Authorised Vendor Z1 Software (Z1 Dashboard, Z1 Analyzer, Z1 Designer)

The latest versions of the Z1 Dashboard and Z1 Designer introduced the Dashboard Gallery. This is where you can view and download all the available dashboards for use within the Z1 Dashboard. You can also upload your own to the Gallery, to share them with other users.

We've updated our website so that in addition to accessing the Gallery inside of the Z1 Dashboard or Z1 Designer, you can now also see the various dashboards available on our site.

You can view all the available dashboards here:
A small update for the Analyzer, V2021.3.1 fixes a bug associated with live telemetry:

* Fixes an issue with live telemetry when running rFactor, Automobilista or Game Stock Car when graphing by distance or percent where the pre-recorded lap would appear jagged in comparison to the live telemetry lap.


New users can get the demo here:

Existing users can get the update here:
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Viewing multiple laps in the Z1 Analyzer is a great way to easily see where you can gain time. That's the main point of using a telemetry application. Watch this video to see how you can easily use the Z1 Analyzer to review your laps and gain those all important seconds.

Make sure you join our Discord channel:

Download the Z1 software here:

Chapter Index
0:00 Intro
0:36 How To Open Laps
2:05 Managing Your Open Laps
3:37 Showing and Hiding Laps
4:14 Closing Laps
4:37 Sorting Laps
5:28 Cursor Values on Traces
6:31 Playing Back Laps
7:56 Lap Time/Sector Analysis
9:34 Driving Line Analysis
13:26 Final Thoughts
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We are in the process of upgrading our servers. It has been about 7 or 8 years since we last did this. Moving to a new server will give us the latest server OS, more capacity on the server, and more bandwidth. All necessary as we move forward with the Z1 software. A lot has gone on behind the scenes in preparation for the move.

The first public step will be happening tomorrow between 9 and 10 PM EST. We will be moving the databases over to the new server. During this time you will still be able to use your Z1 software. However access to anything that requires our server will not be available. This would be uploading/downloading telemetry files or dashboards, using the Z1 Internet server, registering, or accessing the Z1 website.

Hopefully everything goes smoothly and the downtime will be minimal.
Version 2021.3.2 of the Z1 Dashboard is now available. This includes several fixes to bugs found in the previous version.


* Fixed a bug where the rFactor 2 car class vs car name option was reversed.

* Fixed a bug that prevented the Average Lap Time setting in the Car tab from saving properly.

* Fixed a bug where the Dashboard window would get slightly smaller every time you opened it if you were
using the 'Thin' or 'None' title bar options.

* Updated some of the descriptions in the settings dialog to be more precise.

* Added more debug output for Vocore screens.

New users can download the demo here:

Existing users can get the update here:
Version 2021.4 of the Z1 Dashboard is now available! This new version implements the many new design features from the latest Z1 Designer (2021.4). It also introduces the support of keyboard input. We've also updated the rendering engine to provide crisper images at varying Windows scale levels.

New circular graphs and arc tools from the Designer allow for more dashboards.


New competitor tool from the Z1 Designer allow for more dashboard options.

The Title Bar options have been improved making them easier to use within the Dashboard.

Keyboard input is now supported.

Existing users can download the update here:

New users can get the demo here:

Full list of release notes:
* Keyboard input is now supported. To enable this make sure the 'Check Keyboard' option in the Buttons tab is selected. Then in the Select Button Dialog, type the key you want to control the specified function.

* Implements the new features from v2021.4 of the Z1 Designer.

* When running the Dashboard with the title bar set to 'None' or 'Thin' you can now resize and drag the Dashboard around as you would with a bordered window. To move it just click near the top of the Dashboard window where a title bar would normally be, and move it to the desired location. To resize you can click and drag any edge, or the resize area at the bottom right.

* When running the Dashboard with the title bar set to 'None' or 'Thin' you can now exit the Dashboard by clicking on the red X at the top right of the 'Waiting For Connection' screen. Note that this is only active when you are not connected to a sim.

* Rendering updates to improve overall clarity, especially when using Windows scaling other than 100%.

* Updates to various dialogs to bring them up to date with the latest look and feel of the Z1 software.

* Various tweaks to the settings dialog.

Download the demo today:
Version 2021.4 of the Z1 Designer is now available. This application lets you create your own dashboards for use within the Z1 Dashboard. And now with all the updates in the latest version creating your own dashboards is even easier!

We've added rulers, object coordinates, object locking, guide lines, nudge commands, and three new tools (circular graph, arc, and competitors).

The three new tools: Circular Graphs, Arcs, and Competitors.

Rulers can now be displayed on the top and left edges of the dashboard design window.

Object coordinates are now displayed on selected objects.

Objects can be locked in place to prevent accidental moving.


In addition rendering has been updated to provide better clarity across all Windows scales. The settings dialog has been updated to the latest Z1 standards and many small enhancements including new widgets, warnings tool options and cursor hints have been added.

Example dashboards that can be created using version 2021.4 of the Z1 Designer.


The Z1 Designer is a free application that can be downloaded here:

Full list of release notes:
* Circle Graph Tool. This is a new tool that lets you create circular graphs. The options are similar to those used in the standard graph tool.

* Competitors Tool. This new tool lets you place information about the drivers directly ahead/behind you on track or ahead/behind you in position. Information currently included is Driver Name, Car Type, Position, Laps Since Last Pit Stop, iRating, Safety Rating, Live Delta, S/F Delta, Last Lap Time, Fast Lap Time, Last Lap Delta, and Fast Lap Delta.

* Arc Tool. This new tool let you create arc segments. They can be open or closed, and filled or empty.

* Added the following widgets: Fuel Buffer, Fuel With Units, Fuel To Finish With Units, Average lap Description, Average Fuel Description, Wind Speed, Wind Direction - Large Arrow, Wind Direction - Small Arrow.

* Added ABS Engaged as a Warning tool option.

* Added Nudge commands. You can move the selected object up, down, left or right by one pixel using them. The keyboard shortcuts are the control key + arrow keys.

* Object locking. You can now lock the location of an object by clicking on the padlock icon in either the layer window or the object properties window. You can also choose to lock all objects by selecting Edit->Lock All Objects, or typing the Ctrl-L keyboard shortcut. All objects can be unlocked by selecting Edit->Unlock All Objects or typing the Ctrl-U keyboard shortcut. When an object is locked it cannot be moved or resized.

* Rulers have been added. You can choose to display these by selecting Edit->Show Rulers. They are displayed by default. The units used in the rulers are pixels. The rulers will show the cursor position as a small line in the ruler. The line is a vertical line on the top ruler, and a horizontal line on the left ruler.

* The current cursor position is now displayed at the top right of the Dashboard window.

* Guides have been added. To use guides you need to have rulers displayed. A guide is a vertical or horizontal line that is used to help align objects in your design. If you move an object near a guide that object will 'snap' to the guide. To create a guide, click on one of the rulers are drag the mouse onto the dashboard design. A new guide will be created and will display on your design. You can move a guide like any other object. Guides are always created in the background. While they are saved with the dashboard design, the are only displayed in the Z1 Designer and not in the Z1 Dashboard.

* When moving guides they will automatically 'snap' to the 1/4, 1/2 and 3/4 distances on the dashboard when moving near those locations.

* Snap Distance - this new drop down is displayed at the top of the Dashboard window. This determines how close an object needs to be to a guide before it 'snaps' to that guide.

* To remove a guide you can delete it by right clicking on its name in the layer window and choosing the delete option. Or you can simply drag it off the dashboard and back onto the ruler.

* Optional tick marks have been added to the graph tool. You can specify their frequency, width and color. For example if you have a graph going from 1000 to 8000, and you specify a tick frequency of 1000, then lines will be draw at 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000 and 7000 on the graph. Specifying a tick frequency of zero means no ticks will be displayed.

* Text objects can now have a background color.

* Cursor hints have been added for selected objects. The cursor will change when it is over a vertex, or a guide line, to help indicate the way to vertex can be moved.

* When you select an object the coordinates of that object are now displayed next to the object in the design window. This is intended to better feedback on where an object is located. You can specify the font size used for this information in the settings dialog. This feature can also be turned off in the settings dialog.

* Added a vertical scrollbar to the Object Properties window. The scrollbar will appear when necessary when you mouse your mouse over the Object Properties window.

* Rendering updates to improve overall clarity, especially when using Windows scaling other than 100%.

* The settings dialog has been updated to the new format (as used in the Dashboard V2021.3).

* The Designer now remembers the name you enter into the 'Your Name' field in the Gallery Upload dialog. This makes it easier when you are uploading your dashboards as you don't have to re-enter your name every time.

Download version 2021.4 of the Z1 Designer today:
Version 2021.4 of the Z1 Analyzer is now available! There are a ton of new features and updates in this version.

Some highlights are:
A new driving consistency analysis feature. Open multiple laps and the Z1 Analyzer will tell you how consistent you are under braking, throttle and your driving line. A great way to easily improve your driving.



Graphical updates to make the display crisper, especially under varying resolutions.

Multiple analysis screens can now be included in one layout.


Default layouts are now included.


The settings dialog, as well as several others, have been updated to the latest look and feel.

You can now easily zoom to a specific section of the track in the analysis screen by control-left-click/dragging the mouse to highlight the desired area.


New users can get the demo here:

Existing users can get the update here:

Full list of release notes:
* There is a new Analysis screen - the Consistency Analysis. This screen analyzes three areas where consistency is important: Braking, Throttle, and Driving Line. When you have multiple laps loaded this analysis will let you know how consistent you are across those laps. And as we always say - consistency is key to being a better faster driver, and to making any setup changes.

The braking section shows three metrics for each brake zone:
1) Average braking - this is the average brake application.
2) Maximum braking - this is the maximum brake application.
3) Braking Graph - this shows where you started to brake and where you ended braking.
Ideally all three of these would be the same for every lap. The consistency percentage for braking represents how similar these are across the laps.

The throttle section shows two metrics for when you exit each brake zone.
1) Time to 100% - this is the time it takes you to get back to a consistent 100% throttle.
2) Throttle Graph - this shows you the space between getting off the brakes through to when you where back to a consistent 100% throttle.

The driving line section looks at each corner with the lines driven through that corner overlayed on the track map. The consistency score is based on how similar the various lines are.
Anything over 90% is considered to be very good.
80-90 % is fairly good, but could use a bit of improvement.
If you have any corners under 80% those are the ones you should focus most of your time on.

* The Settings dialog has been updated to the latest design.

* You can now specify the font used in the Analyzer for the title bars, and axis numbers and descriptions. This option is available in the Display settings tab.

* You can specify the font sizes used to display the title bar text, axis text and sector text. This option is available in the Display settings tab.

* There is a new option at the top of the Display tab called 'Auto Scale'. Resizing the Analyzer's window with this option enabled will scale the display up and down to keep everything using the same amount of space within the window. (This is the same behavior as in previous versions of the Analyzer.) When turned off, resizing the window will not adjust the scale of the objects, leaving them exactly as they are. This allows you to create more space in the Analyzer's window for additional objects. The default behavior is to have this option turned off.

* Graphics clarity has been improved, especially when Windows scaling other than 100% is being used.

* There is now a Hertz Target option for live telemetry. This allows you to set the number of times per second the Analyzer will sample data when running live telemetry. By default this is off, allowing the Analyzer to sample as fast as possible. This is what was happening in previous versions of the Analyzer. To turn on a Hertz Target go to the Live Telemetry settings tab and scroll down to the 'Other' section where you will see the option to specify a Hertz Target rate.

* The Pro license option of having the border of a trace flash if that trace's value goes outside of specified values during live telemetry is now also avialble when you play back a recorded lap.

* The min/max/avg display in the trace title bars can now be turned on or off via 'Show Min/Max/Avg' setting in the Display tab of the settings dialog.

* There are now three options for what the min/max/avg area of the trace title bars can display. They are 1) min/max/avg; 2) cursor value & min/max/avg; 3) cursor value only. You can cycle through these by clicking in the arrows in the trace's title bar just to the left of the close icon. The settings is specific to each displayed trace.

* The Lap Overview Analysis Screen has been updated. The section that discusses your driving line has been improved to show the driving line for the referenced corner alongside the comment, making it easier to see what is happening in that turn.

* More than one analysis screen can now be opened at the same time. In previous versions you could only see one analysis screen at a time. The analysis screens now act like any other object (trace, scatter plot, etc), allowing you to better incorporate them into your layouts.

* Improvements to the Track Walk analysis screen to make it easier to use.

* You can now zoom in on the analysis track maps by dragging the mouse with the control button down. This lets you draw a square over part of the track map. When you release the mouse button the map will zoom to that square. You can customize this option in the Control settings tab. You can specify whether control drag, or a basic drag zooms in on the track map. The default is for the basic drag to move the track map and the control drag to zoom in on it. As always, double clicking on the track maps will restore the default zoom and location.

* Several default layouts are now provided. You can open these from the File->Open Layout menu. They can be used as is, or you can modify and save or delete them if desired. Basic layouts for lap analysis, traces, histograms and scatter plots are included, as well as layouts for data imported from the Porsche PCM and the AIM MyChron.

Download the demo today:
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Version 2021.4 of the Z1 Designer introduces many new design features. These are all aimed at making it easier and faster to create or edit dashboards.

Watch this video to see how they all work. To skip to a specific feature use the chapter index below or in the time line of the video.

Join our discord channel:

Download the free Z1 demo:

0:00 Intro
0:58 Rulers
1:54 Cursor Position
2:58 Cursor Hints
3:46 Object Coordinates
4:47 Nudge Commands
5:50 Object Locking
7:26 Guides
10:11 Object properties Scrollbar
11:19 Final Thoughts
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We've added a new category to the Dashboard Gallery: 'Newly Added Dashboards'. This displays any dashboards that have been added in the past 14 days. This is intended to make it easier to find newly added dashboards.

We've added 28 dashboard in that time (look for those by Z1). Other designers have also uploaded new dashboards as well.

You can see all the dashboards here:
Version 2021.4 of the Z1 Designer introduces three new tools:
Competitor Tool
Arc Tool
Circular Graph Tool

Watch the video to see what they do and how they can be used in your designs for the Z1 Dashboard.

Join our discord channel:

Download the Z1 Designer:

Chapter Index:
0:00 Intro
1:03 Competitor Tool Overview
2:37 Competitor Tool Options
4:37 Competitor Tool Car vs Position
5:31 Competitor Tool Look and Feel
6:13 Arc Tool & Circular Graph Tool Overview
7:05 Arc Tool
8:48 Circular Graph Tool
11:53 Final Thoughts
If you want to be a faster race driver (and let's face it everyone wants to be faster), the Z1 Analyzer is the tool that can help you get there.

This video highlights three new features of the Z1 Analyzer that are there to help you maximize your potential on every lap.

Watch the entire video, or skip to the chapter that interests you the most.

Download the free demo here:
Join our discord channel:

Chapter Index
0:00 Intro
0:43 Laps Displayed
1:22 Displaying the Consistency Analysis
1:44 Why Consistency Matters
2:29 Consistency Analysis Overview
2:36 Braking Analysis
3:56 Braking Metrics
6:00 Example of a Consistency Brake Zone
7:05 Example of an Inconsistent Brake Zone
8:14 Throttle Analysis
8:38 Throttle Metrics
10:03 Example of a Consistent Throttle Zone
10:43 Example on an Inconsistent Throttle Zone
11:59 Driving Line Analysis
12:32 Driving Line Metrics
13:07 Example of a Consistent Driving Line
13:55 Example of an Inconsistent Driving Line
14:53 Analysis Tips
15:20 Final Thoughts
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The Z1 Analyzer is the telemetry analysis application you want to be using to find that extra time you are looking for on track. Version 2021.4 of the Z1 Analyzer introduces many new features into the software. These make it easier to use, view telemetry, and most important of all provide more insight into making you a faster driver.

Join our Discord channel:

Download the Z1 Analyzer here:

Chapter Index:
0:00 Intro
0:40 Viewing Multiple Analysis Screens
1:28 Lap Overview Analysis
2:19 Track Walk Analysis
3:10 Analysis Screen Instructions
3:35 Zooming in on Analysis Track Maps
4:31 Updated Settings Dialog
5:09 Customizing Fonts
6:17 Auto Scale and Graphics Updates
7:32 Hertz Target in Live Telemetry
8:24 Trace Min/Max/Avg Options
9:39 Default Layouts
10:23 Final Thoughts
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Version 2021.4.2 of the Z1 Analyzer is now available. This fixes a few bugs found in version 2021.4.1.

New users can download the demo here:

Existing users can get the update here:

v 2021.4.2
* Fixes a bug that could cause the Analyzer to crash when opening or changing laps.
* Fixes a bug that could prevent laps from the server from being downloaded.
Version 2022.1 of the Z1 Dashboard is now available!

This new version adds many new features including:
* Drag and drop reordering of dashboards

* Compatibility with version 2022.1 of the Z1 Designer

* Support for Rexing Wheels

* Pre-scanning of laps for easier access from the Z1 Analyzer

* Live position changes for iRacing

* A brand new title bar design


New users can get the demo here:

Existing users can get the latest version here:

Here is the full list of release notes:
* Compatible with all new 2022.1 Z1 Designer features.

* The title bar has been redesigned. It is now incorporated into the Z1 Dashboard window. It will be displayed whenever you move your mouse over the window. This will allow you to move, resize and close the Dashboard window. When you mouse your mouse outside the window the title bar will disappear.

* The Title Bar setting has been removed as the display of the title bar no longer effects the size of the window.

* There is a new option in the Display tab called 'Show Border In Car'. If you want the title bar to be displayed when you move the mouse over the window when you are in the car then this option should be selected.

* In the Car tab of the settings dialog you can now reorder the dashboards for a car by clicking and draging them to where you want them to be.

* The button to display the menus in the garage screens has been moved. The previous three bars has been replaced by a menu bar at the right side of the display. Click this menu bar to show or hide the menus. This was necessary due to the redesign of the title bar.

* Enabling or disabling keyboard input no longer requires a restart of the Dashboard for the change to take effect.

* Changing the orientation of the display on the Vocore screen no longer requires a restart to take effect. You will see the change as soon as you exit the settings dialog. Note you may still have to recalibrate the touch points of the vocore screen after changing its orientation.

* In iRacing positions during a race are now updated in real time. Previously they were only updated when you crossed the start/finish line.

* Added an option to pre-scan recorded telemetry laps. This works in conjuntion with telemetry recording. When you exit the car with telemetry recording active and this option active the Z1 Dashboard will scan the laps that were just recorded and add them to the Z1 Analyzer's list of laps. The next time you start the Z1 Analyzer these newly scanned laps will be available for you to open immediately without having to perform a lap scan. This option is on by default and available in the General settings tab. Note: This option works best when the Dashboard is on the same PC as both the sim and the Analyzer. If the Analyzer is not on the same machine as the Dashboard or the Analyzer's documents folder is in a non-standard location you will need to specify the location of the folder in the Dashboard's general settings tab. In addition when working with iRacing if iRacing is on a different PC then you will need to specify the location of the iRacing telemetry folder in the Dashboard's General settings tab.

* Rexing wheel LEDs are now supported.

* RaceRoom: updated to be compatible with latest API data.

* RaceRoom added: center front and rear third spring deflection and velocity; tire load; push to pass; traction control, engine power, engine braking; engine stalled.

Download the demo today:
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Version 2022.1 of the Z1 Designer is now available. The Z1 Designer lets you create or modify dashboards for use with the Z1 Dashboard. This new version includes a massive amount of updates and new features.

Some highlights are:

* A completely redesigned open dashboard dialog, making it easier to find and select the desired dash.

* The new Conditional text tool

* The new LED Group tool

* Objects can now be 'pinned' to the left, right or bottom of the dashboard.

* Warning objects can be animated to flash on and off.

* Flat track maps can now be created.

* Many new widgets including: Session state, session type, position/total cars.

* Multiple new data channels including various ERS options, push to pass, and incident counts.

The Z1 Designer is a free application and can be downloaded here:

Here is the full list of release notes:
* The Open Dashboard dialog has been completely reworked. It now is similar to the Dashboard Gallery. It displays a preview of the dashboard along with its name, folder path, and creation date. You can sort the display by name or creation date. To open the dashboard just double click on the desired preview.

* New Tool: LED Group Tool. This tool lets you create multiple LEDs at once. You drag out a rectangle using the tool. This rectangle will then be filled with evenly spaced LEDs. You can choose the number of LEDs, the type of LEDs (circular or rectangular) and their color. When they are arranged as you want them click the 'Create LEDs' button in the LED Group's object properties window. This will create the LEDs assigning them to shift lights, starting with Shift Light 1 and going up to the total number of LEDs you selected. Note you must create the LEDs for them to be saved.

* New Tool: Conditional Text tool. This tool lets you tie the display of text to a data channel. You can then set the text to be displayed based on the values of that data channel.

* Objects can now be 'pinned' to the left edge, right edge or bottom edge of the dashboard window. If an object has one or more of its sides pinned, then as the user adjusts the size of their dashboard window, that edge of the object that is pinned will always stay connected with the edge of the window. If an object can be pinned you will see three 'Pin' checkboxes in the object properties window.

* Objects that are copy/pasted are now pasted into the layer that the original oject was in. So if the original object was in the foreground then the newly pasted object will also be in the foreground. Previously the object was pasted into the currentrly active layer. Thhis could cause problems with objects not being displayed properly if you pasted a foreground object into the background.

* Pasted objects are now not locked regardless of the locked status of the original object. Previously if the copied object was locked then the pasted object would also be locked. But this made it so you could not move the pasted object without first unlocking it.

* There is now an option to show/hide all current guides. This is Edit->Show Guides, or Control-G. Note that objects will still snap to hidden guides.

* The detection for whether or not you clicked within a multi-line shape has been improved. If that shaped is a closed polygon (so the first and last points are the same) then you will have to click inside the object, and not its bounding box to select it. If the shape is an open polygon then clicking within its bounding box will select it.

* The Z1 Designer will now automatically open the dashboard you were working on when you last exited the application. If you do not want the Designer to do this, you can uncheck the Reopen Dashboard option in the General settings tab. With this option unchecked the Z1 Designer will always open to a blank dashboard, as was the case in previous versions.

* Added the following Widgets: Session State; Session Type; Position After Stop; Position/Total Cars; Laps Number of Total Laps.

* Added the following data channels: ERS level percentage; ERS Lap Level Percentage; DRS Uses; Brake Bias Fine; MGUK Deploy Mode; Energy ERS Battery Percentage; Incident Count - Team; Incident Count - Me; Incident Count - Driver; Joker Laps Remaining, Push to Pash Count. Note not all sims support all channels.

* When opening a dashboard if an item is specified as being selected, then its properties will display in the Object Properties window.

* The display names of Conditional Images now include the targeted data channel name.

* You can now specify the background color for the units tool.

* There is now an option in the units tool to display the units in upper or lower case.

* You can now specify a flash speed for any warning. To do so enter the number of milliseconds for each flash in the warning properties window. A value of zero will display the warning consistently without flashing.

* You can preview the warning flashing (animation) by clicking the 'Animate' checkbox in the warning tool's properties window. There is a setting in the General settings tab that determines if newly created objects that have animations will have that checkbox clicked by default or not. Currently only warnings have animations.

* Added car class and class position as options in the Standings tool.

* There is a new option in the standings tool for 'Show Your Class Only'. When this is selected the standings display will only show cars that are in your class in the race.

* There is a new option in the standings tool for 'Display No Change As'. This lets you set what will be displayed in the iRating change and Position change column when there has been no change from the original value. The default is a zero (0).

* When the dashboard needs to be saved an asterisk (*) will appear to the right of the dashboard's name in the Dashboard window.

* There is now an option to turn off the save confirmation message. If you do not want this message to appear after you save your design, uncheck the 'Save Confirmation' option in the General settings tab.

* The Designer will now ask if you'd like to save any changes that have been made when you exit the application if you have not already saved your dashboard design.

* There is a new option in the General settings tab called 'Change Dash Confirmation'. This option is on by default. With this option selected opening or creating a new dashboard when there is an existing dashboard open will result in a prompt asking if you would like to proceed. Note: an unsaved dashboard will always result in a prompt regardless of this option's status.

* There is a new option in the General settings tab called 'Create Preview When Saving'. This option is on by default. When selected a new preview image of your dashboard will be created when you save the dashboard.

* You can now specify the background color of the header row in the standings object.

* Added the following warning options: Engine Stalled, P2P (Push to Pass) Engaged, On Joker Lap

* New options for columns within the Standings tool: Driver Incidents; Team Incidents. Currently only iRacing supports these options.

* You can now choose the style of a track map. They can either be 'normal', which shows the full track map in either static or moving form (as selected by the Dashboard user); or they can be 'flat'. A flat track map is a single straight line going from left to right. This allows for track maps that take up less space than the full track map.

* Added a new widget - Track Map Settings. This will place the track map setting icon, allowing you to display the options for rotating the track map. Note this will not be displayed for flat track maps or moving track maps.

The Z1 Designer is a free application and can be downloaded here:
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Version 2022.1.1 is now available. This update fixes a few bugs found in 2022.1.

Existing users can get the update here:

New users can get the demo here:

Release notes:
* Fixes a bug that caused the track map car colors of behind and ahead drivers to be switched.
* Various other bug fixes.
* Improvements to pre-scan for the Analyzer.
* Reduces the maximum brightness output to Rexing wheels. This is at the request of the manufacturer to save power.
Version 2022.1.2 of the Z1 Dashboard is available.

This is a bug fix update:
* Fixes a bug that could cause the Dashboard or Server to crash when running iRacing (either when joining the session, changing a session, or during a session.) If you use the Z1 Server, then you also need to update that to version 2022.1.1.

Existing users can get the update here:

New users can get the demo here:
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