RD Formula Pro Series S2 (GTR Evolution)

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DRIVER-REPORT: Peter Duivelaar/McLaren D1


This is a real disappointment :(
Quali went very good, only 0.1 behind Ventis and I was looking forward to the race.
But then trouble happened. When the session switched from warm-up to race, the whole grid got messed up, and I was suddenly in 12th.
When I pressed race, I was thrown on the grid on to another car and got an stop and go.
I also started on wet tires, which was a very big mistake and I had to pit again. Filled the car up to 150L, but I was already almost 2 laps down after 4 laps of race.
I still continued until lap 35, but the injury I have on my foot started to hurt so I decided to quit.

Congratulations to Ventis for winning the championship.
Division 2

I qualified in 14.The start was a little bit hard because in front of me 3 cars were spinning and other 2 had braked very hard,but with a miracle from god,i "close my eyes" and i pass through the cars , so i was on 10 after first 10 sec of racing.One by one,in lap 20 i was on position 3(yes 3) but Eric was going closer and closer to me(he was on 4) and my tyres were just distroied by the water,so i request for a pit.Unlucky for me,with 5 turns before the pits,i push a little to hard the acceleration and my back of the car slides like in drift and the car was going out of track,right on the way to the walls.I was having little speed when i crashed into the wall,but unfortunately,my front wing and both front wheels had broked.RACE OVER. :(
Anyway....i want to say:Thank you Eric for organising this superb league with a superb mod from MMG Mak Moding Group. :D Love you all!:sinister:
Wow what a tough race! Race report to follow. Just wanted to give a quick thanks to Eric for all the hard work in organizing the events, RD of course, and MMG for such a fantastic mod. Absolutely love these cars.

By the way... does anyone from div2 have the race replay? Just installed everything back on my pc and forgot to enable replays. If anyone could help that would be great. :)
DRIVER-REPORT: Wietse Visser BR/Spyker d2

Qualification 1
I had more practice at this track and i have raed it alot so got in a respectable 6 place
Qualification 2
i could push a bit harder now but i saw ppl speeding up, so lowerd the wings a little and less fuell. nice 6 place

Start was awesome and due to little mistakes of 2 ppl in front of me i could move up to 4, and could push really hard on eric. Even tought at some point i could pass him..... but then disaster, to early on the throtlle and this moved myseld up in the barriers:sleepin:. Had to pit to as it was only lap 6 i only repaired the damaged parts.

Then i could get into the ritme i was at that point 13 or smt and i could overtake the first few quite easily. Moved up to 7... then i was in a pitstop battle with Wesley, he pitted i could pass, i pitted and he passed, but i messed up that pitstop ( i had to recalculate the fuel LOL) and overshoot my place. Came out and i thought wesley would have the better stratagy here. So settled in and drove.... as the tyres got worse i started making mistakes and saw weslay came out of the pit in front of me. But i was faster then him at that point :D so i pushed harder but was making more mistakes because of this. And to make mathers even worse i flipped to windows WAAAHH. Luckaly a long driveout space and i didnt even got damaged :D But lost a lot and Wesley was far away :(.

Due to my stupidiness Yves was only a few secs behind, and was much faster then me because i really messed up my tyres.

Luckaly for me Yves spon after T1 (sry Yves :D) and that made me relaxed...... few. and because of mitchell mishapin the pits ( you should call them to make sure there not sleeping :D), i ended up at P5, and im very happy with that.

Thank you all for this wonderfull racing season, it was really spectacular, had some gr8 racing. thanks Eric for managin all.

See you next season!!!
Best car on track

Race report to follow but I needed to share my excitment with you guys. This race felt awsome for me as I've been pushing on every lap. I honestly believe our car was the best on track thanks to a magician I know: David G. Copperfield. Since I'm not the best driver, 8th is cool and I know I could have done better if it wasn't for 2 spuns but, wow, immense fun I had.

Ventis, many congrats, awsome drive.
DRIVER-REPORT: Giorgos Davakos Motor AG Motorsport/Honda D2


Before I start I want to say this have been One of the best race and funniest race I have ever been on.

Qualification 1 (finished P16)
I was making several laps in the server but I could not make a 1.31 because I was lagginng alot so I leaved the server to fix my graphec card and then rejoined before Q1 was going to close.

Qualification 2

I didn't make it so went to the toillet before it was to late :)

Race (from P16 to P10)

What a wierd start this have been, I had a good start along Bob but drivers in front of the field started to spin all of a sudden. and I overtoke 8 cars so I was in P8.
I mad some mistakes at the biggining because of the Adrenalin which made the race harder then I expected.
After about 15 laps I went to pit, that was a VERY early pit because I was going to pit on lap 20 or 21. I made this early pit stop because the SS were getting eated by the track.
So I choose Soft tyres and back on track.

After several laps and Several mistakes like cutting the track because the I was lagging when I was touching the kerbs for to long I was in 11th place and I was the last driver from those who where still on track. But Mitchell appers to be on the Pit lane and didn't exit so I thought he min most have crashed and I was now in 10th possision and I was SO HAPPY.

After that happy moment I was hunting a driver infront which finished in 9th but I dont rimember his name. How ever I did my best to catch up but I SPAN several times on the shicain on sector 3 and that was so stuped of me to shift to first gear by mistake.

At the end I didn't manage to get to P9 and I finished on P10 after beeng 4 times lapped.

I want to thank ERIC for letting me join this league after something stuped I did and I am allwas going to be thankful. I want to thank my team mate David Zafiu for putting me in his team and letting me drive from the middle of the season to the end. I want to thank all drivers in Div.2 for the great battles and the experience I have gain because I have improvde as a driver more then I could imagen my self. And I want to thank MMG for there awesome MOD and the work they have put to make this mod the best of the best.

and I want to thank evry one else as well for the funny moments.

Now this season have ended and Season 2 will start begin I hope to see you guys on season 2 and I cant w8 to see what Eric will come up with to improve this league. Btw I will be on S2 so proper for a new Giorgos Davakos.
DRIVER-REPORT: Mattia Gottardi Reise Wagon/Toyota D2


Qualifier Session 1:
had problems with the video card, so i restarted the game and had only 5-4 minuts for doing my hotlaps..... for my lucky it was enough for taking the 8th position in the last 20 seconds with my PB 1'30''430.

Qualifier Session 2:
i did my best lap only in the last minut with a nice 1'29''741 that let me start from the 7th place!!! ;)

the first seconds of the start weren't bad.....but it happened something behind me and in 0.2s i found my car spun in the grass with suspension damage.......for my lucky the damage wasn't so bad so i was able to gain again the 10th position......

i was behind Steve Emmons that was a bit more slower than me, i don't know what happened but in the last chicane i miss the brake point and i hit his rear tyre.......i'm really sry because i know that this was all a mine error, and i know that with that hit i ruined his race and also mine because after some laps i did a mistake; i think that the damage wasn't so little and i spun and i broke the front wing

so i pitted.......after 13 laps i pitted again for my real pit stop.....after that i did my race with some errors, but other driver in front of me did more errors so i was lucky in the unlucky of others and i finished the race 7th!!!

Thank Yu all guys....i race only the last 2 races of the season but was fun!!! ;) thankks MMG for the mod, Eric and RD for the league and my manager Konrad for let me drive!!! ;)

DRIVER-REPORT: Mitchell Phillipi BHR/Mclaren D2
Qualifier Session 1: P4 1:29.9
I was very nervous for this track as my usual pit crew was not assisting me with any setup at all. All week I had been struggling just to stay on the track and I only managed to make progress later yesterday. This gave me little time to qualify with hardly any hotlaps. I was lucky and fortunate to get a P4 in Q1.

Qualifier Session 2: P5 1:29.4
Q2 was just a tad bit better than the first session and I knew that my teammate Eric and Will would be very close in times to me, if not ahead as they were quick in practice all week. I was lucky to even get close to them this time. Joao put in a smoking session - great job Joao, you've been on fire the last several races!

Race: DNF
The race was so disappointing! I ended up getting to P3 due to a great start and this is where I stayed for most of the first session. Then I ended up nabbing P2 after a spin by my teammate Eric who had been nervously leading for the first dozen laps or so. All I had to do to clench the championship was to finish the race. Since I had missed a race this season, I was going into this race slightly nervous. But, I have to admit - I did not race a smart race at all! I was battling for fast lap just because I felt like the car could handle it. This battling for fast lap would be important later on in the story.

The fastest laps were coming to me right at the end of my stints and for some reason, I lost the back end in a slow right hand spin and nabbed the wall on lap 48 or 49 - grrrrr. Aero and susp damage, but I was not panicked. I limp to the pit and then stop. My pit crew didn't fix anything and instead said the dreaded, "go go go!!!" I was like what? What about my wing and susp guys? Note to self, make sure and give raises at the end of the season to keep them motivated.

I next go and limp around the track again and the car is all over the place. When I entered the pits, the car lurches left and hits the pit entrance wall where the speed limiter kicks in-instant front left wheel launches into the air. I was now very panicked and as soon as I stopped the DNF'd me.

With all of this, I lose the championship to my very consistend teammate by one point! I was watching to see who had fast race lap and it went to either Yves. If I had fast lap, I would have won the championship! I pulled a Lewis Hamiltonahahhaha. Oh well, what a great season. I really enjoyed racing with you guys and have to give a shout out to Eric for organizing the whole event, as well as RD and MMG. Thank you soooo much!


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DRIVER-REPORT : Jan Wikström Angle Racing/ Spyker D1


Qualifier session 1
Qualified in 9'th spot after a final lap of 1.28.7

Qualifier session 2
Couldn't do much more than in Q1 but got down to 1.28.1, but that still lost me one spot sending me down to 10'th spot on the grid.

Had opted for a save setup that was stable and worked both in wet and as well with worn tires, so i did not expect any top places on this one....
After all DNF's that i have "scored" during this season, my all time low season since i started sim racing, my absolute main goal was to finish the race trying to get some confides back.

I had decent start and keept my place, and i really must say that everyone was behaving really nice in the first corner. From seeing both in front and in the mirrors i looked like everyone got true T1 safely.... and that must be something we all could be proud of. :thanks:

The race carried on without much happening
Some small fights along the way when some racers caught up from behind, obviously much faster, so i just did not fight them much and more or less let them pass relatively easy.

Somewhere before my 1'st pit stop i spun out of last corner... all my own mistake since tires where going off and i floored the throttle somewhat to early.
Not much happen, but i lost one spot.

Pitted on the end of lap 15 and took on soft tires instead.

Just carried on

Somewhere half way into the race i came up behind a car to be lapped, and when i came closer he suddenly went very wide in Michelin curve, and the spun up onto the track again. That maneuver scared me a bit and i hit the brakes to hard and lost i too spinning on the track.
No one was damaged so noting really to say

Carried on towards the second pitstop and took soft tires once more.

In the 3'd stint it was just the case of bringing it home trying to stay focused.
No cars in front close enough to chase down, and no one behind close enough to be a treat.

Finished the race in a nice 10'th spot..... yes for me after a disappointing season a 10'th spot is just fabulously great and encourage me to stay on for more

Super thanks Eric for this season and all of you hard work :first:
A big "high five" to MMG for the fabulously challenging F1 mod :in-love:
And not to forget RD for leting us be a part of this community. :good:


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It was a great season and I had a ball all the way! :good:

Many thanks to Eric for all his hard work in organizing the league, Gunthar for his fabulous mod magic, RD for hosting the series, and my team mate John who organized Bounty Hunters Racing. :)

Best to all who participated! :)
just a little something about the fastest lap of the race, i knew i had speed but not that much and i'm very surprised that i got it. i also want to apologize for the mess i made at the start, very sorry to all the guy's involve in the mess :disapointed:
i was behind Steve Emmons that was a bit more slower than me, i don't know what happened but in the last chicane i miss the brake point and i hit his rear tyre.......i'm really sry because i know that this was all a mine error, and i know that with that hit i ruined his race and also mine because after some laps i did a mistake; i think that the damage wasn't so little and i spun and i broke the front wing

No problem Mattia - thank you for the kind words... I know that you are a good driver and it was just one of those racing accidents. I will be happy to race with you wheel-to-wheel any time. :)

Best of luck!
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