PC2 'Spirit of Le Mans' Next DLC Coming to Project CARS 2

Paul Jeffrey

Project CARS 2 Spirit of Le Mans.jpg

It has been reported via a leak on the Xbox Games Store that Project CARS 2 looks set to receive a new DLC - featuring some iconic Le Mans themed content.

Although it has not yet been officially confirmed by British developers Slightly Mad Studios, nor have any watertight details been revealed, thanks to a timely leak on the Xbox Games Store Project CARS 2 fans have a very welcome idea of what is next in line for the popular racing game - welcome to the world the 'Spirit of Le Mans' June DLC update!

Set to heavily focus on the iconic Le Mans 24 Hour event, the 'Spirt of Le Mans' DLC has a bumper offering of modern and historic racing content to enjoy, including a recreation of the legendary venue as it was in the very early 1970's, joining the simulation alongside the modern layout present with the vanilla install of the title.

As well as the attention grabbing historic layout of the track, the new DLC also looks set to include the period specific Ferrari 512 S and 512 M, alongside the best of German engineering in the form of the Porsche 917 LH. If modern cars are more your thing, the new DLC will also contain three heavyweight modern Prototype vehicles. Coming this June are the Audi R18 (both in high and low downforce configurations), the Porsche 919 Hybrid and the Toyota TS050 Hybrid, all of 2016 vintage.

Prices and release dates have yet to be revealed. More news as it becomes available...

Project CARS 2 is available now on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.

Check out the Project CARS 2 sub forum here at RaceDepartment for more news, discussion and features on this sequel release to the hugely popular Project CARS franchise of games.

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Looking forward to the 'Spirit of Le Mans' DLC for Project CARS 2? Which piece of content most appeals to you? Let us know in the comments section below!
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For people who don't experience this:
SMAA is broken in PC2 on certain systems as mine it will result in a black screen - you cannot use SMAA.
MSAA even at it's maximum setting will not resolve aliasing sufficiently.
There are no ways of improving upon maximum MSAA.

FXAA simply looks awful and does not present itself as a solution to the problem.

The flickering of the side screens in triple screen is also an effect that is simply not bearable during racing.
I use triples, too, and I'm very familiar with both issues described here. The first time I selected SMAA I thought I had broke my computer. I guess I've just gotten used to aliasing in its current state as I continue to enjoy the game but I also wish the issue could be fixed so that it looks better.

I only notice the flickering side monitors whenever I try to view a replay. I'm not noticing any flickering from them while racing but if I click a replay, the side monitors become an instant epileptic light show while the center screen is just fine. That actually bugs me much more than the aliasing issue as it just takes all of the enjoyment out of what would otherwise be very awesome-looking triple screen replays.

However, despite those two issues, I've spent months having buckets of fun with the game. Started a career with the Formula R and had a blast racing it. By the time I found myself in the Renault 3.5, I was having some of the most fun I've ever had in a driving sim. That car at Portimao was/is just a sim-racing dream, imo.

I'm stoked for the Le Mans DLC and can't wait to try out the older version of the circuit with the new cars as well as current cars. Haters gonna hate but I'm loving the hell outta the game.
I thought from reviews that Dirt 4 went a bit too far in one direction got the balance wrong. Dirt Rally was fine IMO (apart from crap tarmac physics), but codies took 4 the wrong way.

Actually the "cater for both crowds" part of Dirt 4 was done quite well. I don't think it failed because it tried to cater to both more arcade racers and the sim crowd. It failed because the underlying physics seemed wrong for most cars, especially related to the rear wheel traction, and also because the stage generator, while a great concept, did not seem to have enough tiles to work with, leading to parts of the stage repeating quite obviously even within one stage, often several times. According to what the devs had hinted at, the physics issues were due to them fixing certain issues from Dirt Rally, which completely changed the overall driving characteristics of the cars, and not having spent enough time on the rally portion of the game (possibly due to being forced to meet a certain deadline) with way less input from real drivers when the majority of work focusing on the rallycross portion of the game (which feels pretty great, if only the rally part of the game felt similar). That also seems to be the reason why not all cars are affected to the same degree and why the cars feel a lot better on tarmac than they do on gravel.

But the actual choice of two different driving styles for two different groups of drivers works very well IMO, if it wasn't for the underlying issues, so I don't think it's fair to give D4 as an example of a game that tried to cater to both and failed because of it.
No thanks, enough of Project Bugs.

Same here. Way to many bugs smashing my 917's windscreen ripping down down the no-chicane Mulsanne at +230 mph. Bugs make it hard to see those 512's buzzing around when the sun is going down. Visibility does get better under the moon light but really need to wait for the rain to come in to clear off all those bugs.

100% no thanks.... :cry:
And then you woke up and realised you were actually at 0 mph playing a bugged video-game. And will never touch any Porsche at all


Same here. Way to many bugs smashing my 917's windscreen ripping down down the no-chicane Mulsanne at +230 mph. Bugs make it hard to see those 512's buzzing around when the sun is going down. Visibility does get better under the moon light but really need to wait for the rain to come in to clear off all those bugs.

100% no thanks.... :cry:
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Many lil' crybabies in this forum. :) Why y'all have to make a big deal of every little issue encountered in-game? I mean sure the game isn't perfect, but I'm just living with it, and sure some major issues deserve to be addressed, however no offense, but just imagining every single user claiming "I wish they could fix X Y things" it's just too many things to handle. With that said, I hope that they'll fix some of the aforementioned issues, if they don't though then **** it, won't prevent me from enjoying Le Mans.

Also is there a chance we'll be getting the 787B since only 7 cars out of 9 have been announced? Assuming the next pack will contain 9...
This I full heartedly disagree with.

If I would run our business with this attitude, the company would be in shambles within a few months.

EVERY customer matters.
EVERY customer who has issues that prevent them from using the product or service you have sold them as a business has priority to get their issue sorted.

Lesser issues such as weather glitches, multi player glitches, issues with tires, setups, etc are secondary.

First and foremost you are OBLIGED to make sure the customers who have paid for the product are able to use the product.
Having black screens, antiquated anti-aliasing performance and flickering screens, how small your group of customers with those issues may be is an issue that is unacceptable and needs sorting fastest way with a priority.

9 months is NOT an adequate time to sort out a quality issue clearly agreed to be an issue with your product.

I have learned my lesson. I consider SMS as a supplier that is not up to the quality standards I came to expect in this industry. I will not purchase a product or service by this supplier again - it is that simple.
Customers whom I would upset with a performance like this would do exactly the same.
The gaming industry is a much more forgiving industry where shoddy workmanship and inadequate customer support seems to be forgotten about very quickly as there always is a large, eager potential customer base that will offset the lost customers.

In the end though your performance as a company, selling product or services does matter.
You can see this very clearly just looking at the active user base of SMS products and comparable products in Steam statistics. The numbers communicate clearly.

I wish the people who try to do good within the SMS company and especially some of the clearly hard working moderators at the SMS forum best of luck and good success with their future endeavors I truly do.

Sigh I was only talking about computer games of course, if you honestly think that EVERY single game can run on EVERY single PC config out there then you are in cloud cookoo land. I have no idea what your business is but I'd wager that it's either very small so yes every customer is vital, or very large so you have large resources to throw at every problem. They are NOT OBLIGED to ensure the game works on every single config, that's just so flat out ridiculous mate. Yes it sucks and if you really like the game it'll suck even worse, I've been there several times in the past, at no point did I throw a paddy like this though and expect special treatment. Shall I demand they optimise the game so I can play it max graphics on my rig? Because that's not a million miles away from what you're expecting them to do.

But I'd imagine a LOT of businesses have to prioritise their work, to not do so is IMO bad business practise. WHY should SMS prioritise a problem that only affects a few above a problem that effects many?? I mean come on seriously SELL that to me, because I'm really struggling and it just sound like entitlement to me. YOU as an individual are NOT important to ANY business ANYWHERE. I'm not either, non of us are.

The gaming industry is forgiving because it is a creative entertainment industry, and IMO FAR more complex than any other entertainment industry. PC is even worse because of the many many configs of hardware and software.

So fine disagree with me and I'll disagree right back and hopefully with a large reality check too!
I don't think you have to be a "hardcore simmer" to think that not using a clutch in an H-shift car is absurd. And please don't confuse casual racers with arcade racers. Even casual racers use a clutch. If you have a three pedal deck and are shifting an H-shift without the clutch, why did you even buy the three pedal setup?:rolleyes:

But you CAN use a clutch with the game, it's just not 100% accurate...sheesh does it REALLY matter than you can grind gears if you're a casual gamer? Oh and BTW my mates all think Im a hardcore sim nuthead, and they ARE casuals.

And why is it absurd? So you are saying that everyone with a game with a car with h shift should just ignore that car unless they use the clutch? Do you want it hard coded into the game that it won't work without the clutch? a Dennis Nedry style "uh uh uhhh" or "Computer says nooooo <cough>". I mean what exactly do you want?

I have a slight leg injury from a motorbike accident that meant I could only get a auto license so even though I've dabbled with clutch I'm not good at it, so because of that I should forego using a large chuck of the cars in games I bought? and anyone else with similar issues? Because other wise it's absurd right?....nice attitude.
I use triples, too, and I'm very familiar with both issues described here. The first time I selected SMAA I thought I had broke my computer. I guess I've just gotten used to aliasing in its current state as I continue to enjoy the game but I also wish the issue could be fixed so that it looks better.

I only notice the flickering side monitors whenever I try to view a replay. I'm not noticing any flickering from them while racing but if I click a replay, the side monitors become an instant epileptic light show while the center screen is just fine. That actually bugs me much more than the aliasing issue as it just takes all of the enjoyment out of what would otherwise be very awesome-looking triple screen replays.

However, despite those two issues, I've spent months having buckets of fun with the game. Started a career with the Formula R and had a blast racing it. By the time I found myself in the Renault 3.5, I was having some of the most fun I've ever had in a driving sim. That car at Portimao was/is just a sim-racing dream, imo.

I'm stoked for the Le Mans DLC and can't wait to try out the older version of the circuit with the new cars as well as current cars. Haters gonna hate but I'm loving the hell outta the game.

Sorry to hear you're having issues but thumbs up for the attitude mate!
Actually the "cater for both crowds" part of Dirt 4 was done quite well. I don't think it failed because it tried to cater to both more arcade racers and the sim crowd. It failed because the underlying physics seemed wrong for most cars, especially related to the rear wheel traction, and also because the stage generator, while a great concept, did not seem to have enough tiles to work with, leading to parts of the stage repeating quite obviously even within one stage, often several times. According to what the devs had hinted at, the physics issues were due to them fixing certain issues from Dirt Rally, which completely changed the overall driving characteristics of the cars, and not having spent enough time on the rally portion of the game (possibly due to being forced to meet a certain deadline) with way less input from real drivers when the majority of work focusing on the rallycross portion of the game (which feels pretty great, if only the rally part of the game felt similar). That also seems to be the reason why not all cars are affected to the same degree and why the cars feel a lot better on tarmac than they do on gravel.

But the actual choice of two different driving styles for two different groups of drivers works very well IMO, if it wasn't for the underlying issues, so I don't think it's fair to give D4 as an example of a game that tried to cater to both and failed because of it.

Fair enough good to know but l I never brought it up originally I was replying to the one who did!
Just wondering what exactly is wrong with the track?
Elevations e.g.
The Malmedy section is completely wrong. I know it well, this part of the track is still open for daily traffic, so easy to spot. If you want, take a look at video's from that era and you'll see.
I did report it when the first preview video's were released, but I believe the track was finished by then and no changes made.
I noticed some other issues too, but it's been too long since I used the track to remember them all.

Edit: just read your comment about using the clutch.
As far as I am concerned, everybody should be able to play the game, keyboard, joypad, pedals, wheel, whatever.
But it couldn't be that difficult to have a switch, enabling or disabling H-pattern shifter. That way everybody could play the game the way they like, depending their gear.
If you want to shift using paddles or buttons in a classic Lotus, great, you can.
If you want realism using clutch and H-shifter, you can too.

That is how R3E (e.g.) does it. Enable H-shifter and you can't even use paddles. Make a mistake and you'll know, make more mistakes and be punished for it, just like IRL. Be it from grinding noises to damage your gearbox or even blowing the engine. That is how it should be.
If you plan to drive a modern GT, just disable the H-shifter and you're good using other means (paddles, buttons...).
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  • Deleted member 197115

Isn't that what auto clutch supposed to do? But in PCars2 after update 2 or 3 it's almost like it's always on. If memory serves right, it was fine in initial release before they started tweaking gears timing.

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