F1 2013 Why i refused to buy F1 2011 to F1 2013 ...

F1 2013 The Game (Codemasters)
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Hawaiian Guy

Banned on request
Codemaster still have not learn their lessons after 4 goes at it making the same F1 that are no different to any releases.... want people like me to buy the game then let me be part of the game .. i want to feel as if i am racing in the game i want to earn money and buy expensive equipments for my cars as i go along in my racing career.

i want to be able to customize the way i look, i want to upload my photo into the driver profile so i can look like me in the game.

If you wont let me do that then good bye to you company man ... you dont deserve my money.

This sort of games is for people who want to race in a car they can never do in real life and to make it as close as possible for my fantasy to come close is to allow me to customize the game by adding myself into the driver seats .....

I want to be able to unlock parts that will improve my cars and earn money to purchase good parts to make my car better.

This is the reason why i only race in cockpit view mode because i want to be totally in the game as me racing against the F1 best drivers :) Let me be in the game and part of the game ...

The online races are a total disaster still ... after all these years ....

Still no Audio commentary during replay mode? Oh my lazy or just cant be bothered coding that in?

Got me once in 2010 but you wont get me ever again ... lucky for you company man there are thousands of talented people that modded this game to keep it alive. Without the modders your game and company would die just like Test Drive Unlimited 2 game and Atari.
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one word: iRacing. Sorry bro. F1 is too close to home. If CM is unable to deliver basic features we already had in F1 sims in 1991-2003 then it is an epic fail. I let them get away with it in 2010, but enough is enough. btw the immersion as living the life of a driver was more prevalent in the first release and this got washed out more and more over the years. We dont need a half assed classic mode. We need a PROPER career experience to have replay value. Period.

True. I agree that iRacing is a good alternative to what most expect from a racing game/sim or at least it presents the features most want to see/feel. Yet, we can't compare sims from ten years ago on the sole fact that the cost to generate an output (i.e. a game) is not the same today and those games were on completely different platforms ten or more years ago comparatively inferior to today's consoles.

We don't need to go back that far to even see the change in cost of production. I don't condone a less than proper game but at the same time I cannot ignore the reality of increasing costs involved to produce a product.

The gaming market is as open today as it was twenty years ago. Anyone can enter the market and make a game. My suggestion would be for those that complain of the quality of any game, enter the market and try making a game to see how easy it is. The fact is reality will eventually set in and they will realize that trying to cram every feature that every one wants is not technologically feasible and/or cost effective. We're all entitled to some expectation but that expectation should be fair. I think the other thing people tend to forget about is patents. Do we know if a certain feature in a game used in, let's say iRacing, is patented to where Codemasters can't use something remotely similar without getting pulled into a lawsuit? I doubt it and the cell phone industry is a good example of that.

I personally don't know the exact cost for CM or any other developer to make a game but I'm sure just to produce a half-decent game they go over their budget with the hope of sales making up for their over-spending.
My suggestion would be for those that complain of the quality of any game

So it's ok to spend your earnt money on games that do not deliver? They are a lot of people like me who do not have the luxury to throw away money :) i got 2 kids a wife and 2 dogs.

It's weird people think if you dont buy the game then you must be pirating .... it is like saying if you are single then you must either be a rapist, a pervert, or any other derogatives along that line :(
Making the game itself is not the problem. Dealing with the teams, drivers, fota, Bernie, FIA, sponsors etc is.

F1 is a very complicated license and expensive to maintain. I am sure at first in 2010 there were more lawyers or other legal people working on the game than actual developers.

I am with the OP though on some points and certainly feel the same as @Salut Gilles who summed up exactly how i feel when I look at the last four years. Lots of concerns since F1 2010, which I still rate the best one they made out of the series. They should've continued from there instead of taking away features every year.

Like Sony did I am sure that CM will throw a nice champagne party when the license expires.
I don't think thats a strategy but more a way to survive. The license for this series is freaking expensive and everybody that expected a full blown sim will always come out disappointed.

Sims don't sell to the masses and the masses are exactly what you need to earn back the investment of the license.

An official F1 game will never be a 100% simulation of the real thing as the majority of the gamers is unfortunately not interested in realism.
So it's ok to spend your earnt money on games that do not deliver? They are a lot of people like me who do not have the luxury to throw away money :) i got 2 kids a wife and 2 dogs.

It's weird people think if you dont buy the game then you must be pirating .... it is like saying if you are single then you must either be a rapist, a pervert, or any other derogatives along that line :(
So it's ok to spend your earnt money on games that do not deliver? They are a lot of people like me who do not have the luxury to throw away money :) i got 2 kids a wife and 2 dogs.

It's weird people think if you dont buy the game then you must be pirating .... it is like saying if you are single then you must either be a rapist, a pervert, or any other derogatives along that line :(

No, I'm not saying it's ok to spend your money on a half-baked product but it's a choice we all make one way or another. I'm not bashing you or anyone else that has made the choice to not invest in the game. Like you, I have family, work, school, etc but just as you feel, I love F1 and racing in general. Yet, I don't buy the game with the expectation of the game being perfect because it's not made with perfect technology. I think it's worth acknowledging there are things outside or beyond the developer's control to make a game that satisfies 100% of anyone remotely interested in buying such a game.

Much like politics, there is no single end-product with or without every feature possible known to man that will satisfy everyone. We could critique every detail and aspect of the game and we would eventually find a flaw or someone would. Another way to look at it is, if the game were considered more or less perfect containing all the features we desired, what incentive would there be to invest in any other game? More so, why would a company invest money into improving on something that has everything in it? There wouldn't be a developer around if they made a game that has nothing to improve upon.

The thing that frustrates me about games in general are the things in developer's control that could be corrected well before release if a little more attention was given or a little more testing performed. I feel that to be more of an inconvenience than the lack of certain features.
I don't think thats a strategy but more a way to survive. The license for this series is freaking expensive and everybody that expected a full blown sim will always come out disappointed.

Sims don't sell to the masses and the masses are exactly what you need to earn back the investment of the license.

An official F1 game will never be a 100% simulation of the real thing as the majority of the gamers is unfortunately not interested in realism.

The problem with this game is that since 2010 ,they have been selling the same thing again and again,no effort was made to make it more immersive ... just some very minimal changes !

F12012 was my first F1 game from codemasters,i was expecting some change with F1 2013 but quickly noticed that nothing changed from the previous title and it was disappointing. I actually felt like being trolled :D

F1 license should be given to guys like slightly mad (for example),they know how to make this kind of semi-simulation ... we just need something at the level NFS shift !
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I dont want perfect games didnt know there were such things .... i just want options like turning off that same boring animations ....

I had to press ENTER almost 10 times to get to the race it is so annoying .. give me the options of turning off the cartoon animations.

Give me options of earning money to make me feel as if i am actually achieving something.

Give me options to choose managers, tech team, pit crews, stuff like that .... get me involve let me be the driver not the player.

Let me have fan base let me have better sponsors ....

After 4 years of the same boring things did they really expect me to buy these games?
I dont want perfect games didnt know there were such things .... i just want options like turning off that same boring animations ....

I had to press ENTER almost 10 times to get to the race it is so annoying .. give me the options of turning off the cartoon animations.

Give me options of earning money to make me feel as if i am actually achieving something.

Give me options to choose managers, tech team, pit crews, stuff like that .... get me involve let me be the driver not the player.
Understandable. There are annoying little features for sure. On my old dfgt, my circle button stop functioning and without that button you can't do anything in the game because you always need to go back or exit some screen. There's no option to remap the buttons and I thought that was pretty annoying since the game is heavily dependent on that one button next to the X button. All in all, I agree more can be done to enhance the gaming experience. When that will happen, if ever, noone knows
True. I agree that iRacing is a good alternative to what most expect from a racing game/sim or at least it presents the features most want to see/feel. Yet, we can't compare sims from ten years ago on the sole fact that the cost to generate an output (i.e. a game) is not the same today and those games were on completely different platforms ten or more years ago comparatively inferior to today's consoles.

We don't need to go back that far to even see the change in cost of production. I don't condone a less than proper game but at the same time I cannot ignore the reality of increasing costs involved to produce a product.

The gaming market is as open today as it was twenty years ago. Anyone can enter the market and make a game. My suggestion would be for those that complain of the quality of any game, enter the market and try making a game to see how easy it is. The fact is reality will eventually set in and they will realize that trying to cram every feature that every one wants is not technologically feasible and/or cost effective. We're all entitled to some expectation but that expectation should be fair. I think the other thing people tend to forget about is patents. Do we know if a certain feature in a game used in, let's say iRacing, is patented to where Codemasters can't use something remotely similar without getting pulled into a lawsuit? I doubt it and the cell phone industry is a good example of that.

I personally don't know the exact cost for CM or any other developer to make a game but I'm sure just to produce a half-decent game they go over their budget with the hope of sales making up for their over-spending.
You actually made my case mate. Have LESS features but properly implemented. We don't need a season challenge if we have a working career mode, thought through and fun. We don't need a classic cars mode. That is something for an entirely different game. Which btw could cut cost. If CM would create a career oriented F1 game based on the nineties, do you really think the license would cost that much? I dont! Secondly old sims are compareable. And ignore consoles. I am talking about PC games and the GP series. Look, what it comes down to is coding and Codemasters are surely no masters at all. Geoff Crammond was and he was able to develop more depth and detail over ten years ago. Sorry mate, reality hurts. And no the game market is not open at all. It's dominated by publisher-monsters like EA and not developers anymore. This trend is ongoing since around 10+ years and it hurts the entire industry. Everything is created for fast-food consumption. It sucks!
I don't think thats a strategy but more a way to survive. The license for this series is freaking expensive and everybody that expected a full blown sim will always come out disappointed.

Sims don't sell to the masses and the masses are exactly what you need to earn back the investment of the license.

An official F1 game will never be a 100% simulation of the real thing as the majority of the gamers is unfortunately not interested in realism.

I completely disagree! Geoff Crammond's GP series shows CLEARLY that there IS a way. Anything else is either CM-fanboy talk or a defeatist attitude. Sorry.
The last straw for me was xbox games ported over to pc - how insulting.

I think microsoft have destroyed gaming and technology for good with kid box poor man's console 360.

We are supposed to have photorealistic 3d games by now but because of microsoft we got cartoon pretending to be photorealistic games instead.

It seems as if the devil didn't want us to have photorealistic games so he came back in time and invented the xbox 360 to end human's technology of photorealistic games.

What's hurting us are the people spending money on inferior gaming consoles and those people that kept paying for cartoon 3d cards that cant even draw a real circle after 50 years of computing.

When Microsoft is bankrupt we might have a chance of photorealistic games. Their Windows 8 is helping us putting a final nail into their coffin.

Fingers x hopefully gaming companies will stop trying to rip us off with inferior graphic games ported over from xbox.
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I completely disagree! Geoff Crammond's GP series shows CLEARLY that there IS a way. Anything else is either CM-fanboy talk or a defeatist attitude. Sorry.
Times have changed in the last 15 years. Apples and oranges almost.

Ask any developer if they want to build a f1 game and they will say yes. The moment they have to finalize their budgets, objectives, roi and workforce they will scream no.

Things have gotten too expensive unfortunately and I must give CM kudos for at least trying to make the best of it.

During the era of Geoff Crammond F1 wasn't the big money circus it is today and the gaming scene wasn't as complicated either.
They didn't just fail they saw $$$$ in their eyes all they had to do was write codes for xbox then port the rest over to pc for fast profit.

To use the COSTS is not a good enough excuse ... anyone could clearly see they only wanted fast profit. If they didnt' want fast profigt they would have coded this game entirely for pc. Then we would have something to purchase.

They are limited with their vision XBOX profit.
They are limited with their vision XBOX profit.

Actually if you wanted to be correct.....they would be limited with their PS3 vision, not XBOX.

PS3 version out sells the PC version by almost a 5 to 1 ratio, the XBOX version sells at almost a 4 to 1 ratio.

For this type of game/software it's plain to see where the main market is, and what they should be targeting as their main consumer base. This has never been or will ever be more than something to have a quick blast around with friends with. True sims, true immersion can be found elsewhere in the world of virtual racing.

Of course they see profit, they are a company making a product, you make products for a set type of consumer in the hope you gain profit. If as a company you never had a profit margin in mind, you'd be out of business pretty quick.

Yes they can improve certain aspects, but is this really what this game is about?

It's never been packaged or branded as a sim before release at any time, not a worthy one at least, and I think, with the exception of a few bugs that have been well documented in the past, it pretty much does what it says on the tin, and nothing more.

With an almost 9 to 1 ratio combined console versus PC sales figure, I can't see it being any different in the future either. They will write the code etc for their main target audience and will carry on doing so, can't see that changing.

Ask yourself this.....if the game was so truly awful, why are discussions like this still happening....4 titles in?

Say no more. I now realise why you are so upset. You play an inferior console version.

The PC version is much improved. Mods, as usual, make it so much better. But you only have yourself to blame and I have no sympathy with you or any other console gamer.

You, buying into the cheap and disposable console gaming world have almost destroyed the real sim. From Race sims to Combat flight sims, you have ruined it. Yes it's quite easy and simple to switch on your games console and play a simplified game isn't it? But you have without a doubt spoilt it for us real race sim enthusiasts. I know this to be true, as do many others. My son is a prime example. Once a PC enthusiast, but now addicted to xbox live and it's social experience.

But once again I say to you. If you haven'y actually purchased a version of this game since the 2010 version, you have no basis to moan or cry about anything.
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