Club racing event protocol?

Hey guys, I don't want to violate any club racing "ruLZ" so... what do I do?

I want to have a Tuesday Night - Semi Pro Race @ 6pm CST (18:00 hours or -6 GMT)
- GT Rules = qualifying grid order, standing start, no pit stop required!
- 10 minute practice - 10 minute qualify - 10 minute Race

The events would be consistent... but use a variety cars, tracks & mods every week.
Is this OK? If not just delete the thread...


Race ON - Formula Masters (link info)
Laguna Seca (link info)

Race ON - Radical sr3 252 (link info)
Brno (link info)

GTR EVO - Mustang SE Cup (link info)
Laguna Seca (track link)

I know people that are way faster than me (g25) with a controller. Given i am not the fastest overall, but not to bad (i hope)
I would rather advise doing all your online and offline racing in "pro" settings. That way you wont miss out on any races you would like to do because of the server settings. It might take some time to get used too it, but it will help you in the long run. I for example cant go go for anything except "pro" because the car feels strange with all the assist that are on. So i would advise you to jump into the deep end, you will learn to swim quickly.
Just concentrate on keeping it clean and on the black stuff. Dont go out there expecting to win every race from the start.
Plus racing with real peeps is way better than with the fake A1. Plus the A1 will never help you with any questions or tips you might need ;)
Yes. Craig is right. If you plan on racing online in a club (except mine) or most dedicated servers, you will need to know how to race in pro. I set my server on semi-pro as I find it the most realistic to me (WTCC Honda Accord tires breaking grip in a (non-tight) turn at 28 MPH in the rain at Pau? Not the 07 Accord I used to drive. and it wasn't a race car.) At semi-pro setting, I have no problem jumping into a pro setting server and racing, but I still prefer semi-pro.

Racing with real people is definitely the way to go. But get into a club. Don't spend too much time on the dedicated servers. A number of the racers that show up there are "aliens" and really won't be much help to you. Not all, just a few.

I, too (sadly), know people that are faster than me who use a hand-controller. But maybe (I hope) it's because they have way more time than me to practice.

Like I said, I don't mind pro setting or those servers that run it. I disagree with those (few, thankfully) who say pro is the only way to go AND look down on those who don't use it. I have my view of what is the most realistic and fun, and they have theirs. Just because I disagree with them doesn't mean I think they're wrong. If you prefer pro setting, use it, don't let anyone tell you you're wrong. The same goes for any other setting. Some say the only to play is with a wheel. I use a wheel, but I'm not going to tell someone that they'll have to have a wheel to race with me.

It's a game. Enjoy it.
In all your posts your refer to "don't let anybody tell pro setting is the way to go" but in all post I haven't seen anybody posting that :D Only people that actually say to the OP to simply join and enjoy the races online and improve with the offered help.

I really hope that we don't look like a bunch of elitists because i know from my own experience that it is not the fact. We even ran the Friendly Development Series for more than a year to guide newcomers into the world of sim racing :thumbup:
The quote is "...the only way to go", and it was meant to say that not everyone races at pro level; there are servers out there that are not pro only. You're the one that posted "We don't race semi-pro at RD", but I assumed that was just being humerous.

To me, people who say their setting, whether pro, semi-pro, or novice, is the only way to play is an elitist. Anyone who says they race X, but you or anyone else, can race Y or Z, is not.
you have to see it from a diffrent point the cars are to diffrent with helps on and in no way you wont be able to lap times with helps on
that some do with all helps off and as i cant see from behind if you have helps on or not you will be somewhat of unpredictable
and such a big comunity as RD is there need to be a decison made and the best way to do is to not allow any helps
and thats not ment in a elitist way with tracktion controle you will start slower as you dont have controle over your wheelspin
you cant accelarete that fast out of a corner etc. cuz everytime the helps interfer a guy behind you cant see if you have helps on
so he dont predict you might get way slower out of a corner as he do that only leads to carnage

and i tell ya even the fastes aliens around here are more then willing to help slower ppl with setup tips, race line advice and what ever
i never saw one who did not gave his best to help if he was asked for you should register as a club member and join up the fun
and see self what RD is about you will realy improof on anything regarding racing online
its not the only way to race but in such a big comunity it is
I assume that RD is saying they themselves do not run anything but pro level, answering the OP's question of running a club series. But no one told him that he was free to run such a series himself, just not at RD. He was told to practice pro online with others if he wanted to race with them. That's fair enough. RD is free to run their series the way they want, and others can do it their own way.

As for what Michael said, I disagree. That has not been my experience. I've raced many times with a mix of novice, pro, and semi-pro and there was virtually no difference compared to everyone racing at the same setting. And I meant aliens on open servers, i.e. racers still going strong on one set of tires when you've changed yours and now you're getting a worn tire warning, or guys who can catch up to you in less than two laps after being a half lap behind.
You're the one who brought up the word "elitist", Bram. You let on a little more than you wanted to when you said "We don't race semi-pro @ RD". That can be taken that you look down on those who don't use pro settings. You belittle those who don't use the same settings as you.

Fine. I care not. You race your way, I'll race mine. I also counted up the number of pro servers to non-pro servers. I got the same number as you. What's your point? The majority is always right? Or could it be that people want to be considered "pro" so they do their best to race that way? "Yeah, I race pro, with no driving aids." I look at it different than you. I see that not everyone kow-tows to the "pro" mantra that you're only good if you use pro settings.

Just like those in TDU who say you're only good if you drive in HC mode.
Did Bram say you are rubbish if you don't drive Pro? No he did not. You merely assumed. English is Bram's second language - perhaps you should not read into what he posts, unless he posts in Dutch and you can understand Dutch.

Nobody is saying you are only good if you only race Pro settings. The VAST majority of racers in the games we support want to race in Pro. There is very little call for a Semi-Pro or Novice approach, hance why we do not cater for non-Pro settings. It's simple business/common sense, not derogatory belittling of those who do not run such settings.

Just for a note, the 'elite' set of drivers I was part of in Forza1 all used ABS constantly.
Bram could have told the OP that although RD does not use semi-pro in their races, he was welcome to invite any others he could find to race in his series at semi-pro. He, nor the others, did not. They told him he would be better off racing pro. That's what they believe is best for people who want to race with them. I have no problem with that.

As far as reading something into what people post, you shouldn't do it yourself. I did not say, or imply, anything Bram said was "rubbish". you are the one making assumptions. I only pointed out that he was the one who brought up the term "elitist", the definition of which never entered my mind. He also said "WE don't race semi-pro @ RD". What is one supposed to assume from a comment like that?

No one here said you are only good if you race only at pro level, and I did not say that anyone did, but it sure is implied. Why are you putting words in my mouth? Why are you all so defensive? It seems you are trying to defend your use of only pro settings. I have said that I have no problem with that, only with those who say pro setting is the only way to play RACE 07.

Have I made myself clear?
That can be taken that you look down on those who don't use pro settings. You belittle those who don't use the same settings as you.
You say you didn't assume that Bram was calling non-Pro users rubbish? Then you write this? Yeh, right. Plus Bram said he hopes we don't look like elitists. Hardly using that in the way you seem to have taken it. Oh no, somebody used a slightly different word - let's jump on that and beat them around the head with it. Finally, Troy was meaning organising races on RD - not elsewhere. This thread was in the 'Racing Club' section long before your pompous self came on the scene.

Take your self-righteous, inferiority complex elsewhere. We are defensive because you are starting arguments and putting your beak in something that do not concern you. You are doing no posible good in this thread at all, save from amusing others with your contradictory posts.

We apologise if we encourage others to race at RD. It happens to be a website that depends on people racing.
Wow. You really need to calm down, Ryan. I guess I have not made myself clear and I apologize for that.

The OP wanted to start a series using semi-pro settings. Some posted here that he should really go with pro settings. I said he didn't. You obviously have a problem with that.

"self-righteous, inferiority complex". I said nothing bad about anyone here, nor implied such. I merely repeated what someone said and asked what one should assume from such a saying. You didn't answer. You are the on doing the attacking here. I also said I assumed he was meaning it in jest.

I still say: play this game however you want, but do not belittle those who don't play it your way. I am not saying or implying anyone at RD has said the only way to play is at pro settings, but I will ask if that is what they mean. There are those who play RACE 07 who do think that the onlt way to play is at pro. Is that what you think? I don't. Nor do I think that everyone should play it the way I do.
You're the one who brought up the word \\"elitist\\", Bram. You let on a little more than you wanted to when you said \\"We don't race semi-pro @ RD\\". That can be taken that you look down on those who don't use pro settings. You belittle those who don't use the same settings as you.

If this was true, why did Yoeri and I organized the V-WTCC last year for SimBin/Eurosport on Novice level with all driving aids allowed? I don't look down on anybody that uses driving help. Not at all, the more people that start sim racing the better it is for the sake of the sport (start a new thread if you disagree sim racing being a sport :D).

As a matter of fact it has not even anything to do with pure realism. It's just the setting we have always used as it requires the most skills to drive without any aids. Hence making it more challenging for everybody. If we have to follow the real series 1-on-1 we should always allow:
- ABS on Mini Cooper Challenge races. (plus: a fixed gearbox ratio, mandatory h-shift pattern)
- ABS and TC on (almost) all GT cars
- Forced cockpit view on all cars
- Or cancel all races as sim racing in 2010 is not even close to driving a real race car :thumbup:

We allow automatic gears because some members asked us in the past to do so, due to physical reasons of some players. If there is a genuine reason to drive all races on novice settings we can even do that as well, no problem. Some series, like mentioned before, we do allow driving help when the mod makers advice to do so.

Actually i don't even care about the whole discussion that you see on the internet between arcade and simulation. I have played arcade games just as much as simulation racing games (from Toca Race Driver to iRacing) and I enjoy both styles of racing. Having lots of fun with DiRT2 lately for example.

Have to stop posting now as I need to start the practice in my LMS Spyker (with traction control on medium btw).
I've been racing games for years, but I am not \"fast\" in PRO class here (not even safe)!

Troy - I hope this doesn't deter you from keeping on with the Muscle Club events. I need someone to join me racing for last :D (had fun at Birmingham a couple weeks ago). In time I think we'll catch up with the pack (I'd say youngsters, but Warren has us covered).

Once I decided to start racing online here (like you, been doing this offline for a long time; still have a copy of Indianapolis 500, The Simulation), I dropped use of all of the driving aids except clutch altogether. I practice and race that way - treat the adds like they don't exist. If I can't hold on, I slow down (a lot :( ) and tweak-tweak-tweak the line and settings to try and gain speed. I've just started playing with MoTeC, so we'll see if that helps. I don't know if you've noted the car settings some of the guys use, but for the sprint races they tend to set up super-soft w/slow shocks, like a qual run - kills the tires but works fine for 12 laps.

To some extent, loading a saved race and 'riding along' with the leaders is helpful, though I've found to my dismay that even with the same line and shift points, I tend to be slower :/. Probably a braking-throttle control through the corners thing - still working on that.

I'm also running with a MOMO, but if I decide to keep this up for a couple more months, will probably get a G27 and a seat, or build something out my growing collection of spare Miata parts.

In any case - hope you keep on - I've noticed a new section for US/Canada/South American time zone club races - looks like more opportunities/variety coming.
I gotta be honest here for one second.

I just don't see what the big deal is that at RD you don't use driving aids for events. It's all about choice in the world. Nobody is making you participate in RD events. Nobody is asking you to participate. YOu simply choose to race based on the format offered or you choose not to race. Real Simple.

All this reading between the lines is just a big pile of BULL.

on another note, When you aren't even a licensed member, Your thoughts just don't carry much weight for me. I just think it's a shame that you get to actually post here without being a licensed member. Otherwise it's like sitting outside the store looking at the window display and thinking you know WTF is in the store based on your "limited view"

There are plenty of half cooked sites out there you can haunt around and nobody will care one bit about it. But take it from a guy who has tried his share of other " top level" sim racing sites. This one is by FAR the best community around and the events are just awesome in scope and organization.

Maybe you'd be better off somewhere else debating policy with a group of people with names like "boosted hero" "Schmacher's cousin " etc. We're just a pile of goofballs here with our real names out there having fun the way the RD staff runs it.

So go spend sometime racing at those other sites. Have a ball! When you want to be a real part of the community here, go get your friggin license and join a club event. At least that way we'll know what to call you on race day.
I believe I have been very civil in this whole thread, and I get posts like #'s 33 and 38. I'm not a "licensed member" as I do not race in any RD series. I care not whether RD runs all prosetting races or a mix of them. The OP said he wanted to run some semi-pro races. He was told RD doesn't do them, but he's welcome to race pro with them. I wanted to make sure he knew that there are others in the RACE 07 community who do race no-pro.

I apologize if I offended anyone. It was not my intent. Personally, I think debating the pros and cons of the game are good for everyone involved. There's no need to take it personally.

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