GTRevival: Straight4 Studios Reveals Early Gameplay Video

GTRevival Ferrari Interlagos.jpg
Whilst the community eagerly awaits WMD early access, Straight4 Studios has revealed video footage of early GTRevival gameplay. Check it out here.

Image credit: Straight 4 Studios

Ever since the project kicked off early this year, Ian Bell and the Straight4 Studios team have pointed towards a December 2023 Early Access in WMD stage. Well, it is now December and those awaiting the development are none the wiser.

However, it does appear that GTRevival is getting close to a playable version. This morning, Ian Bell took to X to post a link to a short, unlisted YouTube video. The footage shows gameplay of GTRevival as “Physics Guru” Doug Arnao takes a Ferrari 296 GT3 for a spin around Interlagos.

GTRevival Early Gameplay Footage​

A two-minute long video shows the S4S team member pounding laps around the circuit. A simplistic way of capturing the footage, the video is simply comes from behind the driver’s shoulder.

Whilst tricky to make out the smallest details, one does get a good view of the Ferrari’s interior as well as the in-game hud.

In his post, Bell admits that everything from physics to graphics are in an early stage of development. Furthermore, he points out that plenty of work will be made to the title. Additions will include head movement physics, audio tweaks and a whole lot more.

With that in mind, the title does already seem to feature in-depth audio. In fact, one can make out chassis and suspension creaking in this GTRevival gameplay video, akin to something one might hear in Assetto Corsa. Elsewhere, the graphics do look to be among those of modern sim racing titles.

As far as content goes, neither the Ferrari nor Interlagos are confirmed as being content in the final release. However, Ian Bell has previously pointed out to us that GT3 cars help the team to develop a physics engine comparable to other titles, also featuring the class. To find out more about the game’s content and other official news on GTRevival, make sure to check out our all-inclusive guide on the game.

Are you looking forward to GTRevival? Tell us on Twitter at @OverTake_gg or in the comments down below!
About author
Angus Martin
Motorsport gets my blood pumping more than anything else. Be it physical or virtual, I'm down to bang doors.


Yet the second most played sim has drawn a lot of criticism for its extremely high resources usage, for the absolutely horrible shadows underneath and around other cars, the traveling shadows, for the blurred objects as soon as they are not within the cockpit, for the horrible VR performance especially vs the resources required etc etc.
Not to speak about input lag.
To the point the second most played sim developer has dumped UE into the garbage bin. If they decided to do so, there must be a reason.
With UE engine it never feels like i'm in the loop of the physics.
Or the physics seem just out of the graphics loop.
Can't put my finger on it.
While the FPS tell me everything is perfect, still it's blurry here, objects pop from blurry to sharp, graphical hiccups here and there.
Just seems it's not made for highspeed motion.
Doing 50 meters or more per second, it always seems like im there before the LOD's wanted me to be there.

Hope they prove that UE5 can do better.
But you can't just magically process twice the amount of data without loosing perfomance somewhere compared to UE4.
And more than 90fps is the bare minimum for smooth competitive and VR simracing gameplay.
Compared many other games that do fine at 60fps.
So i doubt they can show the amount of detail UE5 was showing off in super detailed environment demo's.

Pcars 1 one actually was good fun, made some good money on it too.
So have nothing to complain about previous things mister Bell did.
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Duh.. it's made with a normal phone cam. Try getting not overexposed while filming a bright screen in a not so well lit room.
I agree, it looks to me like a fella sat to test/try part of the W.I.P widget and a mate whips his phone out and films a lap, that's why there are a few driving mistakes and the lighting is wrong, the FOV isn't what some want... it seems for all it's worth a spur of the moment capture.
Its deliberately bad so they don't have to explain any criticism of the product itself.
That actually looks very interesting. Never played GTA 5 with steering wheel but the new one looks intriguing.
You should, its quite fun GTA5 with a wheel and FFB (+ telemetry for the shakers and simwind:))

But once GTA6 is out in 2 years, ill give it another year for the mod scene to expand and well probably be able to drive it the same way. I use to live in Florida close to Miami its going to be a good trip down memory lane. Obviously the video is busting with animation all around for show, but the real gameplay wont have all of these bells & whistles, it definitively looks next gen and exciting.
I happened to work closely with ACC team as well,
I guess we know why denial is the main subject of all your posts then.

I talk about not only VR users, but also monitor users that do not have a 4090 super mega under duper to run the game. Even with best in class hardware, it's hard not to notice how the shadow behave under the cars, on fences, how they travel with you, the heavy LOD and in general the drop in quality and very blurry appearance of elements that are out of the cockpit.
Even worse if you run SP with rain etc.: you need to have a nuclear plant attached to your PC in order to have a decent result, not outstanding, decent (level of details, shadows, resolution drop very fast as soon as you don't have said nuclear plant).
As soon as you drive different sims for real for a good amount of time you will notice it.
The comparison with Madness Engine is just all in favor of ME: light on resources and the same quality on all the artifacts without blurry stuff in the distance.
And like I said, then there would be the long conversation on inputs lag that seems to affect all of the UE sims. Again, maybe most of the people will not be bothered because they endure this and more to be part of the most trendy sim in the market, but it is pretty visible.
The success of UE is in the savings it will allow to the developers not in the technical virtues and in facts you can see that all of the sims using it, suffer from common graphics issues.
Nobody says Kunos should not be proud of what the accomplished: the general "ACC package" is pretty good and successful even though I personally think it is more due to how well they went about involving influencers/streamers and the related heavy advertising rather than actual realism as they are trying to sell it, but this is another subject completely.
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Rennsport has been obviously not been using the technologies available in UE5, there's obviously a skill issue, and/or the devs went into this engine too early 1nd start to conceptualize their graphics with UE4 methods, and, most important, thks game hasn't been fully released. It's said to be in beta state, I would rather think it still in alpha. That's why it is not relevant at all. This game needs at least 5 years of development to be done right and gr1phics have to be reth8nk totally. Everything has been bad in this game on every aspect since the beginning of the public beta, how can we use that as a benchmark?

Just search real information about UE5 and its nanite technology and you will understand this LOD stuff is irrelevant, it's a thing from the past. If a game still use lods in UE5, the devs are not doing the things right and they have to learn more about the engine.

If it is just a placeholder waiting.for them to fully learn the technology (which is understandable, it's all new), that's fine. If they let the game in that state, it is just laziness, but at the end not related to UE5.

Maybe Epic should make some quality control about the products before they come out but that would require ressources (and the company is firing people currently) and more probably a barrier for devs who want to use the most advanced tool, and less time consuming o.e, even if they don't master it.

EDIT : and seriously, you post an argument using a 5 months old video of Rennsport??? That's laziness or dishonnest. I may be nor.supportive about that game but its current graphical state has nothing to do with that and has been, to my own surprise, vastly improved. All your post is just a proof of everything I stated in my previous post. I hope you'll get a bit curious about UE5, doing some research, instead if being dishonest, because there is no other word when trying to make a point with false information, you will gain much more from that.

Anyway, too much off topic and my point is I think clear, don't want a become toxic responding toxic comments. There are moderators for that and opinions should be ignored when they are based on proven false facts. The current plague in the current news pages. Why not RD making a full article about UE5 to put an end to all those sterile discussions? It is the hottest topic out there, xoming in every topic about any game with the least informed people speaking about it, primarly because they don't underand the simple concept of UE5 not being UE4 (no offense, just if people can't search information by themselves, better to puslidh some accurare ones here on RD to make them able to make a proprer opinion based on proper information and express themselves).
To be honest I have a beta key to RS and it's worse than reviews reported. Increasing quality to the mirrors from GP2 levels to normal brings the FPS down to 10 or less on a 2080 and with everything else as configured by RS upon installation. On an empty track with one car in daylight. Right now it is atrocious. Maybe it will improve (hopefully), but right now the benefits of UE5 are nowhere to be seen.
WRC has had and still has stutters, LODs etc.
To be honest I have a beta key to RS and it's worse than reviews reported. Increasing quality to the mirrors from GP2 levels to normal brings the FPS down to 10 or less on a 2080 and with everything else as configured by RS upon installation. On an empty track with one car in daylight. Right now it is atrocious. Maybe it will improve (hopefully), but right now the benefits of UE5 are nowhere to be seen.
WRC has had and still has stutters, LODs
To be honest I have a beta key to RS and it's worse than reviews reported. Increasing quality to the mirrors from GP2 levels to normal brings the FPS down to 10 or less on a 2080 and with everything else as configured by RS upon installation. On an empty track with one car in daylight. Right now it is atrocious. Maybe it will improve (hopefully), but right now the benefits of UE5 are nowhere to be seen.
WRC has had and still has stutters, LODs etc.
2080 is dated for sure depending on what you trying to drive as a monitor or VR headset.
I guess we know why denial is the main subject of all your posts then.

I talk about not only VR users, but also monitor users that do not have a 4090 super mega under duper to run the game. Even with best in class hardware, it's hard not to notice how the shadow behave under the cars, on fences, how they travel with you, the heavy LOD and in general the drop in quality and very blurry appearance of elements that are out of the cockpit.
Even worse if you run SP with rain etc.: you need to have a nuclear plant attached to your PC in order to have a decent result, not outstanding, decent (level of details, shadows, resolution drop very fast as soon as you don't have said nuclear plant).
As soon as you drive different sims for real for a good amount of time you will notice it.
The comparison with Madness Engine is just all in favor of ME: light on resources and the same quality on all the artifacts without blurry stuff in the distance.
And like I said, then there would be the long conversation on inputs lag that seems to affect all of the UE sims. Again, maybe most of the people will not be bothered because they endure this and more to be part of the most trendy sim in the market, but it is pretty visible.
The success of UE is in the savings it will allow to the developers not in the technical virtues and in facts you can see that all of the sims using it, suffer from common graphics issues.
Nobody says Kunos should not be proud of what the accomplished: the general "ACC package" is pretty good and successful even though I personally think it is more due to how well they went about involving influencers/streamers and the related heavy advertising rather than actual realism as they are trying to sell it, but this is another subject completely.
Denial, no, just honest opinion?
You list issues that were fixed long time ago, like shadows under cars, I don't know what you do with your 4090 super mega nuclear that you cannot run rain in SP, 3080Ti here with i9-9900K and I do 80-120fps all epic with shadows on high and DLAA. FPS in rain vary very little btw comparing to AMS2, low sun position in the evening with long shadow and glare has more impact.
Anyway, no reason to continue this useless debate, everyone sees what they want to see.
By your comments I can tell that it was a very long time since you actually played this title or have some serious bottleneck in your system to set it up properly, or may be have some other motives like whitewashing Madness crap.
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To be honest I have a beta key to RS and it's worse than reviews reported. Increasing quality to the mirrors from GP2 levels to normal brings the FPS down to 10 or less on a 2080 and with everything else as configured by RS upon installation. On an empty track with one car in daylight. Right now it is atrocious. Maybe it will improve (hopefully), but right now the benefits of UE5 are nowhere to be seen.
WRC has had and still has stutters, LODs etc.
No wonder you have issues, 2080 is a potato by today's standards. Stop blaming engines.
No wonder you have issues, 2080 is a potato by today's standards. Stop blaming engines.
LOL.. Sure, we got the message clearly. Unless you have a nuclear plant you are meant to shut up. Basically you are saying that unless you spend 1500 bucks every two years you have no right to play.
We get it loud and clear and there is little point to discuss any further with you.
I actually play both ACC and RS. The issues are present in both and very visible indeed.
Denial, no, just honest opinion?
You list issues that were fixed long time ago, like shadows under cars, I don't know what you do with your 4090 super mega nuclear that you cannot run rain in SP, 3080Ti here with i9-9900K and I do 80-120fps all epic with shadows on high and DLAA. FPS in rain vary very little btw comparing to AMS2, low sun position in the evening with long shadow and glare has more impact.
Anyway, no reason to continue this useless debate, everyone sees what they want to see.
By your comments I can tell that it was a very long time since you actually played this title or have some serious bottleneck in your system to set it up properly, or may be have some other motives like whitewashing Madness crap.
Not long at all. Few weeks since last playing ACC. Few days since playing RS.
Don't hate on better optimized systems like ME which will allow normal hardware to run them with far higher quality and res, perhaps tell your friends at Kunos to choose a different engine next time so that people get less issues with graphics and its quality and input lags. Should be easy since you are close to them, right?
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Basically you are saying that unless you spend 1500 bucks every two years you have no right to play.
Not necessarily, but you just need to accept what you are getting for the money, 2 gen old GPUs cannot keep up with most modern titles. You can play with the resolution, DLSS, image quality settings, but if you cannot hit all Ultra native res, speaking image quality is comparing apples to oranges, you just do not experience engine's best. That shouldn't be a surprise to you either.
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Not necessarily, but you just need to accept what you are getting for the money, 2 gen old GPUs cannot keep up with most modern titles. You can play with the resolution, DLSS, image quality settings, but if you cannot hit all Ultra native res, speaking image quality is comparing apples to oranges, you just do not experience engine's best. That shouldn't be a surprise to you either.
was using a 5700XT last year, and it ran most games without issues at 1440p or on an Oculus CV1. 2080 should still be equivalent to a mid range CPU, and I'd expect it to be able to run current games.
was using a 5700XT last year, and it ran most games without issues at 1440p or on an Oculus CV1. 2080 should still be equivalent to a mid range CPU, and I'd expect it to be able to run current games.
Should be, I'd say it depends. Test for the last 4 gens of NVidia GPUs at 1440p. Obviously there is a significant quantitative difference in the fps each gen can hit.
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Are you seriously anchoring your expectations on a 5 year old video card?
I'm not, I replaced my 1050 with my mates far better 1070 some months ago, I might have splash out on a better card for GTRevival though, however, before that happens I'll need to have a good play of it first to see if it's what I want,
LOL.. Sure, we got the message clearly. Unless you have a nuclear plant you are meant to shut up. Basically you are saying that unless you spend 1500 bucks every two years you have no right to play.
We get it loud and clear and there is little point to discuss any further with you.
I actually play both ACC and RS. The issues are present in both and very visible indeed.
Video gaming at the highest level is an expensive hobby .. sorry but yes brother, show the $$$.
You should, its quite fun GTA5 with a wheel and FFB (+ telemetry for the shakers and simwind:))

But once GTA6 is out in 2 years, ill give it another year for the mod scene to expand and well probably be able to drive it the same way. I use to live in Florida close to Miami its going to be a good trip down memory lane. Obviously the video is busting with animation all around for show, but the real gameplay wont have all of these bells & whistles, it definitively looks next gen and exciting.
In 2 years you need a PS5 or Xbox, the PC version comes at least a year later.
I'm not, I replaced my 1050 with my mates far better 1070 some months ago, I might have splash out on a better card for GTRevival though, however, before that happens I'll need to have a good play of it first to see if it's what I want,
You're joking right? 1050 upgraded to a 1070

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Angus Martin
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