**Twitter** Boy's Legit Helmet pack part 2(Mercedes 2013)

Tried to put a legit gear for his move to mercedes.....all awhile we have seen designs which were more to fantasy than reality. After all its fictional....you guys comment what you think. :D

Also included previous pack's both designs with vents on. :cool:





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does the team dictate the helmet they wear in real life? like schuberth = mercedes / ferrari, arai = mclaren
Usually the driver decides which helmet he relies on; in fact some teams (I think McLaren, for example) advise their drivers which helmets to wear since they have a cooperation to have the helmet aerodynamically adjusted to fit the car.
The links aren't working for me :(

We have removed all advertising links since most people started to exclusively use them plus people thought we earn money from them - we didn't. People will need to either start RDs own uploading tool or post direct links to mediafire etc.

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