Everything Else and Conclusion - 4/5

The bias is strong in me.

Yes, I was almost ready to throw the towel after the game didn't recognise my wheel and pedals.

Yes, I have no idea how to read pace notes.

Yes, some controls are really flabbergasting.

But also yes, I really enjoy the game.

I don't see Dakar Desert Rally trying to be the most realistic hardcore simulation of a rally raid, I see it as an enjoyable time for people who are more on the casual front. (Perhaps with actually working wheel support it might be good for hardcore simmers too, but that's beside the point)

As a sim racer, I enjoy the challenge Dakar Desert Rally brings to the table. The challenge lies more in actually finding your way around the ginormous map than to control the vehicle and optimise times.

As a gamer, however, I enjoy just driving around and getting a feel for the land. And I will continue to enjoy this title, preferably in co-op mode, as I did enjoy Dakar 2018.

So I am sorry, dear hardcore sim racers, if you are looking for a hardcore simulation of a rally, look elsewhere. If you can enjoy a more casual experience, however, be welcome to join the world of Dakar Desert Rally.

My conclusion of this title is 4/5.

What do you think of Dakar Desert Rally? Let us know in the comments down below!
Previous page: Sounds - 4/5