect opportunity to judge the title’s progress. With that in mind, let’s take a look at how the update impacts the game and why it’s worth giving AMS 2 another chance.

AMS 2 Update: What’s new?​

Work towards the 1.5 update for AMS 2 has been ongoing for several months. In fact, developer posts from the end of last year mentioned a flat-out push to improve that title’s handling. Prior to this push, the team would make changes bit by bit as part of each minor update. But last year, the team announced it would reserve physics updates for major game refreshes, such as the upcoming 1.5 version.

This particular update, version 1.4.8, is a preview to version 1.5, releasing within the next few weeks. With the physics changes, Reiza has reportedly focused on the way the SETA tyre model interacts with the ISI PMotor model. In fact, blending elements from the Madness engine and Automobilista 1‘s ISI engine has seemingly caused some conflicts.

Whilst tyre model improvements are a large part of version 1.5, they can’t be truly implemented until its full release. As a result, this is one change that won’t fully see the light of day for another few weeks.

Elsewhere, suspension spring rates and aerodynamic interactions are what feature most heavily in the newest version of the game. These are what aim to eliminate any of the strange losses of grip players may experience in higher downforce models. This is just one of the many complaints fans have about the title.

Popular Complaints​

The main complaint fans of the simulator have had since Automobilista 2‘s launch has been a fundamental disconnect with the road. The tyres never seemed to stick to the racing surface in previous iterations which led to a general lack of grip.

Additionally, with a Project Cars-esque softness to the suspension and chassis of each car, the front and rear axles seemed to have minds of their own. This felt most prominent and strangest in high downforce cars. Suddenly finding the rear end stepping out in long, high speed sweepers was always an odd feeling. But to then be able to hold a slide in a formula car was simply immersion-breaking.

Clearly then, Automobilista 2 was far from sim racing excellence, even in its most recent state. But the big question is whether the most recent update is cause for celebration or concern. In short, it’s a bit of both. Here’s why.

Does the Update Work?​

Among the cars featuring the new physics are several open wheel cars and a few prototypes. In each case, there is clearly a focus on the interaction between downforce and low-speed grip. In fact, all Formula Retro, Classic and USA models, the Formula Junior, Ultimate and Inter as well as the P1 cars now run on the updated handling model.

Jump in any of these cars and you will soon find some minor differences in handling. The obvious improvement has to be at higher speeds when downforce takes control. One can feel the car weight better under aerodynamic pressure and the strange slides are seemingly a thing of the past.


Formula USA cars got physics update in AMS 2. Image credit: Reiza Studios

The downside to the new AMS 2 update however is that the rear end still seems to wallow at lower speeds. The game still feels as if the rear end is on caster wheels. You can turn in to a corner and the front will grip as you’d expect. But the rear feels like it continues on the normal trajectory for longer than it should. The rear wheels seemingly don’t follow the front end as they would in real life.

This mind-bending disconnect isn’t helped by the tyres retaining their lack of overall feeling. Whereas slick tyres in real life – and most other simulators – feel rigid and stiff, AMS 2’s tyre model is still full of flex. Sure, some flexibility in the tyre carcass is realistic. But when it feels like the rim is losing its rubber, it doesn’t provide any sense of immersion.

Because of this exaggeration, one lacks any sort of feeling through the Force Feedback. The only positive is that now the game doesn’t kick downforce cars into extreme levels of oversteer at random moments, it doesn’t require quite as much rear end feeling to save said slides.

Whilst this may not sound particularly positive, it’s clear that changes are incoming. Furthermore, Reiza has said that game-wide improvements are inbound for version 1.5, set to release in another month or-so. These general refreshes will also have an impact on the tyre model, so we shall see how things feel by the end of July.

What do you make of the latest version of Automobilista 2? Tell us on Twitter at @OverTake_gg or in the comments down below!
About author
Angus Martin
Motorsport gets my blood pumping more than anything else. Be it physical or virtual, I'm down to bang doors.


But if VR was so important AMS2 would be the top sim today. Unique features are the recipes to attract people. I've seen the June update log AMS2 really a cow pot and persist in this direction. But in the other hand triple screen support is more important imho and most of the modern sim support it.
I would think triples are even more of a niche than VR. But without an accurate survey neither of us will ever know.
But if VR was so important AMS2 would be the top sim today. It's been a while that we saw ''No VR no buy'' still the concerned sims became commercial successes. Unique features are the recipes to attract people. I've seen the June update log AMS2 is really a cow pot and persist in this direction. But in the other hand triple screen support is more important imho and most of the modern sim support it.
Neither VR or triple screen support is going to have any meaningful impact on sales.

The Race Department ecosystem is in no way shape or form reflective of the wider market, and any game that only exists within this realm will never sell in any large numbers.

If they want sales they are better off ignoring all our wants and needs and just designing games for gamepads and standard screens.
If you were on the fence about how cars handle, this update may turn you into an avid AMS2 fan. The updated cars are good.

If you hate the way the cars drive, I seriously doubt this will sway you in the slightest. The handling has def improved but it isn't a massive overhaul so temper expectations.

It is what it us guys. I think the handling is really solid in the updated cars but imo there is still too much grip, but not so much it wrecks immersion. It is a really fun game that I think can be enjoyed whether you think it is a sim or not.

It was good to see that Reiza indicated support for the foreseeable future and this will be a solid title although it is troubling to read that they still lack the skillset to correct the multiplayer. I would be disappointed if Reiza fail to mention the robust career mode they have promised in their pt2 June update as I am sure many are interested. With Lemans coming and more endurance cars, you would absolutely expect more career, mid game save, driver swap type enhancements coming.
Grand Prix 3 (published in 2000) and GP4 has a good weather system yet still has mid-race saves.
Assetto Corsa Competizione also has weather and has saves.
I'm a Delphi/Java programmer and write complex programs.
the screenshot is a program I wrote completely by myself in Java (a Traditional Catholic Church Calendar with interface in Latin) you can trust my programming skills.
Post of the day!
So please show Reiza your Excel sheet and they surely will hire you.
Post of the day!
So please show Reiza your Excel sheet and they surely will hire you.
We definitely need a Traditional Catholic Church Calendar in the game. I'm sure those skills are directly transferable to game engine development.
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AMS2 is not bad.
Good graphics, simple weather system, great vehicle and track selection and I think a good VR implementation.
All my personal opinion
There is something for everybody.
Only no one has been able to explain to me, even from the official side, why I have crashes.
The game simply freezes when selecting a vehicle or route. Today I can drive on circuit X, tomorrow not.
The same with the cars. Steam integration check, new drivers. reinstallation. Nothing helps.
You always get the same blah blah stuff.
Do you have new drivers (how new should they be please?), integration check, new installation, load a different track.
I'm always excited about these cave dweller tips.
I'm not sitting in front of a console with a crashed croissant where Smarties are the buttons.
The so-called gamepad.
I can get BladeRunner, X-Wing Alliance in VR or Grand Prix Legends to run. Without any problem.
Even my warthog system incl. pendular Rudder is recognized and supported by X-Wing Alliance.
So I don't touch AMS2 anymore.
And yes, I own all the DLC's Too bad actually.
So all I have left is AC with SOL, CSP and hundreds better thousands of mods.
My computer system is not an exotic system. Good middle class I would say.
I7 10th Gen., 3070ti, 32 GB, Win 10, Piko4.
Maybe a reader has an idea.

Have a nice sunny day.
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We definitely need a Traditional Catholic Church Calendar in the game. I'm sure those skills are directly transferable to game engine development.
why such sarcastism? I have also written a board game with AI in Delphi. AI for Half life TFC mod in C. but compared to Church Calendar, they're the simpler ones.
IMHO they made a bad decision changing the game engine for AMS2. The old engine wasn't visually impressive, but Reiza had more than a decade of experience tweaking it. With Madness engine they started learning from zero, and it'll take a lot of time till handling feels something like AMS1 (if it's ever possible). At least the people who were constantly whining about the lack of VR and next-gen graphics in AMS1 should be happy now.
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For people that say that the people that are criticizing AMS2 didn't spend decent amount of time with the sim to know what it has under the hood...are misinformed. Lot of early adopters lost proximity with the sim because it didn't became what they expected if AMS1 is taken as a starting point. The effort is really here and Reiza really deserve credit for their hard work. The community gave lot of chances to AMS2. Every big update was advertised like the ultimate one but still we are here saying "it's the one". Even Racedepartment gave a lot of chance and tolerance toward the sim compared to the other which get spicy article few days after release if they were not ok. AMS2 also got a fair amount of articles here about it, etc. But the fact that we are still debating about some basic driving and handling features 3 years later is really raising concern. For example , you see how the Forza 8 early presentations show features that already make it unique even before release. Another example is the Rennsport early presentations that shows that it has some arguments. An another example is GT Legends that shows some never seen features that make it unique...But what AMS2 have ? Even if the physic is fixed, we are still wondering what the sim has as unique feature. AMS2 is now a decent sim compared on what it was before but the real question is will it handle the competition starting from this year?
Real weather is the unique feature of AMS2, but, there is no time syncronization of time zones and user time zone like Flight Simulator does with real METAR weather.

The historic weather in AMS2 data if mostly correct. I checked that with a lot of european tracks and hot or cold weather records and extreme weather incidents by a specific date and day time.
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IMHO they made a bad decision changing the game engine for AMS2. The old engine wasn't visually impressive, but Reiza had more than a decade of experience tweaking it. With Madness engine they started learning from zero, and it'll take a lot of time till handling feels something like AMS1 (if it's ever possible). At least the people who were constantly whining about the lack of VR and next-gen graphics in AMS1 should be happy now.
Yes, Reiza may have had problems with the Madness engine in the beginning but by now you can see that the hard work and time invested in optimizing this engine is worth it. Would this have worked with the ancient ISI engine? I have my doubts. AMS 1 was a great sim but the engine is not really sustainable anymore. Reiza obviously also tried with the Rfactor 2 engine but then apparently had to realize that it is not necessarily easy. So develop an engine yourself? Also too much work, especially for a small development team. So that leaves the Madness Engine, which has great potential but was implemented very sloppily by SMS in PCars 1 + 2. Reiza is now ironing that out over time. It is a slow but steady way.
AMS 1 was a great sim but the engine is not really sustainable anymore.
AMS1 is the greatest sim of all time, in terms of the raw driving feel.
It will never be obsolete.
With the VR mod from CrewChief, I don't have any reason to fire up any other sim, ever again.
No other sim gives me that kind of pure connection with the car and the road.
The image is crisp and the colors are natural.
No UNREAL crap and pp filtering bs.
The sound is great, the AI is top-notch.
You are all free to disagree, but if you ask me, AMS1 is the "one ring to rule them all".
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AMS2 is not bad.
Good graphics, simple weather system, great vehicle and track selection and I think a good VR implementation.
All my personal opinion
There is something for everybody.
Only no one has been able to explain to me, even from the official side, why I have crashes.
The game simply freezes when selecting a vehicle or route. Today I can drive on circuit X, tomorrow not.
The same with the cars. Steam integration check, new drivers. reinstallation. Nothing helps.
You always get the same blah blah stuff.
Do you have new drivers (how new should they be please?), integration check, new installation, load a different track.
I'm always excited about these cave dweller tips.
I'm not sitting in front of a console with a crashed croissant where Smarties are the buttons.
The so-called gamepad.
I can get BladeRunner, X-Wing Alliance in VR or Grand Prix Legends to run. Without any problem.
Even my warthog system incl. pendular Rudder is recognized and supported by X-Wing Alliance.
So I don't touch AMS2 anymore.
And yes, I own all the DLC's Too bad actually.
So all I have left is AC with SOL, CSP and hundreds better thousands of mods.
My computer system is not an exotic system. Good middle class I would say.
I7 10th Gen., 3070ti, 32 GB, Win 10, Piko4.
Maybe a reader has an idea.

Have a nice sunny day.
Sure you have a hardware or software conflict, you need to check the various logs of your system and resolve. Use FullEventLogView or a similar program to find out exactly what happens when AMS2 crash.
your 27 years old game did not support live track and a weather system.
The parameters used there seem to be too complex to be stored and later reinitialised.
Or its simply not forseen in the engine.
Its the same reason why its not possible to jump through replays.

If you are one of the best programmers in the world, who say its easy to fix, i suggest to hire for a job at Reiza ;)
If not, try to learn about developing complex software, do more recherche, but stop spreading nonsens :p
no brainer for me. its wierd that back in the days games were much more versatile
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Real weather is the unique feature of AMS2, but, there is no time syncronization of time zones and user time zone like Flight Simulator does with real METAR weather.

The historic weather in AMS2 data if mostly correct. I checked that with a lot of european tracks and hot or cold weather records and extreme weather incidents by a specific date and day time.
We should not compare a modded sim with a vanilla one, but whatever we say Assetto Corsa is now deeply linked to AC Content Manager. The second life of the sim which is bigger than the first one under Kunos is linked to CM and CSP. From there as I use the live weather very often I can tell you that AC has a live weather system which as lot of customization. It's is pretty accurate with real time synchronisation. I've took the time too compare the weather during real world races. So technically it's not an AMS2 exclusive feature.
iRacing is 'no mod', it is much more expensive (a lot) but it is the most popular in the world. Your opinion doesn't make sense, really...
I'm curious to see the data showing that Iracing is the most popular sim in the world. That doesn't count as an argument but me for example I've bought all the existing sim and DLC but i'm not interested in Iracing at all... If we look a steam stat and various numbers Assetto Corsa is the most popular one which is boosted by the modding ecosystem. The only one above it is not a full racing sim Beam NG but still the success of it is due to it's modding ecosystem also. An another example Rennsport has not been release yet but once they shared mod support teasing the whole community got excited.
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I'm curious to see the data showing that Iracing is the most popular sim in the world. That doesn't count as an argument but me for example I've bought all the existing sim and DLC but i'm not interested in Iracing at all... If we look a steam stat and various numbers Assetto Corsa is the most popular one which is boosted by the modding ecosystem. The only one above it is not a full racing sim Beam NG but still the success of it is due to it's modding ecosystem also. An another example Rennsport has not been release yet but once they shared mod support teasing the whole community got excited.
You just had to look for yourself...
Sure you have a hardware or software conflict, you need to check the various logs of your system and resolve. Use FullEventLogView or a similar program to find out exactly what happens when AMS2 crash.
Thank you for that suggestion.
This is without exaggeration a tip to at least narrow down the problem.
I will try that.
The latest development update released yesterday has some very exciting news. The big one is that Le Mans is coming to the sim later this year. It was rumored for a very long time, but now it's official.

Reiza will add historical layouts (from the 70's and 90's). It seems like Reiza wants to focus on endurance racing, with Hypercars and LMP cars coming up and historical endurance cars also available eventually (most likely in 2024).
Well marketing wise its a great gap to fill. WEC is growing and no other game are doing it (guessing its because of licesnes?)

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Angus Martin
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