AMS 2: New Game Footage - Plenty of News in July Roadmap

Paul Jeffrey

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Reiza Studios have been teasing exciting sim racing news once again... with a nice comparison video thrown into the mix for good measure!

Anyone here ever heard of Automobilista 2? Yeah, I thought you might...

I did something I never really do yesterday, I announced an announcement for an upcoming announcement. Sounds silly doesn't it? Well to be honest with you, I was just so excited about the prospect of more AMS 2 news, I really, really wanted to put a little flag in the sand of the internet and give us all somewhere to go roast the marshmallows for a while and pass the time until said announcement wanders into the wild.

Well that time is now, so I'll step aside and hand over to Reiza Studios to share the latest happenings over in Brazil...


Hello everyone! We are back with another Dev Update to bring you the latest news about our active projects.

This has been another very busy month for the team, and possibly (hopefully!) the last in which we have worked in 3 different sims simultaneously (AMS1, rF2 & AMS2). It´s fair to say switching back and forth from engines doesn´t make things easy for the devs who are involved in all these fronts, so kudos to them for continuing to push hard in order to bring us up to the status I can now present to you :)

On rF2 there´s not much news yet as we´re still working on small update for the Bundle to fix a few remaining issues. This should not take long now.

For AMS1, we also didn´t quite make to release before the end of July as we had been aiming for, but August will surely see the release of Snetterton and Donington Park as final DLC items for Automobilista 1, along with a small patch for a few tweaks and minor bug fixes.

Both Snetterton and Donington have been modelled with the aid of LIDAR data and are along with the previously released brit tracks some of our most accurate models.

Here´s a preview of Snetterton in AMS1:

Reiza AMS1 Preview.jpg

The main focus remain of course in Automobilista 2 and things continue to come along strongly there too, with a bunch of fresh cars and tracks being brought up to spec for the new engine as you´ll see peppered through this Dev Update :)

Reiza AMS 2 Preview 2.jpg

AMS1 vs AMS2 - Ultima GTR @ Snetterton Comparison

We found ourselves in an unusual position the last couple of months as we developed the same content both for the old title (AMS1) and the new one (AMS2) at the same time, as both Snetterton and Donington Park are being released as DLC for AMS1 and will be part of the base game in AMS2. It made for some interesting back and forth, and we thought it was worth putting together a comparison video. Check it out:

Opinions may and will vary as they always do and obviously nothing from the AMS2 video is quite the finished article yet, but in any case we found it made for an interesting comparison. From a devs POV we left the experiment feeling both reassured that the old dog AMS1 was well put together and is still holding up, at the same time with confidence that AMS2 moves every front up a notch or three in the right direction and with lots of room for improvement still.

The most improved part is actually the physics as this is one of the cars that drive substantially better in AMS2, although you can´t see that in the video :)

It will take a few months still until you all can compare for yourselves but at least there will be some fresh AMS1 content to race with in this time!

Kyalami Grand Prix Circuit coming in AMS2!

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We are happy to be wrapping up a licensing deal with the historical Kyalami Grand Prix Circuit which will see the track featuring in multiple versions from its rich history as base game content in Automobilista 2.

The recently upgraded Kyalami is located in Johannesburg SA, it has hosted the South African Grand Prix several times from the 60s all the way to the 90s, and as a Grade 2 FIA certified track it is currently one of the few viable options for a future return of F1 to the african continent.

Kyalami will feature in Automobilista 2 release with its latest revision along with the sweeping, high speed historical 1976 version, with the 1992 version to be added post-release.

This is an exciting deal for us as not only it highlights our goals of expanding the horizons for Automobilista 2, but also from a sim perspective it adds an interesting challenge as the track is located over 1500m above sea level. In AMS1 we unfortunately didn´t get around to completing our thermodynamic model, but with AMS2 we luckily have that out of the box as part of the Madness engine so when racing in Kyalami players will have to contend with the extra challenge of a high altitude location and the resulting significant toll in engine and aerodynamic performance.

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Sprint Race also coming in AMS2

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Sprint Race is a new Brazilian series which we are excited to officially include in Automobilista 2.

Managed by ex driver Thiago Marques, the series offers a low budget entry point for new drivers and has remained a healthy popular series for several years now. It has recently made its first venture abroad for races in the USA.

Powered by a 260HP V6 engine with RWD, sequential 6-speed shifter and with a central driving position, this car serves as an excellent training tool for several types of racing and should be a perfect option for door-to-door action.

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A reminder that you can already pre-order Automobilista 2 through the AMS2 Early Backing Campaign. We´d like to thank everyone who already bought in, the extra revenue stream is most helpful and it´s being put to good use with some fresh licenses already secured and others already lined up. More information on this program and how to participate here.

If you are looking forward to Automobilista 2 but would rather wait for release, you may opt instead to add the game to your Steam wishlist via the AMS2 Steam Store page - Steam will then let you know as soon as it´s released.

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We got some more exciting news coming up but these we have to save for next month. Look forward to catching up again then, possibly a little earlier than usual :)

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Well folks, take a breath, have a relax and go enjoy that video again!

Automobilista 2 will release for PC December 2019.

For the latest Automobilista 2 news and discussions, head over to the AMS 2 sub forum here at RaceDepartment and get yourself involved in the conversation today!

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Yes, can't understand all this hate when we know so little for the moment (including Reiza I think!). They are well know for polishing everything, get the most of an engine, and try to have as much consistency among all the content (can't remember how many times they changed some track features and redid them all at once for example). Once again we can't expect the definitive perfect sim, there will always be some compromise to be done. But I enjoyed so much their past game that I have faith in Reiza. I'm happy to see the same feel for the surrounding, they are not trying to reinvent from zero.

Just worried for the Mini after all this time but maybe the Sprint Race serie will be a good replacement for close fun racing! :)

We might see less previews, that's what I would do now... But Renato has always been fantastic when keeping in touch with the community, I guess he will still find his way to keep us informed of the progresses! Keep it up! :thumbsup:
What backer level do you have to be to get it to your steam library once its finished? I backed but it was ages ago so i don’t remember anything. :p
You need to be a level 5 backer (or above), but you also need to claim your AMS2 key at the official forum. So you need to register there if you haven't, and will also need to link your steam and Indiegogo accounts following the instructions on this page:
You need to be a level 5 backer (or above), but you also need to claim your AMS2 key at the official forum. So you need to register there if you haven't, and will also need to link your steam and Indiegogo accounts following the instructions on this page:
ok thanks, I did back level3 says my forum acount over there... and now I linked also my steam account. So I do have a bit of an discount as level3 backer. I see.... thanks.
You need to be a level 5 backer (or above), but you also need to claim your AMS2 key at the official forum. So you need to register there if you haven't, and will also need to link your steam and Indiegogo accounts following the instructions on this page:

Thanks Alex, out of curiosity I followed you link and what do you know, I actually qualified for all the upcoming AMS2 goodies. Almost feels like cheating, but I guess that’s the benefit of being an early backer. Thanks Reiza!
.. welcome to the "Lets bash anything SMS touched!" forum. There's a looooong history why this is the case. Has nothing to do with the actual quality of the sim.

Also, I always find it funny how many bash the physics yet you still see so many of those same people having a great time playing it on streams with GamerMuscle. Go figure..

Still, pC2 _is_ very uneven in the quality department (not at all unique to just pC2, mind you.. look at Assetto Corsa.. or any other sim. iRacing has tons of cars that drive absolutely horrendously and require completely unrealistic setups to lay down fast times). pC2 has tons of annoying small and big bugs. Badly implemented multiplayer (oh it could have been sooooo good! :( ). The whole package had such massive potential that was never fully realized so part of the frustration is very understandable.

And this is where AMS2 comes to the rescue! Reiza are meticulous when it comes to attention to detail. They are also very much known for NOT stopping the development once the first version has been released. They iterate and improve very thoroughly. I feel like some of you guys don't remember where it all started (GSC) and how amazingly good AMS got over a long period of time. It was iterated upon over and over again.. thus it is so friggin good right now. I'm certain AMS2 will have the same good development cycle and we'll end up with an amazing sim!
Absolutely right. I mean, Project Cars has plenty of flaws and is by no means perfect. The inconsistency between content alone is ridiculous (though I must say Christaans ffb corrects some inconsistency duento adding two forces to the ffb that were left out. Depending on suspension geometry these can have a huge effect) add to that an engine braking system that is just crazy and an assortment of other bugs that can make the game either one of the best experiences ever or, a frustrating bad time!
However, judging by some reactions here, you would think project cars 2 is the embodiment of the anti-christ and will eat your children if left unchecked...

Anyway, Reiza did an amazing job in AMS. I played it yesterday for the first time in a while (on Holliday no VR here) using my trusty DFGT (first wheel I ever had) and two things, first of all, once everything is dialed in, damn is this game good! AMS2 which according to the devs is even better is going to be amazing! Secondly, how good value is the DFGT? I am now used to a TS-PC racer but damn is that small wheel good! Once I increased min force to 65% I could even get some self aligning torque! Damn. Thinking about writing a post about it!

Anyway, AMS is at the moment one of the best SIM racing experiences you can have. I think their formula cars are only matched by RSS studios offerings! AMS2 is going to be amazing if it already feels better than AMS1 already! Can't wait.
I think without a doubt the most controversial "sim" we've had in the last 10 years is Project Cars 2. Doesn't seem to be much middle ground with that game, most seem to either love it or completely hate it. This same controversy moving over to AMS2 was always going to happen and it will continue for a long time I fear.
RD specialist #1: PC2 physics stinks by default, but these custom FFB files fixed it all for me!
RD specialist #2: PC2 physics stinks and not even custom FFB files fixed it, but when I changed the camera it all made sense! Best game evah!
RD specialist #3: AMS physics are the best evah, AMS2 physics are **** and I blame it on the graphics! Too much PC2'ish for my liking....
RD specialist #4: I've tracked my $10.000 car this one time and therefore I know for a fact that PC2 is ****, therefore AMS2 is ****!
RD specialist #5: I track my $10.000 car once a month and PC2 is very much exactly like the real thing!

When are gonna admit these are all games and every single aspect of 'em are gonna get down to personal preference? People putting small sample videos of unfinished products under the microscope pretending they are physics specialists because they go over the speed limit on highways has got to be funny and infuriating at the same time for devs...

I feel for Reiza. Hope they can filter out constructive criticism from all this and don't compromise the next development updates because of it. I, for one, am loving the honesty and openness of these posts.
Well I think that most of the negativity stems from the fact that people can't believe Reiza is collaborating with SMS and probably just wanted them to put in the work on the new game and design their own engine not to keep tweaking someone elses.
Anyway, Reiza did an amazing job in AMS. I played it yesterday for the first time in a while (on Holliday no VR here) using my trusty DFGT (first wheel I ever had) and two things, first of all, once everything is dialed in, damn is this game good! AMS2 which according to the devs is even better is going to be amazing! Secondly, how good value is the DFGT? I am now used to a TS-PC racer but damn is that small wheel good! Once I increased min force to 65% I could even get some self aligning torque! Damn. Thinking about writing a post about it!

OT - warning.

We are on the same page with regard to the DFGT.

That’s a great steering wheel if you take into consideration price, functionality and the long list of supported titles. Like you I got a TS-PC, which I like a lot, especially with the peripherals and wheel options. However the old Logitech wheel is not going anywhere as long as it still functioning. It may sound like a coffee grinder having a hard time and it may not feel as solid as higher end wheels, its FFB is quite good, it is 900dgr capable, sports many convenient buttons and even a sequential stick shifter. It uses the old Logitech profiler, which is another strong point. The main reason however is legacy support, playing those titles that do not recognize the new TM wheel, of which there are more than I had expected, so retirement is just not an option!

I use the TM open wheel and R383, but I could not pass a good deal for a new TM28 - this matches the DFGT size and actually its lether(ette) feels better. So you might take a look at that one for the feel.
  • Deleted member 955978

OT - warning.

We are on the same page with regard to the DFGT.

That’s a great steering wheel if you take into consideration price, functionality and the long list of supported titles. Like you I got a TS-PC, which I like a lot, especially with the peripherals and wheel options. However the old Logitech wheel is not going anywhere as long as it still functioning. It may sound like a coffee grinder having a hard time and it may not feel as solid as higher end wheels, its FFB is quite good, it is 900dgr capable, sports many convenient buttons and even a sequential stick shifter. It uses the old Logitech profiler, which is another strong point. The main reason however is legacy support, playing those titles that do not recognize the new TM wheel, of which there are more than I had expected, so retirement is just not an option!

I use the TM open wheel and R383, but I could not pass a good deal for a new TM28 - this matches the DFGT size and actually its lether(ette) feels better. So you might take a look at that one for the feel.
I’m on an old Logitech DrivingForcePro I got from my father, as he had it laying around :), and with minforce at 68 it’s almost as enjoyable as his expensive Fanatec CSL. Well, not quite, but you know what I mean. It does the job.
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There are many months of development left, and knowing Reiza they'll continue to improve, add features and bug fix well after 1.0. Why write them off already? :thumbsdown:

Why write them off already?, because they are not using the ISI Motor Engine plain & simple.
The hope was that Reiza would use the rFactor 2 Engine, in turn this would help promote rFactor 2 even more, checkout the nasty comments coming from rFactor 2 supporters on Youtube towards this latest video and Reiza. Don't believe me, also checkout their profiles and what videos they upload to Youtube.
So as many have said here, it doesn't matter what Reiza now do, they will now get hate & negative comments from certain members of the community because of the Engine choice.

but looking at the AMS2 part instantly i think im looking at PC.

When watching various, GTR 1 & 2, Race 07 and its many Race 07 DLC, AMS 1, Stock Car Extreme, 2PEZ and Sim Raceways videos, I get the feeling I'm looking at rFactor 1 based engine games........You get the message. :sneaky:
  • Deleted member 955978

Why write them off already?, because they are not using the ISI Motor Engine plain & simple.
The hope was that Reiza would use the rFactor 2 Engine, in turn this would help promote rFactor 2 even more, checkout the nasty comments coming from rFactor 2 supporters on Youtube towards this latest video and Reiza. Don't believe me, also checkout their profiles and what videos they upload to Youtube.
So as many have said here, it doesn't matter what Reiza now do, they will now get hate & negative comments from certain members of the community because of the Engine choice.

When watching various, GTR 1 & 2, Race 07 and its many Race 07 DLC, AMS 1, Stock Car Extreme, 2PEZ and Sim Raceways videos, I get the feeling I'm looking at rFactor 1 based engine games........You get the message. :sneaky:
The madness engine is also ISI pMotor based. Not shure about the gMotor part, they might have skipped that. Maybe more knowledge peeps can comment on that.
The madness engine is also ISI pMotor based. Not shure about the gMotor part, they might have skipped that. Maybe more knowledge peeps can comment on that.

<Not aimed at You> I don't need to read pages of comments from various fan boys on how the Madness Engine is based on ISI Technology, It is not, maybe older revisions of the Madness Engine is, but the version used in Project CARS2 is not, Slightly Mad Studio has already confirmed that it isn't on some of their project CARS 2 promotional videos, only 1% of the drivetrain code remains ISI tech.

I would tend to believe them, Slightly Mad Studios, than some Enumbered filled individuals that like to think they are experts that post here on RD.
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  • Deleted member 955978

<Not aimed at You> I don't need to read pages of comments from various fan boys on how the Madness Engine is based on ISI Technology, It is not, maybe older revisions of the Madness Engine is, but the version used in Project CARS2 is not, Slightly Mad Studio has already confirmed that it isn't on some of their project CARS 2 promotional videos, only 1% of the drivetrain code remains ISI tech.

I would tend to believe them, Slightly Mad Studios, than some Enumbered filled individuals that like to think they are experts that post here on RD.
Raving on from you doesn’t change the fact, pCars DNA is pMotor!
Bang your head against a wall, if you wish...
Raving on from you doesn’t change the fact, pCars DNA is pMotor!
Bang your head against a wall, if you wish...

I'm not "Raving" on, you replied to my post claiming

"Maybe more knowledge peeps can comment on that."

No they can not, I already know the answer, there is no knowledgeable people here than the developer that actually created the Madness Engine, Slightly Mad Studios, has already confirmed that no ISI code is left only One percent of the drivetrain code was left over.
Don't reply to my comment if you don't like the answer, seems like you've already banged your head on a pebble dash wall, the days when every developer was snapping at the heels to use ISI tech are long gone.

Have a miserable Day.
So Black Lady, how do you think things go with coding?

Don't dare cross that racist bridge here with me, you don't even know what nationality or ethnic origin I am.
Stay on topic or don't reply to my comments.

If you change the core code to your liking, it’s your own IP?
No it isn’t, good girl.
Maybe you need a walk outside, and FEEL the real world again...
Just maybe.
You are Sixteen Years of age, I've been playing these racing sims, before you could count to Ten without the aid of a calculator, stay on topic and don't cross the "Get personal" bridge, you're a newly registered user on Race Department, and I can see you've already made a negative comment towards the founder/Owner of this site.

The topic is Automobilista 2, keep it that way and I'm sure we'll get on fine.
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