Interview: Reiza's Simioni on Automobilista v1.5, Upcoming Features & Development Processes

Automobilista 2 Renato Simioni Interview Mitsubishi Lancer RX.png
Automobilista 2 is getting the long-awaited v1.5 update very soon, promising to take another big step forward - "possibly the biggest we have taken so far", says Renato Simioni, the founder of developer Reiza Studios. RaceDepartment has sat down with the AMS2 Lead Developer to chat about the new update, the past and what is still to come. Read Renato's thoughts on...

Image credit: Reiza Studios

...Multiplayer Improvements​

"We have had some progress with multiplayer elements. We do regular multiplayer tests, but they are always in a controlled environment, with mostly the same people and on a server we know is reliable, so they tend to be better than what they average experience can be for other users. So we will not know how much of an impact they have until the update is out.

We have made some adjustments to the netcode prediction, and it is looking better during our tests. We can confidently say that it is a good improvement. I would not go as far as saying that we have everything at the level of the best sims in terms of multiplayer, but it’s a good step up.

We have some more options as well, such as the one to auto advance the session, which was a common complaint – people would often get stuck as the server was not advancing the session. Now, there is a mechanism that will automatically do that.

The chatbox will now be present in the results screen – this and other such quality-of-life improvements are part of the update. There is more we were working on for this release, like the extension of voting options, but they will not make it in time for v1.5. They are expected for the next update in a month or two.”

Automobilista 2 IndyCar Mod Indianapolis Road Course.jpg

Installing and maintaining mods in Automobilista 2 will be less cumbersome once update v1.5 is released - and even more possibilities are on the horizon.

...Improved Modding Support​

"It used to be really cumbersome as the engine was not really designed for modding. We are working on lifting some restrictions and limitations. The most important one was that you don’t have to install everything again with every update nor mess with bootfiles as there are dedicated user vehicle lists and driveline records – that’s already taken care of for 1.5, with some more resources planned for making car modding easier. Unfortunately for tracks we don’t foresee support being possible anytime soon.”

...Community Requests​

"There were four fronts people have been pointing out as the main areas in need of an upgrade, and these are the ones that we ended up focusing on for 1.5.
The Multiplayer, modding support, physics – I think we have a really big step up, I am really happy with what we have got now – and the fourth factor is AI.
The AI still has some issues, even with the updates we’re making now, but it’s another big improvement in terms of AI calibration both in dry and we weather, so you can keep things more consistent going from class to class and from track to track.
Up until recently, we were always chasing moving goal posts, because the physics were changing all the time. We didn’t have a consistent base to calibrate against, because you would change things, then the physics would change, and everything would be out of whack again with the AI.

We are in the process of redoing the AI lines for about 30 track layouts. There is more consistency for most classes, also with weather. Some series were good when it was dry, then it started to rain and they were too fast or too slow relative to the player. It ensures you get a quality race with every combination of car and track you pick, and whatever your skill level is.

More are to come, as we are talking about over 200 layouts and over 70 classes of cars in dry and wet weather, so the number of combinations is high. It is going to be a much higher standard of consistency, also for pit stops and tire strategy.

We also have spotter support. It is using the native assistant from Project CARS 2, but with our own voice material. It is not a full engineer, just a spotter, but it is already good value for having a native spotter system for oval racing, and even for Rallycross, it is important."

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Physics and the Development of v1.5
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About author
Yannik Haustein
Lifelong motorsport enthusiast and sim racing aficionado, walking racing history encyclopedia.

Sim racing editor, streamer and one half of the SimRacing Buddies podcast (warning, German!).

Heel & Toe Gang 4 life :D


Same thing was said on every other "Game Changing Update"
I hope it's true this time.
I wouldn't call it a game changer. It does eliminate a lot of the behaviors that people have been complaining about for THREE YEARS that made it feel arcadeish. All the cars I have tried are (my opinion solely) in a very believable state. The ai are solid and you can have good races with them.
The update is really good and ffb is even improved. Don't go in thinking this will change your life and you'll be very happy. There is nothing about it now that feels way off and a lot of fun can be had. This is a very solid title now.
AMS 2 fanboy convinced me to uninstall AMS 2 right away. bye bye AMS2, I have never seen a more toxic gaming community.
Call me a toxic fanboy, but thinking that the community of one sim is more toxic than others, or uninstalling the software for that... Or worse, blaming the developer for that as someone else did here... Well, perhaps I won't write what I think.

Good luck! We already noted you are here!
I wouldn't call it a game changer. It does eliminate a lot of the behaviors that people have been complaining about for THREE YEARS that made it feel arcadeish. All the cars I have tried are (my opinion solely) in a very believable state. The ai are solid and you can have good races with them.
The update is really good and ffb is even improved. Don't go in thinking this will change your life and you'll be very happy. There is nothing about it now that feels way off and a lot of fun can be had. This is a very solid title now.
Since you are pulling me out of the woodwork and the 100 + posts ahead of mine. I really hope you are right because if they screw this up... yeah I hope you are right.
These are just tremendous news. We should be.more confident than ever about AMS2's final quality.

Yes, haters and litlle girls, you won't have everything you personnally want in the next update. Unfortunately it is not going to AC hotlapping game, a F1 Challenge overspinning outdated game, or an ACC single caregory game.... And some of you need to be reminded that AMS2 had initially no modding feature at all ; but it is, ag1inst any expectation, going to officially support modded cars and, still, some are complaining.about the lack of tracks modding ssupport???

I personnally am very disappointed AMS2 not automatically flushing the toilets, I don't care it wasn't in the initial project Reiza, I want it so make it ; if not shame on you...
So they should only focus on Time Trial in AMS2?

Long races in AMS2 are just not worth jumping through the hoops to have the AI be believable... As you have to turn off almost all of the simulation elements including fuel and tyres...

They might get a few gains on the AI, but they will be limited by the proccessing power of the lowest recommended settings they are aiming at... Hence the cap at 40 liveries per class exists and 60 AI cars on track is not something they are aiming for either...

There will always be a cap as to how far the AI can be tuned and a lot of that will make the calculations for everything that is supposed to be the same as the player be calculated at a much slower rate than they already are...

A solid MP infrastructure is the only way for Reiza to open their doors to keeping new customers happy without having to overhaul nearly every other aspect of the sim to allow for the high needs that a more advanced AI physics model would require...
Reiza will have the data on who is using the game and how.

People tend to make a whole load of assumptions on what “everyone wants”.

Some people care about multiplayer (I couldn’t care less); Hotlapping (not for me), Long races against AI (would be great if I had the time) or shorter AI races 15 laps/30-40 minutes (99% of what I do).

So based on that where do you think I want the development effort to go?

I don’t think Reiza are looking to conquer the world with AMS2, but they are trying to make the best of what has probably been a pretty tough development road.
hahah justifications may be, cuz they dont find the success formula?
So, they dont want his title to be the best, are u telling that?
I would love to see this sim to be used more to have better ffb but its not the case and so many years has gone, but yeah if they want to get low numbers Congratulations Reiza you have reached the goal! Yeah! :D
A poor guy who spends his life writing to piss people off is a poor guy who just deserves pity.
Think about this holy maxim, draw conclusions and instead go enrich your life on other subjects where you can have fun bringing positive things to the lives of others, you have everything to gain. Good positive day.
Yes, some of them are more realistic than the OG content in AMS2. Especially the old school Ferrari and Porsche which have actual weight and weight transfer physics to them. Kinda vital for a racing sim don't you think?
Awesome. Then we should expect those mods to be even better after v1.5 arrives! :thumbsup:
Found a line in the patch notes for the new V1.5 build, that I thought was a hardcoded Madness engine issue that would never be fixed... But no... Reiza done gone solved it!
Camber is sorted! Well chuffed about this little/big change, Bravo!!!
Maybe AMS2 fans are getting tired of all these false prophets who feel the need to sell us their "opinion" in every AMS2 thread.
Or just tired of people that come here on AMS2 threads to take a sh....t talking nonsense, having not tried the sim in years.
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Reiza will have the data on who is using the game and how.

People tend to make a whole load of assumptions on what “everyone wants”.

Some people care about multiplayer (I couldn’t care less); Hotlapping (not for me), Long races against AI (would be great if I had the time) or shorter AI races 15 laps/30-40 minutes (99% of what I do).

So based on that where do you think I want the development effort to go?

I don’t think Reiza are looking to conquer the world with AMS2, but they are trying to make the best of what has probably been a pretty tough development road.

I tend to base my assumptions on this matter on the opinions of the majority of sim racers... I can enjoy both so I see both sides of the coin and would love a spiritual successor to Toca Touring Cars 3... But I also know that for a racing sim to be successful it has to cater to the majority...

Outside of a game with all the content for a popular series like F1 there's just not the interest for offline as there is online... It's why iRacing and AC could do so well without even bothering with a good AI set up... I know iRacing has it now but it didn't need it to become the top dog in sim racing and AC still draws huge numbers even with it's AI being a complete waste of time to most serious offline racers...

Your 15 lap or 30 minute races are still far too long to have the simulation settings turned on in AMS2 without being frustrated at the AI physics... You'll be slower at the start of the race and too fast at the end of the race in order to have a race where there's a couple of laps where the lap times are similar and don't you dare hit another car...

Given all the limitations that come with AI these days and the laundry list of to-do things on the Madness engines AI it's a huge job that may never get fully completed... Especially whilst they still have many physics bugs to work out on the players side...

A better MP infrastructure is actually far less work for a much larger pay off...
Even with your first sentence you are making assumptions that fit your narrative.

”I tend to base my assumptions on this matter on the opinions of the majority of sim racers.”

Can you support this with data, or is it just the opinions of people who agree with your view.

Even on RaceDepartment where you have people who are slightly more invested in Sim Racing not everyone is a die hard multiplayer enthusiast, and like any forum those who post aren’t always the majority view.

Believe it or not people drive these games in different ways. How an AI race may play out for you won’t be the same for everyone. I just want to have an interesting enough challenge in the limited time I have to race. I rarely look at the lap times in any of the races. I still have some great races against the AI in AMS 2, RF2, ACC and Raceroom. Sure these games all have AI areas to be improved upon (and can sometimes be annoying) but that doesn’t mean you can’t have an enjoyable race.

I‘m sure you will find a decent number of people on here who would like a better offline championship mode in AMS 2 and have that higher up there wish list than enhanced multiplayer.

AI doesn’t need to be perfect it just needs to be good enough. If you watch real life racing perfect AI racing would probably be pretty tedious in alot of classes.
Especially whilst they still have many physics bugs to work out on the players side...
Until now it appears there are no physics bugs but wrong values in the model.

A better MP infrastructure is actually far less work for a much larger pay off...
It makes sense although not anyone there has made a real study about what the users are expecting ; not doing ingame, because you would just ignored all the players who don't use a game because.a feature is not available and who are just waiting for its implementation.

This is why studies on declarations are necessary. And it is hard currently to draw conclusions on users habits considering not any sim has been able to provide all the features possible in a sim since GTR2. At that time, Simbin was able to take decisions based on GTR2's users habits (which led to cut the day & night cycle in the next titles). The few competitors weren't enough to make the anlysis fully wrong.

Currently, all titles are all incomplete sims (being.on purpose or.not fully developped), generating frustration ans hate, whatever the title is. This means players don't chose a sim, they chose features they prioritize : they are not behaving deliberately ingame, using the features they like, they just have no choice in a limited title. And this go on as long as a several titles are kn development. As an example I haven't been using AMS2 a lot since its launch, initially by lack of time and, later, because the gamenis developpment and I don't consider it ready enough to be fully enjoyable m, as an experience, as I would like it to be. What I expect from the game as a user and what I do ingame are absolutely different and it would be a mistake to come to any conclusion based kn my ingame behaviour.

So what some of us think is a priority because things "seem" or "look like" may be wrong.
Maybe AMS2 fans are getting tired of all these false prophets who feel the need to sell us their "opinion" in every AMS2 thread.
Understandable, but that is just the reality of things. AMS2 is divisive wether you like it or not.

At least i'm not telling everyone 1.5 patch is a gamechanger (which is a quite pathetic statement after three years to begin with). Talk about 'false prophets'....
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Understandable, but that is just the reality of things. AMS2 is divisive wether you like it or not.

At least i'm not telling everyone 1.5 patch is a gamechanger (which is a quite pathetic statement after three years to begin with). Talk about 'false prophets'....
All major cureent sims have received massive overall physics update after 3 years of development (and still years after), except obviouslyvthe beloved pcars games.

What is boring there is people not willing to accept the same from AMS2 (which by the way did in 3 years much more than other titles during such time after their release) although it always and still is normal and fully accepted for other titles. The point then is that we are not dealing with fan boys there, but with hate boys who would like the gsme to be abandoned just to prove something (I still don't see what, proud of being right by being toxic? What an interesting point...). What happens though is that all the hating has been proven wrong as Reiza has been keeping doing the job in the right direction, even adding unexpected features (which I assume create some delay in other aspects, which the haters can point out) like... modding support.

About the 1.5 patch, if you think it is not a game changer, I invite you to try at least the uptated cars of the current version, you will fully understand what is coming. It is exactly the reason why I stopped playing the game, it is better to wait for the heavily improved experience than keeping on adapting to a behaviour which will be soon absolutely obsolete ; with 1.5 version AMS2 should be seen almost as a new game.

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Yannik Haustein
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