Racer v0.9.0 RC8 Released

A new beta is available at http://www.racer.nl/dl_beta_win.htm.

The changelog:

v0.9.0 RC8 (01-11-2013)
- Added 'float eye' passing to fullscreen shaders (postprocessing) as a Cg uniform (0=left/1=right).
- Modified shadowmapping.cg; it could compile badly due to iSqrtSample being used as a constant
and a local variable in one line.
- Added 'splitter' console command in Racer itself. I.e. 'splitter 500' will do a 500x500m grid split
from <trackname> to <trackname>_split. Copy the track itself first from <trackname> to <trackname>_split
and let the splitter overwrite things in the _split version of the track.
- Added 'atlas optimize' command, to generate an atlassed version of the track in <trackname>_atlas.
Much like the splitter above (first copy the track). Not fully working yet.
- Added dev.argument_tracing option in racer.ini for explicit argument stack tracing. Only useful
when you have a crash that requires more information than just the function stack trace. Only
a few arguments are supported inside Racer. Slows down the program if used.
- Const sized arrays in Onyx are now possible: const int MAX_ELT=5; int a[MAX_ELT];
- Font rendering now much more crisp.
- car.ini wheel<n>.tire_model.relaxation_length_lat (and _long) of zero is now accepted (uses instantaneous slip angle/ratio)
- Onyx fork() command to spawn off SPU processes.
- Onyx improvements; peephole optimizer, #ifdef/#define/#else/#endif, #error "message"
- Onyx deg2rad(), rad2deg(), atoi(), atof(), split(), acos(), asin(), atan2(x,y) functions.
- Slipratio clamping in car wheels is now configurable in racer.ini: dbg_car.max_sr (defaults to 1.5)
- Combined slip method #10 (SimilarityMarno) is a validated method that is being used in production at Cruden.
It still isn't optimal though when trying to get drifting cars for example.
It uses a mix using slipRatio and slipAngle (slip=length(SR,SA), Fx*=SR/slip, Fy*=SA/slip).
- Added ProcessCount(), deg2rad() and rad2deg() internal functions to Onyx.
- Improvements for the DirectShow replay exporter; replay.video.muxer, replay.video.yuv_convert
Codecs are still an issue; the Windows Media 9 one seems most stable for now (but slow).
- Added racer.ini replay options for automation of replay movie files (requires dedicated configuration files).
- Added Cg shaders for the simple polygon shadow underneath the car.
- Fixed atmosphere extinction for a lot of the dyn_*.cg shaders.
- racer.ini's gfx.check_opengl_errors is now collapsed into dev.opengl_checks.
- Added car.ini body.yaw_damper magic torque for drifting car control.
- Onyx 'continue' for for/while/do-while/loop.
In the end Racer is for Cruden's needs as much as ours so having total control at their end is probably hugely important. Ie, licensing, long-term support needs if Unity disappears etc.

I agree a Unity system would be very nice for a free sim, but Racer isn't just a free sim any more, it has to be two things so the needs of Racer have to fit not just our desires.

I also agree that effort in would equal a greater quality out for a given amount of effort because of all the work/systems already implemented in Unity. Ie, networking, rendering pipelines and processes, shader fundamentals, deployment considerations to any hardware etc.

In the end this is something a good strong community could indeed do themselves if they wanted. I've been wanting to have a play for years with Unity 3D and it just keeps getting better and better.

How hard can it be hehe :D ;)

The problem I see that we have waith racer is the fact that we find things that don't work properly (bugs), report them in this forum and/or to Ruud, they get fixied and then another beta comes out and we get old bugs and new ones instead of the bugs being fixed and maintainrd to future versions and then adding new or different stuff.

We are the ones that debug Racer but to what avail!
Returning bugs are a problem.

I suppose that is the nature of an integrated physics system though.

Just go look at the AC low-speed car physics for example. They can feel just as odd/broken as Racer's have done at times depending how critical you want to be.

A new addition by Ruud for a new feature might also influence and thus cause bugs in an system that is otherwise ok.

Not saying it's ideal by any means. Indeed these issues must be important/critical for commercial use, and since we often spot the bugs before Ruud even does then that shows we are a valuable resource.

Lets see where things go in the next 6 months I guess.

I'd really love to see a closer working with Ruud and us guys on important issues/new features because in my view it's the only way new features will be implemented reliably and solidly because we can do many many times more checking than Ruud can on his own it seems.

Ruud is clearly very busy but I think he could use the resource he has here in the community better than he does to make Racer better for us and him, and give himself an easier life.

i'm not sure since when, but i can't see anymore the G-force in replays...is there please a way to fix this for the next beta?!

I'm not representing Ruud. When the last beta was released, he didn't open a thread for it here for some reason, so I decided to inform the rest of the community.

Like the rest of us, I'm awaiting news from Ruud. You should be able to reach him via ruud@racer.nl, but as usual in busy times he will probably not be able to respond in a timely manner.
I'm not representing Ruud. When the last beta was released, he didn't open a thread for it here for some reason, so I decided to inform the rest of the community.

Like the rest of us, I'm awaiting news from Ruud. You should be able to reach him via ruud@racer.nl, but as usual in busy times he will probably not be able to respond in a timely manner.

However you shouldn't hold your breath, I emailed him at that address over a month ago,
still no response.

Alex Forbin
Looks like a new standalone pacejka player.

Not sure how it all works but it's still tweaking the normalised values which are what you'd set per car, not per TIR file.
TIR file should be kept 'real' with per-car tweaks done to make cars handle how you want them.

Really the pacejka player should edit TIR values in TIR files, and the normalising values in the car.ini files... that makes more sense to me.

But right now I think the MF5.2 is broken. Cosmo and I are finding all the MF5.2 TIR files we have pull to the left when braking, even on cars with no kinematics settings or anything else.
Residual Mz forces coming from somewhere? Something else?

Lets hope Racer v0.9 final gets a re-vamped and tidied up tyre system with all the old legacy stuff stripped out and just MF5.2 fully implemented (and bug fixed) moving forward.
Hi Alex,

Unfortunately the data I have can't be shared I don't think.

But I think at this time you are not missing much because the model isn't working as it should do in a few areas, nor is 'real' data always actually anything like real.

My data should be perfect for my car but it's way off (ie, 1.6g braking, snapping oversteer and spinning like crazy etc)

Your best bet is to stick with the old pacejka. It's far from perfect but generally you can get a good fun compromise for a 'game' kinda use...

The new MF5.2 implement and interface in pacejka player look set for modifying existing sets, tweaking them to suit your needs... but like I say, I have almost exactly the tyre my real car has on there and I have to tweak it so far to get it even half ok feeling it breaks and feels really wrong... so you're back to just tweaking values arbitrarily to get a half realistic behaving car.

Given the old pacejka implement is more reliable too, then best to stick with that for now!

MF5.2 feels like it has great potential if we move that way eventually, but it really needs 100% fixing, all the old tyre model stuff dumping, and then a good generic road tyre and slick tyre TIR set making up for people to work from for their tyres.

Like I said this new pacejka player is most welcome, but it doesn't *appear* to be designed to build the new MF5.2 sets, just tweak existing ones... which is less useful for us since we have very few TIR files, never mind ones that are reliable for our needs.

Also for now the player doesn't work. It's missing loads of DLL's and I gave up at about the 5th missing one :D

There are openly available datasets in Pacejka's book Tyre and Vehicle Dynamics, the ADAMS tire model PAC2002 manual and the Delft manuals for MF-Tyre/MF-Swift, for example. You can also find the source code for the Racer implementation of MF5.2 in the official documentation.

As Dave mentioned, even though we've been dealing with MF5.2 in Racer since 2009 or so, it hasn't really kicked off for us. Ruud kept supporting and updating the older 89/96 model mostly, while the issues we raised with MF5.2's implementation remained. Roughly once a year I check out how it behaves in a recent beta, but as long as it doesn't produce reasonable results ingame it's not something I can invest much time in, because we have enough other physics related issues already.

If you're wondering where to find sample data, chances are you're not going to be in a position to troubleshoot MF5.2 behavior, so I would recommend against using it in the first place.

That being said, here is the sample data from the MF-Tyre manual:
FILE_TYPE ='tir'
! : COMMENT : New File Format v3.0
! : COMMENT : Tire 205/60 R15
! : COMMENT : Manufacturer DELFT-TYRE
! : COMMENT : Nom. section with (m) 0.205
! : COMMENT : Nom. aspect ratio (-) 60
! : COMMENT : Infl. pressure (Pa) 220000
! : COMMENT : Rim radius (m) 0.19
! : COMMENT : Measurement ID DELFT-TYRE
! : COMMENT : Test speed (m/s) 16.667
! : COMMENT : Road surface Asphalt
! : COMMENT : Road condition Dry
! : USER : MF-Tool
! : Generated by : TNO
! : Copyright TNO, Tue Aug 07 16:33:34 2001
! USE_MODE specifies the type of calculation performed:
! 0: Fz only, no Magic Formula evaluation
! 1: Fx,My only
! 2: Fy,Mx,Mz only
! 3: Fx,Fy,Mx,My,Mz uncombined force/moment calculation
! 4: Fx,Fy,Mx,My,Mz combined force/moment calculation
! +10: including relaxation behaviour
! +20: including rigid ring dynamics
! *-1: mirroring of tyre characteristics
! example: USE_MODE = -12 implies:
! -calculation of Fy,Mx,Mz only
! -including relaxation effects
! -mirrored tyre characteristics
LENGTH ='meter'
FORCE ='newton'
ANGLE ='radians'
MASS ='kg'
TIME ='second'
MFSAFE1 = -5280
MFSAFE3 = 150
LONGVL = 16.667
WIDTH = 0.205
{radial width}
1.0 0.0
1.0 0.4
1.0 0.9
0.9 1.0
MASS = 9.3
I_AY = 0.109406207
I_AXZ = 0.0711140344
I_BY = 0.695823475
I_BXZ = 0.356664234
I_R = 0.0547031034
M_A = 0.23655914
M_B = 0.76344086
M_R = 0.107526882
C_GRV = -9.81
Q_A2 = 0.0353429027
Q_A1 = 0.135228475
Q_LBF = 1
Q_LOS1 = 0.01
Q_LOS2 = 0.4
Q_LIMP1 = 0.8
Q_LIMP2 = 0.0
Q_KC1 = 0.106328549
Q_KC2 = 6.6668
Q_AMIN = 0.3
FLT_A = 2000
DREFF = 0.23
FREFF = 0.01
FNOMIN = 4000
Q_RE0 = 0.997448166
Q_V1 = 7.15073791e-005
Q_V2 = 2.4892
Q_FZ2 = 14.3468
Q_FCX = 0
Q_FCY = 0
KPUMIN = -1.5
KPUMAX = 1.5
ALPMIN = -1.5708
ALPMAX = 1.5708
CAMMIN = -0.2619
CAMMAX = 0.2619
FZMAX = 9000
LFZO = 1
LCX = 1
LMUX = 1
LEX = 1
LKX = 1
LHX = 0
LVX = 0
LGAX = 1
LCY = 1
LMUY = 1
LEY = 1
LKY = 1
LHY = 0
LVY = 0
LGAY = 1
LTR = 1
LRES = 0
LGAZ = 1
LXAL = 1
LYKA = 1
LS = 1
LGYR = 1
LMX = 1
LVMX = 1
LMY = 1
PCX1 = 1.6846
PDX1 = 1.2096
PDX2 = -0.03705
PDX3 = 0
PEX1 = 0.34446
PEX2 = 0.095439
PEX3 = -0.020488
PEX4 = 0
PKX1 = 21.512
PKX2 = -0.16314
PKX3 = 0.24502
PHX1 = -0.0016331
PHX2 = 0.001517
PVX1 = 0
PVX2 = 0
RBX1 = 12.35
RBX2 = -10.767
RCX1 = 1.0918
REX1 = 0
REX2 = 0
RHX1 = 0.0066313
PTX1 = 1
PTX2 = 0
PTX3 = 0
QSX1 = 0
QSX2 = 0
QSX3 = 0
PCY1 = 1.1931
PDY1 = -0.99006
PDY2 = 0.14522
PDY3 = -11.231
PEY1 = -1.0026
PEY2 = -0.53683
PEY3 = -0.083107
PEY4 = -4.7866
PKY1 = -14.946
PKY2 = 2.1297
PKY3 = -0.028283
PHY1 = 0.0033518
PHY2 = -0.00053863
PHY3 = 0.07452
PVY1 = 0.044552
PVY2 = -0.023557
PVY3 = -0.53156
PVY4 = 0.03923
RBY1 = 6.461
RBY2 = 4.1957
RBY3 = -0.015164
RCY1 = 1.0812
REY1 = 0
REY2 = 0
RHY1 = 0.0086257
RHY2 = 0
RVY1 = 0.053266
RVY2 = -0.073458
RVY3 = 0.51728
RVY4 = 35.444
RVY5 = 1.9
RVY6 = -10.715
PTY1 = 1
PTY2 = 1
$---------------------------------------------------rolling resistance
QSY1 = 0.01
QSY2 = 0
QSY3 = 0
QSY4 = 0
QBZ1 = 8.9644
QBZ2 = -1.1064
QBZ3 = -0.8422
QBZ4 = 0
QBZ5 = -0.22733
QBZ9 = 18.465
QBZ10 = 0
QCZ1 = 1.1805
QDZ1 = 0.099556
QDZ2 = -0.00074773
QDZ3 = 0.0065197
QDZ4 = 13.053
QDZ6 = -0.0079448
QDZ7 = 0.00019609
QDZ8 = -0.29569
QDZ9 = -0.0089855
QEZ1 = -1.6085
QEZ2 = -0.3592
QEZ3 = 0
QEZ4 = 0.17433
QEZ5 = -0.8957
QHZ1 = 0.0067668
QHZ2 = -0.0018847
QHZ3 = 0.14697
QHZ4 = 0.0042775
SSZ1 = 0.043285
SSZ2 = 0.0013747
SSZ3 = 0.73146
SSZ4 = -0.23758
QTZ1 = 0.05
MBELT = 9.3
C_BX0 = 121.3872
C_RX = 391.875
C_BT0 = 61.9617225
C_BY = 40.049625
C_RY = 62.7
C_BGAM = 20.3349282
C_RP = 55.8213716
K_BX = 0.113761382
K_RX = 0.45504553
K_BT = 0.0398641872
K_BY = 0.141974205
K_RY = 0.45504553
K_BGAM = 0.0185199476
K_RP = 0.416698821
Q_BVX = 3.9567458
Q_BVT = 3.9567458

...and a set from the ADAMS PAC2002 manual:
FILE_TYPE ='tir'
! : COMMENT : Tire 235/60R16
! : COMMENT : Manufacturer
! : COMMENT : Nom. section with (m) 0.235
! : COMMENT : Nom. aspect ratio (-) 60
! : COMMENT : Infl. pressure (Pa) 200000
! : COMMENT : Rim radius (m) 0.19
! : COMMENT : Measurement ID
! : COMMENT : Test speed (m/s) 16.6
! : COMMENT : Road surface
! : COMMENT : Road condition Dry
! : Copyright MSC.Software, Fri Jan 23 14:30:06 2004
! USE_MODE specifies the type of calculation performed:
! 0: Fz only, no Magic Formula evaluation
! 1: Fx,My only
! 2: Fy,Mx,Mz only
! 3: Fx,Fy,Mx,My,Mz uncombined force/moment calculation
! 4: Fx,Fy,Mx,My,Mz combined force/moment calculation
! +10: including relaxation behaviour
! *-1: mirroring of tyre characteristics
! example: USE_MODE = -12 implies:
! -calculation of Fy,Mx,Mz only
! -including relaxation effects
! -mirrored tyre characteristics
LENGTH ='meter'
FORCE ='newton'
ANGLE ='radians'
MASS ='kg'
TIME ='second'
USE_MODE = 14                                $Tyre use switch (IUSED)
LONGVL = 16.6                                $Measurement speed
TYRESIDE = 'LEFT'                            $Mounted side of tyre at vehicle/testbench
UNLOADED_RADIUS = 0.344                            $Free tyre radius
WIDTH = 0.235                                $Nominal section width of the tyre
ASPECT_RATIO = 0.6                            $Nominal aspect ratio
RIM_RADIUS = 0.19                            $Nominal rim radius
RIM_WIDTH = 0.16                            $Rim width
{radial width}
1.0 0.0
1.0 0.4
1.0 0.9
0.9 1.0
VERTICAL_STIFFNESS = 2.1e+005                        $Tyre vertical stiffness
VERTICAL_DAMPING = 50                            $Tyre vertical damping
BREFF = 8.4                                $Low load stiffness e.r.r.
DREFF = 0.27                                $Peak value of e.r.r.
FREFF = 0.07                                $High load stiffness e.r.r.
FNOMIN = 4850                                $Nominal wheel load
$ For a non-linear tire vertical stiffness (optional)
$ Maximum of 100 points
{pen fz}
0.000 0.0
0.001 212.0
0.002 428.0
0.003 648.0
0.005 1100.0
0.010 2300.0
0.020 5000.0
0.030 8100.0
KPUMIN = -1.5                                $Minimum valid wheel slip
KPUMAX = 1.5                                $Maximum valid wheel slip
ALPMIN = -1.5708                            $Minimum valid slip angle
ALPMAX = 1.5708                                $Maximum valid slip angle
CAMMIN = -0.26181                            $Minimum valid camber angle
CAMMAX = 0.26181                            $Maximum valid camber angle
FZMIN = 225                                $Minimum allowed wheel load
FZMAX = 10125                                $Maximum allowed wheel load
LFZO = 1                                $Scale factor of nominal (rated) load
LCX = 1                                    $Scale factor of Fx shape factor
LMUX = 1                                $Scale factor of Fx peak friction coefficient
LEX = 1                                    $Scale factor of Fx curvature factor
LKX = 1                                    $Scale factor of Fx slip stiffness
LHX = 1                                    $Scale factor of Fx horizontal shift
LVX = 1                                    $Scale factor of Fx vertical shift
LGAX = 1                                $Scale factor of camber for Fx
LCY = 1                                    $Scale factor of Fy shape factor
LMUY = 1                                $Scale factor of Fy peak friction coefficient
LEY = 1                                    $Scale factor of Fy curvature factor
LKY = 1                                    $Scale factor of Fy cornering stiffness
LHY = 1                                    $Scale factor of Fy horizontal shift
LVY = 1                                    $Scale factor of Fy vertical shift
LGAY = 1                                $Scale factor of camber for Fy
LTR = 1                                    $Scale factor of Peak of pneumatic trail
LRES = 1                                $Scale factor for offset of residual torque
LGAZ = 1                                $Scale factor of camber for Mz
LXAL = 1                                $Scale factor of alpha influence on Fx
LYKA = 1                                $Scale factor of alpha influence on Fx
LVYKA = 1                                $Scale factor of kappa induced Fy
LS = 1                                    $Scale factor of Moment arm of Fx
LSGKP = 1                                $Scale factor of Relaxation length of Fx
LSGAL = 1                                $Scale factor of Relaxation length of Fy
LGYR = 1                                $Scale factor of gyroscopic torque
LMX = 1                                    $Scale factor of overturning couple
LVMX = 1                                $Scale factor of Mx vertical shift
LMY = 1                                    $Scale factor of rolling resistance torque
PCX1 = 1.6411                                $Shape factor Cfx for longitudinal force
PDX1 = 1.1739                                $Longitudinal friction Mux at Fznom
PDX2 = -0.16395                                $Variation of friction Mux with load
PDX3 = 0                                $Variation of friction Mux with camber
PEX1 = 0.46403                                $Longitudinal curvature Efx at Fznom
PEX2 = 0.25022                                $Variation of curvature Efx with load
PEX3 = 0.067842                                $Variation of curvature Efx with load squared
PEX4 = -3.7604e-005                            $Factor in curvature Efx while driving
PKX1 = 22.303                                $Longitudinal slip stiffness Kfx/Fz at Fznom
PKX2 = 0.48896                                $Variation of slip stiffness Kfx/Fz with load
PKX3 = 0.21253                                $Exponent in slip stiffness Kfx/Fz with load
PHX1 = 0.0012297                            $Horizontal shift Shx at Fznom
PHX2 = 0.0004318                            $Variation of shift Shx with load
PVX1 = -8.8098e-006                            $Vertical shift Svx/Fz at Fznom
PVX2 = 1.862e-005                            $Variation of shift Svx/Fz with load
RBX1 = 13.276                                $Slope factor for combined slip Fx reduction
RBX2 = -13.778                                $Variation of slope Fx reduction with kappa
RCX1 = 1.2568                                $Shape factor for combined slip Fx reduction
REX1 = 0.65225                                $Curvature factor of combined Fx
REX2 = -0.24948                                $Curvature factor of combined Fx with load
RHX1 = 0.0050722                            $Shift factor for combined slip Fx reduction
PTX1 = 2.3657                                $Relaxation length SigKap0/Fz at Fznom
PTX2 = 1.4112                                $Variation of SigKap0/Fz with load
PTX3 = 0.56626                                $Variation of SigKap0/Fz with exponent of load
QSX1 = 0                                $Lateral force induced overturning moment
QSX2 = 0                                $Camber induced overturning couple
QSX3 = 0                                $Fy induced overturning couple
PCY1 = 1.3507                                $Shape factor Cfy for lateral forces
PDY1 = 1.0489                                $Lateral friction Muy
PDY2 = -0.18033                                $Variation of friction Muy with load
PDY3 = -2.8821                                $Variation of friction Muy with squared camber
PEY1 = -0.0074722                            $Lateral curvature Efy at Fznom
PEY2 = -0.0063208                            $Variation of curvature Efy with load
PEY3 = -9.9935                                $Zero order camber dependency of curvature Efy
PEY4 = -760.14                                $Variation of curvature Efy with camber
PKY1 = -21.92                                $Maximum value of stiffness Kfy/Fznom
PKY2 = 2.0012                                $Load at which Kfy reaches maximum value
PKY3 = -0.024778                            $Variation of Kfy/Fznom with camber
PHY1 = 0.0026747                            $Horizontal shift Shy at Fznom
PHY2 = 8.9094e-005                            $Variation of shift Shy with load
PHY3 = 0.031415                                $Variation of shift Shy with camber
PVY1 = 0.037318                                $Vertical shift in Svy/Fz at Fznom
PVY2 = -0.010049                            $Variation of shift Svy/Fz with load
PVY3 = -0.32931                                $Variation of shift Svy/Fz with camber
PVY4 = -0.69553                                $Variation of shift Svy/Fz with camber and load
RBY1 = 7.1433                                $Slope factor for combined Fy reduction
RBY2 = 9.1916                                $Variation of slope Fy reduction with alpha
RBY3 = -0.027856                            $Shift term for alpha in slope Fy reduction
RCY1 = 1.0719                                $Shape factor for combined Fy reduction
REY1 = -0.27572                                $Curvature factor of combined Fy
REY2 = 0.32802                                $Curvature factor of combined Fy with load
RHY1 = 5.7448e-006                            $Shift factor for combined Fy reduction
RHY2 = -3.1368e-005                            $Shift factor for combined Fy reduction
RVY1 = -0.027825                            $Kappa induced side force Svyk/Muy*Fz at Fznom
RVY2 = 0.053604                                $Variation of Svyk/Muy*Fz with load
RVY3 = -0.27568                                $Variation of Svyk/Muy*Fz with camber
RVY4 = 12.12                                $Variation of Svyk/Muy*Fz with alpha
RVY5 = 1.9                                $Variation of Svyk/Muy*Fz with kappa
RVY6 = -10.704                                $Variation of Svyk/Muy*Fz with atan(kappa)
PTY1 = 2.1439                                $Peak value of relaxation length SigAlp0/R0
PTY2 = 1.9829                                $Value of Fz/Fznom where SigAlp0 is extreme
$---------------------------------------------------rolling resistance
QSY1 = 0.01                                $Rolling resistance torque coefficient
QSY2 = 0                                $Rolling resistance torque depending on Fx
QSY3 = 0                                $Rolling resistance torque depending on speed
QSY4 = 0                                $Rolling resistance torque depending on speed ^4
QBZ1 = 10.904                                $Trail slope factor for trail Bpt at Fznom
QBZ2 = -1.8412                                $Variation of slope Bpt with load
QBZ3 = -0.52041                                $Variation of slope Bpt with load squared
QBZ4 = 0.039211                                $Variation of slope Bpt with camber
QBZ5 = 0.41511                                $Variation of slope Bpt with absolute camber
QBZ9 = 8.9846                                $Slope factor Br of residual torque Mzr
QBZ10 = 0                                $Slope factor Br of residual torque Mzr
QCZ1 = 1.2136                                $Shape factor Cpt for pneumatic trail
QDZ1 = 0.093509                                $Peak trail Dpt" = Dpt*(Fz/Fznom*R0)
QDZ2 = -0.0092183                            $Variation of peak Dpt" with load
QDZ3 = -0.057061                            $Variation of peak Dpt" with camber
QDZ4 = 0.73954                                $Variation of peak Dpt" with camber squared
QDZ6 = -0.0067783                            $Peak residual torque Dmr" = Dmr/(Fz*R0)
QDZ7 = 0.0052254                            $Variation of peak factor Dmr" with load
QDZ8 = -0.18175                                $Variation of peak factor Dmr" with camber
QDZ9 = 0.029952                                $Var. of peak factor Dmr" with camber and load
QEZ1 = -1.5697                                $Trail curvature Ept at Fznom
QEZ2 = 0.33394                                $Variation of curvature Ept with load
QEZ3 = 0                                $Variation of curvature Ept with load squared
QEZ4 = 0.26711                                $Variation of curvature Ept with sign of Alpha-t
QEZ5 = -3.594                                $Variation of Ept with camber and sign Alpha-t
QHZ1 = 0.0047326                            $Trail horizontal shift Sht at Fznom
QHZ2 = 0.0026687                            $Variation of shift Sht with load
QHZ3 = 0.11998                                $Variation of shift Sht with camber
QHZ4 = 0.059083                                $Variation of shift Sht with camber and load
SSZ1 = 0.033372                                $Nominal value of s/R0: effect of Fx on Mz
SSZ2 = 0.0043624                            $Variation of distance s/R0 with Fy/Fznom
SSZ3 = 0.56742                                $Variation of distance s/R0 with camber
SSZ4 = -0.24116                                $Variation of distance s/R0 with load and camber
QTZ1 = 0.2                                $Gyration torque constant
MBELT = 5.4                                $Belt mass of the wheel
$-----------------------------------------------turn-slip parameters
PECP1 = 0.7                                $Camber stiffness reduction factor
PECP2 = 0.0                                $Camber stiffness reduction factor with load
PDXP1 = 0.4                                $Peak Fx reduction due to spin
PDXP2 = 0.0                                $Peak Fx reduction due to spin with load
PDXP3 = 0.0                                $Peak Fx reduction due to spin with longitudinal slip
PDYP1 = 0.4                                $Peak Fy reduction due to spin
PDYP2 = 0.0                                $Peak Fy reduction due to spin with load
PDYP3 = 0.0                                $Peak Fy reduction due to spin with lateral slip
PDYP4 = 0.0                                $Peak Fy reduction with square root of spin
PKYP1 = 1.0                                $Cornering stiffness reduction due to spin
PHYP1 = 1.0                                $Fy lateral shift shape factor
PHYP2 = 0.15                                $Maximum Fy lateral shift
PHYP3 = 0.0                                $Maximum Fy lateral shift with load
PHYP4 = -4.0                                $Fy lateral shift curvature factor
QDTP1 = 10.0                                $Pneumatic trail reduction factor
QBRP1 = 0.1                                $Residual torque reduction factor with lateral slip
QCRP1 = 0.2                                $Turning moment at constant turning with zero speed
QCRP2 = 0.1                                $Turning moment at 90 deg lateral slip
QDRP1 = 1.0                                $Maximum turning moment
QDRP2 = -1.5                                $Location of maximum turning moment
$----------------------------------------------contact patch parameters
PA1 = 0.4147                                $Half contact length dependency on Fz)
PA2 = 1.9129                                $Half contact length dependency on sqrt(Fz/R0)
$-----------------------------------------------contact patch slip model
MC = 1.0                                $Contact mass
IC = 0.05                                $Contact moment of inertia
KX = 409.0                                $Contact longitudinal damping
KY = 320.8                                $Contact lateral damping
KP = 11.9                                $Contact yaw damping
CX = 4.350e+005                                $Contact longitudinal stiffness
CY = 1.665e+005                                $Contact lateral stiffness
CP = 20319                                $Contact yaw stiffness
EP = 1.0
EP12 = 4.0
BF2 = 0.5
BP1 = 0.5
BP2 = 0.67
$--------------------------------------------------------loaded radius
QV1 = 0.000071                                $Tire radius growth coefficient
QV2 = 2.489                                $Tire stiffness variation coefficient with speed
QFCX1 = 0.1                                $Tire stiffness interaction with Fx
QFCY1 = 0.3                                $Tire stiffness interaction with Fy
QFCG1 = 0.0                                $Tire stiffness interaction with camber
QFZ1 = 0.0                                $Linear stiffness coefficient, if zero,VERTICAL_STIFFNESS is taken
Yeah the old system just 'works' and can get just as good behaviours in most cases.

MF5.2 sure is better in the bigger picture, and it'd be good to get a solid working version with all the old legacy stuff dumped at some stage. Then we can work forward with MF5.2 systems.

If we just have a few good MF5.2 base sets TIR files, then local car-specific tweak coefficients (how MF5.2 is accessed in pacejka player now for example) could be enough for most people to update cars but retain correct behaviours.

I think Ruud mentioned a brush model some time ago, or a Michelin model. Perhaps Ruud might offer that more for future use?!

Yeah the old system just 'works' and can get just as good behaviours in most cases.

MF5.2 sure is better in the bigger picture, and it'd be good to get a solid working version with all the old legacy stuff dumped at some stage. Then we can work forward with MF5.2 systems.

If we just have a few good MF5.2 base sets TIR files, then local car-specific tweak coefficients (how MF5.2 is accessed in pacejka player now for example) could be enough for most people to update cars but retain correct behaviours.

I think Ruud mentioned a brush model some time ago, or a Michelin model. Perhaps Ruud might offer that more for future use?!


The brush model is available now, I believe it's number 11 on the friction circle method.

Alex Forbin

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