Sounds - 4/5

The sound department did a good job. Honestly, I don't know what else to say.

Usually, some reviewers might tell you about the good, the bad and the ugly. In this case, frankly, I have nothing bad or ugly to say.

I like the engine sounds.

I like the co-driver voice actors.

The music on the menu is fine.

The only real problem here is that it doesn't feel outstanding. It's no audible satisfaction that might be delivered from a Hans Zimmer movie soundtrack. You don't get lost in the sounds. That's why I can't give it a full 5 stars.

It's good. But it's not extraordinary. Some might argue it fulfils its purpose to the fullest. A racing simulator is not meant to give you hearing pleasure. On the other hand, I say, cars can sound very enjoyable. Rally cars can too in real life. But I don't think KT Racing quite managed to capture the delightful sounds of 4 screaming cylinders.

It just didn't draw me in as it could've.
Next page: Options Menu - 2.5/5
Previous page: Graphics - 3.5/5