RD Le Mans Series Season 5 (rFactor 2)

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Thanks everyone and Team Figjam for trusting me in their nice car and race control to put up with this control freak. Not letting me know how I am doing in a race and then having the ghost team jump up and down on the live timing was kind of stressful.

We had problems early on with 5 minutes repair and then a stop for 7 minutes repair. Otherwise we could have battled for 3rd despite me not doing a very good job on my first 2h stint. Preparations didn´t allow me to be as calm as needed. Quite a bit more pressure when you drive for a team as a hire driver! A GT 4 that spun off at T1 collected my rear when I thought I was clear. Sorry for the second bump in the confusion that caused! I just couldn´t found the rhytm so the entire first stint was a battle.

Second stint was quite a bit better getting a much better feel for the car and not to much traffic make lifes so much easier. Could even race a Corvette or two. Doing two flawless 70 litre stints and times around 2.01-1.58s when free from traffic just to get notice I lost 8 laps on Ghostspeed due to the lost lap bug. Anyway got out what I could expect there though a bit off the leaders pace at 54 and 55s of course... Impressive to say the least.Third stint I did suffer a bit from fatigue as I really had to focus hard on every corner to make sure I got it right.

Great racing by all the GT 4s that made things easy and predictable and GT2s and GT1s that managed to survive my early braking, particularly on my first stint.

Is there a way to get back the blue flags if we can´t get the positional displays working or is that not possible in practise mode?
The grand finale is over. What a day.
Actually, this was more than a day...
Several months ago, @Calum McLure (one of my old Xbox league racing pals) told me he was signing up for the VWEC in August of this year (?) I couldn't resist the challenge and we decided to form a team for the event. Sim racing and being part of a live broadcast (5 minutes of fame) really appealed.

Sim racing was something I had wanted to try since first joining RD a couple of years ago - watching 12 hours of Sebring and 24 hours of Le Mans. I was captivated by the live broadcasts, the team focus and it just seemed like a whole different world - especially as I practised throwing a T-cam car around on f1 2011 with my new Madcatz racing wheel (no ffb). It took me another year and a bit before I bought a gaming pc and started learning all of the games that the old heads had practised for years - race 07, rfactor, gsc, gtr evolution. I was pretty rubbish and my driving killed the tyres. Rfactor 2 - spinning constantly as I didn't understand a green track...and it was bugged.

I digress... Calum and I asked @Mark Greenall (another xbox racer and champion)to join the team. We became TXL Racing. I became team leader as Calum had other sims on his plate and studies to do.Calum would be skin maker as he had some clue about it. I requested a black car - Knight rider, A-Team Van, Airwolf, Streethawk...All the childhood programmes I watched with striking black shiny vehicles. Super vehicles. Calum then took that on and designed a stunning black and green car - completing the Xbox link.

Round 1 at Malaysia was heartbraking. Calum had to pull out beforehand. Whilst I learned to test the tyres using Motec data analysis (to form a good setup) and although mark and I developed good pace, our race was destroyed with CSR Fanatec disconnects (my wheel) during the race. this resulted in spins and shredded tyres. Mark then had issues and quit out. We had practised for about 8 weeks and in 1 hour, our race was over. Gutting. After a good nights sleep, we both agreed to come back stronger.

For round 2, I wanted to increased the size of the team and bring in some good guys with experience. I noticed a very strong racer called @Frederic Schornstein was available. He impressed me not only with his speed, but with his tyre management and fuel conservation. He seemed a wise racer in the ilk of an ALain Prost. A professor but with a German mentality. That's a compliment :)
If I could myself one pat on the back, it would be for persuading freddy to join the team! However, I was worried that as bahrain was an 8 hour race, we might still need another driver because calum or mark might drop out. I noticed a guy who was usually faster than me (from club races) was @Matt Horst. Matt seemed interested but he was trying to get the most out of arma 3 and some other new games. I knew matt was consistent and had a really strong mind. nothing phases him. Thankfully matt agreed to trial.

When you add quality to a team, like lewis hamilton at mercedes, things just kind of spiral out of control - in a good way.
freddy threw himself into early testing, taking our malaysia setup (which had lots of positives) and adapting it.In return, I like to think I added something to his life by introducing him to Motec!(He is now far better with it than I am!) Suddenly we had a really quick setup which mark liked. Matt and I liked it but it felt a handful at first. the downforce was much lower than last race. it was a bit like moving out of home for the first time. Out in the open. No safety net. I formed checklists, freddy added to them and took them on and all of us contributed to testing, thinking about things we needed to do. strategy, wet runs, drivers swaps. you have to know that, even with super drivers, this was a learning curve for us all. Our race times came down. personally, i invested in a g27 wheel which had stiff pedals compared to the fanatec. my times came down from 2.06 something to a pb of 2.00.056 in online practise on our server which was fastet than a lot of gt2 drivers and near the gt1 lower order. Freddy was low 1.59's in the end which is just insane. importantly, however, all of us could go a full stint with no fuel issues and no tyres issues.

Inspite of being caught up in traffic and only qualifying mid gt2 pack (way of his pb), freddy built us an early advantage in the race. mark greenall pulled out last minute due to personal circumstances which was gutting and so we had to adapt. matt horst and myself building the gap further whilst other gt2's had issues. poor calum waited and waited. in his first stint, we pulled him out of the car after 5 laps so matt could do the rain stint. when he eventually took to the track at night, we were 1 minute 30 seconds up...only for HDR profile issues. we watched as he lost 5 seconds a lap, not realising that he was driving in pitch black! for my seconds stint, the pressure was on. another gt2 car tried to unlap himself but gave me a nice tank slapper. only 30 seconds up, i had to finish the stint or we faced doing another pitstop- it would mess our strategy up. my times were initally 3 seconds+ off my best times which would have meant we were losing too much time. i pushed and pushed even getting into the 2.02s but the car was leaning and awful. this meant i spun out twice or maybe even three times,costing more time. on pitting we had to wait for repairs for 45 seconds. freddy drove ANOTHER stint for the final stint and close the gap to project resistance but we finished 10 seconds back to close the gap to someone like ruben suarez, so much,on a stint...for me, that was the best stint I ever saw someone do. I think people now know who @Frederic Schornstein is! we were all gutted as that was our big chance and really, we should have won. then again, this is endurance racing. not bad for a first outing.

winners take the knocks and come back stronger right? so in preparation for the 12 hour race, knowing mark might not be able to make it, we signed up @Matt Sentell. I first saw matt drive at mid ohio rfactor2 in the club events. one day he was on server and about 2 seconds slower than me after a few laps. a day later,UK time (he is in the USA west coast), I noticed he was about 3 seconds quicker and winning the club events. impressive. @Matt Horst, a fellow american, also knew of Sentell's qualities( i don't like using surnames, but you can understand, it gets a bit confusing at times!).Sentell had seen us get a little unlucky at bahrain and fancied a piece of the action. Suddenly the team got even stronger. Now we had 2 guys in the team who were unusually quick and clearly intelligent ( oh, and matt sentell just happened to reveal that he was the software engineer for Grand prix legends - what a legend he is!) you had matt horst who is a smart cookie and just incredibly consistent, calum- a cool head who has been getting good results in GSC and improving all the time and myself. with all the input from freddy, matt and matt and me kind of keeping the group together, we all fed of each other. i think it did freddy good to have someone of his level in the team and sentell to have freddy. this time, matt sentell took the setup and made it. it was exceptionally quick but also a bit loose at the rear - exaggerated by the fast nature of losail. freddy's iniial times were low 2.00s. mine were 2.06s. matt hors was 2.01s. sentells' were 1.59. low. now freddy is determined and likes to win, so i hoped we wouldn't have any number 1 driver issues. fortunately i realised what a great attitude these guys have. by the end of testing (the guys can correct me if i'm wrong, freddy had achieved a hotlap time of 1.58.3, matt sentell had achieved the same - to the tenth. matt horst had done 1.59 mid and i had done 1.59.2 the difference being that, although i could keep the tyres going for a full stint, no issues...the temperatures at this track could flare up in an instant an handling would be difficult. in race practise, without mistakes i would say that those three guys were 20+ seconds quicker than me. freddy had this great ability to go 100% from the off whereas myself and matt horst had to work out way in. calum was nowhere to be seen and the race was getting closer. by final practise, freddy's times were in 2.00s average, as were matt sentell's and mine and horst's were very close - averaging in the 2.01's. i'd learned, with help from the guys, a great setup, the best lines and from practise, where to push the tyres and where not to.

Race day approached and calum had to drop out. he had a night shift at work and hadn't had enough practise due to other commitments. he was amazing by agreeing to give up his day to be an engineer with abotu 2hours sleep. we are all grateful for this. Sentell would come in late as he was so far behind in time zone - about 8 hours. qualifying: somehow on a greenish track freddy got a 1.58.06? somehow marginally faster than project resistance. both teams were in a league of their/our own. project had added a star driver from their gt1 team who had pulled out last minute.

in the race, freddy had an early spin but due to circumstances, he resumed the lead in class - others spinning out and project taking their drive thru from last round. project pitted first, pitting from behind freddy. when i came out of the pits for the seconds stint, their star driver was hotlapping in 159s on an aggressive tyre strategy.after cold tyre outlaps and hitting heavy traffic, within 3 laps the broadcaster said i was 30 seconds behind. i'm still not sure how this happened/. i made no real mistakes but due to heavy traffic i was lapping in 2.02s andonly when i got clear air could i go in low 2.01s. i ended my stint with half yellow tyres. i hadn't pushed them enought but my objective was to keep us in the game. matt horst took over. we were now 45 seconds behind on pitting but after the next pit stop, somehow 55 seconds behind. again project maintained their agressive strategy and the gap kept going up- even tho matt horst was driving great. we seemed unlucky in traffic but we knew that project had a 45 second pit stop extra to make, maybe more. we also had matt sentell to come.

by 7pm, we were just about still in the running but definitely outsiders for p1. project were doing an amazing job. however, the nail in the coffin was when matt sentell couldn't perform the swap with freddy due to a bug in the game. he had to do an extra stint and then quite out. this cost us 5minutes! we were now about 1 and a half laps down on rfn motorsports for p2. freddy burned his hand with boilling water and even with that, he and matt sentell did swap afetr swap until the end. with 50 minutes to spare, we were 25 seconds behind. rfn. this came down to 16 seconds but sadly matt was pushing so hard that he had a couple of spins which he wouldn't normally do. even with two spins, the gap finished at about 16 seconds. what an unbelievable effort!

So p2 at bahrain, p3 at losail. Overall finishing p2 in the gt2 championship. Overall that was what we deserved. We didn't get the win or the p2 that maybe we deserved, we spent months practising and being consumed by this event.however, we all made new friends from different parts of the world. we all learned something new about each other, about racing, about setup, about rfactor 2 and endurance racing.

i think we all feel exhausted now and need a break but we will be back. TXL Racing will now focus on the formula 3.5 renault series in open wheelers. we have TXL black and TXL white so watch out for us and support us please> I'm certainly hoping to keep in touch with the team for some time and you never know, we may come back EVEN STRONGER in the next VWEC! Perhaps you could be one of the team?:)

To finish, aside from thanking my team, I would like to thank ALL OF THE DRIVERS, especially the gt4 who were amazing in lapping situatios, ALL OF THE MODERATORS and ALL OF THE COMMENTATORS who did a great job. there are definitely lessons to be learned but you guys allowed me and many others to experience great friendship, great teamwork, great learning and best of all....our own individual 5 minutes of fame. ;):thumbsup::coffee:
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p.s. do i get a banana for the longest post ever? Well, it was worth it to recognise 26 hours of racing and double that in preparations:D
I wanted to write a little recap as well, but man you got it covered. I am very tired today, but my hand is much better, it was not that bad in the end with the water and I am just happy. We all maybe had our own little moments where we thought, that might will loose us the race, but with the swap issue, we would have never made it and I really enjoyed the final push to the end.

The next weeks will be relaxing and I think I will take a little break from racing, but I am already looking forward to next year. Hoping we might get some nice tracks in like Monza, Spa (I would love that) or Sebring.

I hope we see a bigger field next year (it was a bit smaller in Losail than in Bahrain) and please make the race at Losail shorter, because we all agree it is not the nicest track layout in the world :D
@fredeic schornstein I'm glad you're ok. I nearly told you to pull out. Health comes first!
I hope you do take a break, but knowing you, you won't lol
Yes, I would like to see recognised tracks such as Sebring, Le Mans, Spa, Monza. A good thing the organisers did after the 24 hour race in rfactor was to create a thread afterwards with ideas and requests. This would be good to have on the go even in the off season - there is so much potential in this event but it has to evolve and improve or it will flicker more and more before going out.

Speak soon ;-) I'm tired and have the in laws comping around. where's the kettle? i might pour boiling water on myself. A & E might be a more appealing place. :rolleyes::roflmao:
@Andrew Ford

A whole crate full :)

@Frederic Schornstein
I do not agree with you on the layout. Really like the different aspects of it. It makes the race a special event, because it's different then the usual. I like that, but thats personal.
One thing we did agree on yesterday (staff in Race Control room I mean), is the length of the race. If Losail is on the agenda of next season, the race will be either 6 or 8 hours long. No more.

We saw some beautifull racing last night. Really enjoyed it. All races for that matter! Thanks to all drivers for being there.
Also, thanks for the understanding, and cooperation in relation to the first major string of events in rfactor2, and its problems. Good to see we still have a community going on, thats willing to help each other, and make the best out of things! Proud that I have seen it, and was part of it.

As I already mentioned late last night, we are currently looking into a one-off event for next year. Later, VWEC Season 2 will come, thats for sure. Keep an eye out on the forums for news and announcements about it.

In the mean time, have fun, and I hope to see you all on track. We have a few championships lined up with normal racing hours :p, and I hope to welcome you all there again.

I just posted the replays of yesterday, and will take a little break from the computer now for the remainder of the day. Have fun all!
I wanted to write a little recap as well, but man you got it covered. I am very tired today, but my hand is much better, it was not that bad in the end with the water and I am just happy. We all maybe had our own little moments where we thought, that might will loose us the race, but with the swap issue, we would have never made it and I really enjoyed the final push to the end.

The next weeks will be relaxing and I think I will take a little break from racing, but I am already looking forward to next year. Hoping we might get some nice tracks in like Monza, Spa (I would love that) or Sebring.

I hope we see a bigger field next year (it was a bit smaller in Losail than in Bahrain) and please make the race at Losail shorter, because we all agree it is not the nicest track layout in the world :D

I second you on Monza and Spa but would substitute Mt Panorama (Bathurst) for Sebring. Now there's an adventure. Climbing and descending that mountain overnight is really something. In fact I've done it vs AI. The NSW night sky made me homesick They run a 12 hr event there maybe even a 24 not sure.


Personally I didn't mind Losail. It was hard to learn but very technically challenging, required constant focus Lapping and fighting was harder and I think it created a greater separation on lap time than Bahrain which was more straight forward.

We just need some scenery. Some ferris wheels, tents, a beer tent. bouncy castle. I'm sure that they exist at some time of year there. OK maybe not the beer tent in Qatar but you know what I mean.
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It was shame so many GT1 contenders had to pull out of the event practically leaving us and MadCape to fight for the title. It was a nice fight with MadCape though and I'm delighted we were able to come on top and claim the title for Speden Spelit.

The race could have easily gone the other way too because my preparation didn't go according to plan. I slipped and fell on a rock hidden beneath snow on Wednesday which resulted in a dead leg. Even walking was painful for two days but luckily it wasn't that bad on Friday anymore and I could really kick off the testing. Aleksi hadn't really tested before Friday either so we had some work to do. After five hours of testing we had a good setup and the confidence to go into the race.

As usual our No.1 driver Aleksi did the qualifying and was our starting driver. Quali was ok as we were 3rd behind GhostSpeed and MadCape. P2 would have been possible but P1 not if we wanted to stay within the white lines ;)
We did our first stints with 80litres but increased it to 85l after feeling the tyres could take it. We could've done our stints with full fuel load too but we opted to push for a whole stint not wanting to do a tyre saving strategy.

Race was pace-wise very good, Aleksi was actually able to smash his qualifying lap and make a 1.55.1xx with 80l of fuel. My pace wasn't as good but still on par with other GT1 cars. The problem for me was that I spun about 5 times during the race, once with the help of a GT4 car though about in the latter part of the race. Can't say much about the incident before I see the replay but my first thought was it was a racing incident. There was also another hairy moment during a race when I locked my brakes coming into T6 (hairpin just after sector 1) behind GT2 or GT4 car and almost collected the car as I slid in to inside. Luckily there was no contact but it was a very hairy moment and I apologise for the team involved.

BIG thanks for the organisers, competitors and everyone involved in V-WEC and see you all next season! :thumbsup:
I also preferr those tracks Andrew. We already have SCES running them though. As for Losail first time I was well less impressed. Absolutely flat, no scenery, tarmac so dark you can´t see the groove about as dull as it gets. It did get a bit better and really racing is always fun in the right environment :). It´s not to bad but there is a lot of better tracks out there. As for really technical tracks Estoril is another really technical track that won´t let you rest for a second.

I vote yes on Bathurst. Have you seen all seen the V8 races they do there with 40 car grids or something. Absolutely insane narrow track but still three wide racing.

Overall I have a personal preference for rollercoasters like Brno, Donington, Bathurst, SPA, Road America.

What I really would vote for is the obvious choice Le Mans. Such a fun track to both hot lap and race on. May look easy on the technical side but every little misstake cost big time there :) I do hope the league is scheduled so it´s plausible running both at least in theory :)
Just some entertainment:
My GT2 pole lap onboard. Watch it to the end. I found a new (not quick) line through the last corner :D
(I heard some AC fanboys say you can't catch a slide in rF2, maybe they can't)
Track was still very green so a real challenge with the constantly changing grip levels.
what i really like about this is that, when the back end stepped out, you kept on the throttle whilst on opposite lock.the natural tendency for many a mortal would have been to let go...but you kept it on put on just the amount of lock needed and then started unwinding. Amazing, especially under pressure.
Just some entertainment:
My GT2 pole lap onboard. Watch it to the end. I found a new (not quick) line through the last corner :D
(I heard some AC fanboys say you can't catch a slide in rF2, maybe they can't)
Track was still very green so a real challenge with the constantly changing grip levels.

Very nice and smooth lap. Goes down like butter :thumbsup:. Noticed how you got more and more aggressive over the lap.
Especially the little correction after turn 7 comes to my mind. It's the same in the GT4's. If you push it first you don't need to correct but as soon you cross to the other side of the track the car steps out due to the camber change of the track.

However really nice lap!
( oh, and matt sentell just happened to reveal that he was the software engineer for Grand prix legends - what a legend he is!)
Bit of a correction, I was the project director and lead designer. "The" software engineer was the truly legendary David Kaemmer.

I want to once again thank Andrew for inviting me to the team. I blame Matt Horst for convincing me. :) Despite being into simracing for 20+ years, this was my first ever online endurance event. I had always wanted to see what it's like and it was definitely an interesting experience.

Congrats to Project Resistance. I think our car was just as good but they had a superior strategy that optimized tire use better than ours. Also apologies for holding you guys up right at the end of the race. I was having problems hearing my engineer and was really head-down trying to close the gap to P2, but when I finally heard that it was you guys I moved over. Probably didn't look like it but when I ran wide out of the last corner I was really trying to let you by. :)

I also have to apologize to a GT4 driver, not sure who it was unfortunately, that I dive-bombed into the hairpin late in the race. That wasn't intentional and I did manage to avoid sliding wide, but if they hadn't been heads-up and aborted their turn-in we would have had an accident there. I lost sight of my braking markers and just left it later than I intended to, so sorry for that.

Finally, thanks to the RD crew for putting this on. Seems like a mammoth amount of work but in terms of the race organization side of things it went off perfectly from my perspective.
Racerfactor Team have to say thanks to the staff . You made possible the Losail 12h race for all of us.

Congratulation also to all the teams that were at the Grid and of course Congratulation to the winners.

Our two races were very different. The GT1 team had big problems at the firsts stints because a bad congiguration of the controller setting of one driver. Lost a lot of time and had a race going from back to top. They climbed to the 3th position of the GT1 category (but with 4 corvetes between they and the 2nd, because the laps lost).
The GT4 team was not specially fast at one lap but, lap by lap, stint by stin was fighting for the 3rd place till the last hour when we had and unfortunatily accident that need 5 minutes repair at pit. We think had a setup that make the car easy to drive and have no incidents till the faditic last one at the last hour of the race.

As team we run another endurance races in the past but yesterday for 3 drivers were their first experiencie. At our Forum (racerfactor.net) new ones had ask to become members of the Endurance Team so we hope for next year have 3 teams at the grid. With more expectatives.

Congratulation also to de Championship winners!!
@Marco Bijl , "cough!" (sorry, just chocked on my 3rd banana)... is there any way to get lap times or data from the race? or is that impossible. I think my teamamtes said it was impossible but just checking
I have to look into that. In principle, I should be able to supply the .xml result file, and with the offline result parser, you should be able to view all you want to.

Will look tonight, as I can't access the servers from this location.
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