New Tactile Hardware 2023 / 2024

So then.....
The offer will be left on the table for anyone else that wants to show what they apply for and how they use...

Road Bumps
Road Vibrations
Road Impacts
Road Textures

I don't use these effects 'cause it's not clear for me how they work

I created a custom effect:
  • 4 outputs (FL/FR/RL/RR) + mono
  • 3 mixed signals: one for low values (~road noise), one for medium values (~vibrations/bumps) and one for high values (~impacts). Using different thresholds and gains
  • vibrations amplitude as a function of heave and wheel load
  • base frequencies: ~30Hz for impacts and bumps (peak resonance of my BS), 47Hz for road noise (30Hz + a fifth, yes, I'm a musician)
the 3 signals also have harmonics at 2f/3, 4f/3 and 5f/3 (I measured this on my car...)

Signals are used by 4 BST-1s on the side of the seat and of the pedal support, and by TT-
25s under butt and heels.

Signals are mixed in mono and sent to the shifter(BST-2), mono signal is weighted by the brake level and sent to the brake pedal (TT-25).

yep, I like having heave everywhere
I tried to be nice and play along, but it's the same old Latte with all the grandiose narcissistic waffle.
Opinion does not equal narcissim. Mr. Latte has a different approach to tactile and to communication; some like it, some don't. This is a thread initiated by Latte--do not read it if you don't like it. Latte puts in the $ and time to investigate and share about a sim racing feature about which they are passionate. What have YOU and the other detractors brought to the conversation?

Unless you hold a Ph.D in psychology AND have examined Mr. Latte, stop throwing around armchair diagnoses and epithets. If you are Latte's practicioner and have pasted together something regarding Latte's personality from the DSM, you are violating doctor-patient confidentiallity.

Personal attacks on community members a just plain rude. If you cannot type something nice or constructive, find something else to do with you fingers.
every post reads like a cry for help, used as an opportunity to promote himself and jab at others. something is definately not right
Your comment advances nothing other than bullying behavior. Your characterization of his disagreement/advancing a different opinion as "jabs" comes off as a classic case of projection. Why do you feel the need to pile on? I wonder if after re-reading your snarky giggles, you have the integrity to retract it?

There is a very long subtext to the tactile debate. Latte and others have been working on it for over a decade. Reading between the lines, others will claim to have found THE secret sauce. Adherants on both sides are playing a zero sum game and no one can hear through the din: Ford vs. Chevy, Chiefs-Raiders, Yankees-Mets, Arsenal-Chelsea. Latte has completely started over and is revising tactile recommendations based on current tech and attempting to move the "standards" to a better one which might even bring improvements cost-wise and in effectiveness. Where is your positive contribution?

Mr. Latte has most recenty asked the RD community for input regarding ways of driving HPR and settings used. He is sharing experience and trying to compare that of others. If he disagrees with what has been shared, this is not uncommon. Don't want his opinion or help, ignore it.
Ok, if you're done with the white knighting...

Look, I'll be the first to admit that he's definitely delved further into tactile than most, if not all and I respect his knowedge on the subject.
However, if he wants to ask people to share their relevant settings and opinions regarding their setups and what effects they enjoy (and I have, here and on discord), only for the predictable dismissive responses along the lines of "Oh come on guys. You're using stock effects. You mean you're not multi-layering? You're not using custom multi-layered stereo effects with massive frequency ranges?" etc etc.

It's not about him disagreeing with what's been shared, it's the condescending, dismissive superiority complex that comes across with it.
This is nothing new, and also a likely part of the reason that there are few people wanting to share and interact here or on discord. They know what to expect and don't want to deal with it.
Like I said, I gave it a chance and I'm not the only one that got rubbed the wrong way.

Btw "do not read it if you don't like it." is a pretty ridiculous statement. You kind of have to read things to decide whether you like them or not.

For the record, I do agree with Latte that the P-HPR is relatively limited vs the other items he's testing. It was never really in question tbh.
Although I have no real interest in stereo pedals, I am genuinely interested to see what he comes up with profile wise.

Anyway, let's not get caught up in a back and forth.
Opinion does not equal narcissim. Mr. Latte has a different approach to tactile and to communication; some like it, some don't. This is a thread initiated by Latte--do not read it if you don't like it. Latte puts in the $ and time to investigate and share about a sim racing feature about which they are passionate. What have YOU and the other detractors brought to the conversation?

Unless you hold a Ph.D in psychology AND have examined Mr. Latte, stop throwing around armchair diagnoses and epithets. If you are Latte's practicioner and have pasted together something regarding Latte's personality from the DSM, you are violating doctor-patient confidentiallity.

Personal attacks on community members a just plain rude. If you cannot type something nice or constructive, find something else to do with you fingers.

This is a very balanced and fair account, it means a lot and thank you and to others that appreciate at least the time and effort I try to put into this thread. I am going to ignore the spite and to be honest I expected more by now.

I had genuine belief that something good for the community could come from what I am trying to do here. I have not purposely tried to bad mouth anyone here or be personally spiteful to them. Yet certain people are lurking here, and seem all to happy to do exactly that.

I presume but not saying for certain, some cannot show the effects they use or go into detail about them as they may have agreed to conditions of usage at GV? I get blasted for apparently self promoting myself, yet if anything Race Department is used quite often to promote GV.

Several times now I have made it quite clear here, that people are welcome to use what they want. I even stated I don't care for those that want to argue, for the sake of just arguing. Fine do what you want, why you here?

So I applaud you for calling them out on it, and them offering or bringing little or or nothing constructive to the thread.

I am in no way trying to give people the impression to stop with what they are using, to then do things by how I recommend. As in the past, yes I would have been more forceful in trying to get people to consider what at that time was a different approach to effects and using hardware or indeed the benefits of isolation.

What I have been trying to do is to get a gauge for how/what ways people were using the HPR in Bass Shaker mode and also have an interest to learn how others have been applying or using the ROAD based effects in stereo with pedals.

If the HPR had of operated better then lots of people buying that or that already own it. I would of been able to quickly adapt some of the new effects I was working with, for that specific units operation.

To clarify some points made and what I did.

I looked these forums, Simhub Discord and Simagic Discord.
Perhaps I missed stuff, but I did not see any specific information on how people were using the "supposed advantages" of operating the HPR with Bass Shaker Mode. I stated the two primary benefits being above 50Hz operation and the ability to use multiple frequencies on effects or at least different frequencies applied to different effects. I did not say oh why are you not using multilayers or mention anything about dsp. Yet I get a smart ass response from a guy that is "trying to play nice".

What I did see was people commenting that it's nothing new, bragging how they have been doing this for months. Yet very few of the reviews of the product highlighted this and Daniels that I shared was the first I think to show that. Also based on peoples comments in Simhub Discord it was still news to a lot of eager buyers/owners.

I could not find anyone sharing effects they were using, nor did I see anyone reporting on specifics of how the unit performed either in general to other budget transducers/exciters or how it was above the 50Hz limit.

So in several months with people using the unit, it was and still is very unclear how well for other people, the unit would be able to make use of the benefits the Bass Shaker Mode opened.

I was a bit surprised that someone claiming to have used the unit for so long with an amp, was still then only using it in a way that didn't seem to make use of the benefits it made possible. It was also referenced to other people "seriously guys" not just him as an individual but the audience here that nobody seems to of released a collection of effects for the HPR used with the amps.

Nobody shared their settings in here or gave clear examples of how they were gaining benefits connecting the unit that way.

Late last night, as tired I didn't best express the point @metalnwood had mentioned in a response, that for him, he only likes/wants certain effects on his pedals and nothing else. He didn't actually mention "stereo effects" as I put it across, so my apologies on that. Yet in his post he was clear what his preference was and not having many effects.

We also appeared to have some confusion over effects using multiple layers and multiple types of effects being developed to work in tandem with each other.

I do not believe that is an approach that has been used much by others nor trying to do so with the usage of more musically matched frequencies. In my own testing since late 2022 I began to find these could improve how multiple effects may be experienced or enjoyed when combined.

That's one thing I still really enjoy about tactile, is discovering new tricks or ways to achieve better results. Now I can make effects better than before with much less layers too and that just helps to simplify things for others.

See 0:25

It will be possible for solutions for pedals to mount to the BDS incorporated IMS attachment. I would not be surprised to see people 3D print larger diameter variations that could be stronger. Or like we see with many other pedal solutions, someone design something for specific pedals. Alternatively some form of application of Dual Lock could be sufficient depending on where/what the units are being installed to.
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I don't use these effects 'cause it's not clear for me how they work

I created a custom effect:
  • 4 outputs (FL/FR/RL/RR) + mono
  • 3 mixed signals: one for low values (~road noise), one for medium values (~vibrations/bumps) and one for high values (~impacts). Using different thresholds and gains
  • vibrations amplitude as a function of heave and wheel load
  • base frequencies: ~30Hz for impacts and bumps (peak resonance of my BS), 47Hz for road noise (30Hz + a fifth, yes, I'm a musician)
the 3 signals also have harmonics at 2f/3, 4f/3 and 5f/3 (I measured this on my car...)

Signals are used by 4 BST-1s on the side of the seat and of the pedal support, and by TT-
25s under butt and heels.

Signals are mixed in mono and sent to the shifter(BST-2), mono signal is weighted by the brake level and sent to the brake pedal (TT-25).

yep, I like having heave everywhere

Thanks for responding with an interesting post and details.
I have some questions but will show some similarities to our approaches.
Hope you don't mind a long response.

I still base my testing on ACC so I cant give much input on different sims. I was wondering with your own approach using the custom effects you have, if you need to alter the settings for different sims or cars that much? Maybe you just tweek volumes if different sims are generating higher/lower values?

So you are running front/rear directional stereo based effects with a mono channel for a shifter. I have a fair idea how the BST 1 and BST 2 units perform but do you mind giving your own opinions on...

1. What frequencies in lowest to highest you find each unit performs best with.
2. When adding the harmonics do you feel much beyond 60Hz
3. At what point do you find the generated noise is more noticeable or annoying than the felt vibrations being output.


Will discuss some of the elements of my own new approach but this does not need to be applied to all effects.

Your approach with low/medium/high layers with different thresholds and gains.
I presume each of these has its own generated response and will give you more dynamic operation with the effects.

Can relate to that with the layering I use. Simply put we want different bump sensations for the low mid high responses and not just a static frequency that only changes in gain. The benefit being we feel more variation. Less repetitive responses at very different speeds or other scenarios that generate the smallest to largest values.

I tend to use the "impacts" maybe slightly different but can use higher values only if needed. Although my preference, I want this effect to feel complemtary but different to "Road Bumps" and likewise those to "Road Rumble" and not just apply impacts as the strongest high value elements within Road Bumps.

I prefer to be able to apply "impacts" in different ways.
It can be treated like a sub channel. So either it can be placed to offer a strong output on a specific unit, pair of units or all 4 units. Or alternatively on large BK type units with much lower bass capabilities used in a sub type role or multiple sub type role installed units.

For me, the impacts could also be staged, so defined if desired in the same low/med/high manner. Again with the idea that each generates something different or may even use more units or the sub based channel for the higher responses.

This is one of the reasons I want a unit like the BDS that offers not just excellent bass but the wider usable frequency range. It just gives us more to play with in how different each of the 3 stages may feel compared to a unit with less usable frequency range or not very good with low end or not very good with high end frequencies we use as fundamentals or if desired apply octaves or harmonics.

What is also possible with this is that by the user altering the volumes of the layers. They then generate their own output mix of the combined layers for the 3 stages. If the user wants to disable any of the layers/stages to simplfy the effect, they can or only apply a single one. I may want an effect to include audible tones to give it character which again the exciters are generally better at producing. I love hearing the brrrr from saw tooth type kerbs representing the left or right front tyres.

Not only that and a part you may like, because each of the layers uses musically applied frequencies. I like to tinker with applying f_lo / f_ctr / f_hi with octave bands - 1/2 octaves & 1/3 octaves. This gets really interesting when you have 3 pairs of stereo units on the back of a seat but then also 2 mono units for 8 exciters. It gives us lots of ways in how we apply different effects to specific body regions or better separate effects over more channels. Or it enables being able to have an effect created that it may operate over multiple stereo pairs but applying different usage of the octave bands to each pair.

Why? It gives me more creative freedom with "my own" effects experimentation. Much can be learned with how the first octave or adding the 2nd octave can totally change how an effect may feel compared to the same frequency layer being applied to several units. Do we want the sensation to be more impactful or have more expression in detailing. Effects can also be incorporated to move up or down the seat with this approach and with each unit (my preference) being to the same spec. The dual central channels can be utilised for mono effects and to keep them separated (if desired) away from stereo channels.

I would assume nobody has been building effects with this same or exact approach? Yet we both onto similar paths just in different ways.

Personally I am preferring to go with using a unit like the BDS over an installation using different units simply because of the points mentioned earlier and I want each body region, be it in the pedals, pedal base, seat to have the same operational capabilities.

Look forward to some of your thoughts on this or more of what your own future plans are, with your own efforts or rig....
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Your comment advances nothing other than bullying behavior. Your characterization of his disagreement/advancing a different opinion as "jabs" comes off as a classic case of projection. Why do you feel the need to pile on? I wonder if after re-reading your snarky giggles, you have the integrity to retract it?

There is a very long subtext to the tactile debate. Latte and others have been working on it for over a decade. Reading between the lines, others will claim to have found THE secret sauce. Adherants on both sides are playing a zero sum game and no one can hear through the din: Ford vs. Chevy, Chiefs-Raiders, Yankees-Mets, Arsenal-Chelsea. Latte has completely started over and is revising tactile recommendations based on current tech and attempting to move the "standards" to a better one which might even bring improvements cost-wise and in effectiveness. Where is your positive contribution?

Mr. Latte has most recenty asked the RD community for input regarding ways of driving HPR and settings used. He is sharing experience and trying to compare that of others. If he disagrees with what has been shared, this is not uncommon. Don't want his opinion or help, ignore it.
you enable his behaviour to continue. the irony of labelling my comment as projection is not lost on me
every post reads like a cry for help, used as an opportunity to promote himself and jab at others. something is definately not right

Okay just you let it all out son,,,,

Quick recap.....

1.Advice on soundcards highlighting issues with others even some promoted at GV (cough). Do yer own testing to confirm what I said.

2.Recommending to people a much cheaper and better alternative amplifier than one linked and asked to comment on.

3.Helping someone with queries on a company selling (what appears like) a known low performance exciter as an alternative haptic solution.

4.Actually creating a new tactile thread to compare new products that nobody else seemed to of done

5.Building a test rig to let me easily compare many different tactile units, to expand my own curiosity but help me better understand how good they are. Their own pros/cons and operational differences in character.

6.Repeatedly telling people to use what they want, their choice.

7.Highlighting I don't care for pointless arguing and clearly disruption is what some of you are here for.

So let me get this straight, all that is to promote myself and to have a jab at others? Coming from someone that looks like a dummy account but regardless has how many posts, or valuable input on the forums here?

Yes something is indeed not right, and its you...
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  • Deleted member 197115

OMG, back to ignore list for good.
Was really hoping that extended time out could have fixed some behavioral problems.
Thanks for responding with an interesting post and details.
I have some questions but will show some similarities to our approaches.
Hope you don't mind a long response.

I still base my testing on ACC so I cant give much input on different sims. I was wondering with your own approach using the custom effects you have, if you need to alter the settings for different sims or cars that much? Maybe you just tweek volumes if different sims are generating higher/lower values?

So you are running front/rear directional stereo based effects with a mono channel for a shifter. I have a fair idea how the BST 1 and BST 2 units perform but do you mind giving your own opinions on...

1. What frequencies in lowest to highest you find each unit performs best with.
2. When adding the harmonics do you feel much beyond 60Hz
3. At what point do you find the generated noise is more noticeable or annoying than the felt vibrations being output.


Will discuss some of the elements of my own new approach but this does not need to be applied to all effects.

Your approach with low/medium/high layers with different thresholds and gains.
I presume each of these has its own generated response and will give you more dynamic operation with the effects.

Can relate to that with the layering I use. Simply put we want different bump sensations for the low mid high responses and not just a static frequency that only changes in gain. The benefit being we feel more variation. Less repetitive responses at very different speeds or other scenarios that generate the smallest to largest values.

I tend to use the "impacts" maybe slightly different but can use higher values only if needed. Although my preference, I want this effect to feel complemtary but different to "Road Bumps" and likewise those to "Road Rumble" and not just apply impacts as the strongest high value elements within Road Bumps.

I prefer to be able to apply "impacts" in different ways.
It can be treated like a sub channel. So either it can be placed to offer a strong output on a specific unit, pair of units or all 4 units. Or alternatively on large BK type units with much lower bass capabilities used in a sub type role or multiple sub type role installed units.

For me, the impacts could also be staged, so defined if desired in the same low/med/high manner. Again with the idea that each generates something different or may even use more units or the sub based channel for the higher responses.

This is one of the reasons I want a unit like the BDS that offers not just excellent bass but the wider usable frequency range. It just gives us more to play with in how different each of the 3 stages may feel compared to a unit with less usable frequency range or not very good with low end or not very good with high end frequencies we use as fundamentals or if desired apply octaves or harmonics.

What is also possible with this is that by the user altering the volumes of the layers. They then generate their own output mix of the combined layers for the 3 stages. If the user wants to disable any of the layers/stages to simplfy the effect, they can or only apply a single one. I may want an effect to include audible tones to give it character which again the exciters are generally better at producing. I love hearing the brrrr from saw tooth type kerbs representing the left or right front tyres.

Not only that and a part you may like, because each of the layers uses musically applied frequencies. I like to tinker with applying f_lo / f_ctr / f_hi with octave bands - 1/2 octaves & 1/3 octaves. This gets really interesting when you have 3 pairs of stereo units on the back of a seat but then also 2 mono units for 8 exciters. It gives us lots of ways in how we apply different effects to specific body regions or better separate effects over more channels. Or it enables being able to have an effect created that it may operate over multiple stereo pairs but applying different usage of the octave bands to each pair.

Why? It gives me more creative freedom with "my own" effects experimentation. Much can be learned with how the first octave or adding the 2nd octave can totally change how an effect may feel compared to the same frequency layer being applied to several units. Do we want the sensation to be more impactful or have more expression in detailing. Effects can also be incorporated to move up or down the seat with this approach and with each unit (my preference) being to the same spec. The dual central channels can be utilised for mono effects and to keep them separated (if desired) away from stereo channels.

I would assume nobody has been building effects with this same or exact approach? Yet we both onto similar paths just in different ways.

Personally I am preferring to go with using a unit like the BDS over an installation using different units simply because of the points mentioned earlier and I want each body region, be it in the pedals, pedal base, seat to have the same operational capabilities.

Look forward to some of your thoughts on this or more of what your own future plans are, with your own efforts or rig....

settings for different sims or cars
my system only works for Assetto Corsa, it's adaptable to other games but I'll have to change thresholds and gains depending on the game.
Another point: my system requires a huge amount of information about the cars (number of cylinders, engine position, tyre max slip angle, etc.), which I extract from the .ini files... each car has to be filled in, so it's not a universal system !

about bass shakers
I measured the response curve of the bass shakers, the BST-2's is very strange... (see attach file)

harmonics do go beyond 60Hz, but I use a low-pass filter at 100Hz

I don't pay attention to noise: I use noise-cancelling headphones

about layers / harmonics
I like the analogy with chords in music: it brings power, roundness, dissonance... depending on the intervals.

octave (2f) and fifth (3f/2) give power and roundness
half tones (13f/12 or 11f/12) give dissonance

other intervals are in between!

future plans

like you: find a good combination of hardware to best reproduce the frequencies, probably by mixing different types of BS

I'm going to try to compensate the frequency response of the BS (with variable gain depending on frequency, but at the expense of maximum power)

making the effects more alive by taking more parameters into account: brake temperature, tyre pressure, car weight, etc.

adapt the system to Assetto Corsa 2 when it comes out!


  • bs-freq.png
    169.7 KB · Views: 41
As far as the tactile I am using, I have 2xhesf2-4 on each pedal. these are great for rpm but not enough for the braking pressure I use so I have the mbq1 mapped for slip/lock and abs, but i really never drive abs
Do you find the range of power the MBQ offers a necessity on the brake? Were other options just not giving you enough kick?

I ask because I’m curious to know if I’m missing something using anything less than an MBQ :)
Do you find the range of power the MBQ offers a necessity on the brake? Were other options just not giving you enough kick?

I ask because I’m curious to know if I’m missing something using anything less than an MBQ :)
I have only used the exciters and the MQB. The exciters I think are good for everything other than the brake, for what I want. They just dont have the kick to really stand out like the mqb at the pressures I am using.. I have my pedals around 100kg from memory. Of course I am not often at 100% braking when things go wrong, it depends on the car, it could be 70%. I drive a number of cars where the max braking you would usually do is about that, this still translates to about 60-70kg a lot of the time. You can feel the exciters but with the MQB there is no problem, it has what you need. Especially if you want something like abs which has lower freq pulses, it has much more power than the exciters.

So the mqb works much better in my situation, if you were using something lighter with another common range of around 25-30kg then the exciters would certainly perform better but they wont be hard hitting.
settings for different sims or cars
my system only works for Assetto Corsa, it's adaptable to other games but I'll have to change thresholds and gains depending on the game.
Another point: my system requires a huge amount of information about the cars (number of cylinders, engine position, tyre max slip angle, etc.), which I extract from the .ini files... each car has to be filled in, so it's not a universal system !

about bass shakers
I measured the response curve of the bass shakers, the BST-2's is very strange... (see attach file)

harmonics do go beyond 60Hz, but I use a low-pass filter at 100Hz

I don't pay attention to noise: I use noise-cancelling headphones

about layers / harmonics
I like the analogy with chords in music: it brings power, roundness, dissonance... depending on the intervals.

octave (2f) and fifth (3f/2) give power and roundness
half tones (13f/12 or 11f/12) give dissonance

other intervals are in between!

future plans

like you: find a good combination of hardware to best reproduce the frequencies, probably by mixing different types of BS

I'm going to try to compensate the frequency response of the BS (with variable gain depending on frequency, but at the expense of maximum power)

making the effects more alive by taking more parameters into account: brake temperature, tyre pressure, car weight, etc.

adapt the system to Assetto Corsa 2 when it comes out!

Interesting, have already written quite a lot for this but think it needs its own place. Will hold that perhaps for later in response to this and other elements of my own views. I would enjoy sensible conversation on it too if that is what you are after?

Different Paths
Would like to discuss, sharing how that as an approach is different to my own goals or ideas. Yet we can see how regardless of what methods are put in place at the bottom line, this is tone generation and how we apply that with methods we find work well in constructing effects. Also, the hardware options and installation approaches, to determine which can be used to suit those different approaches and deliver the intended sensations into the users body.

Still To Do
I want to finish offering my views on these hardware components I am covering here first though, as the thread is straying into other things or hardware. This is expected to happen with some discussion on pedals and alternative hardware or installations others have used.

Yet its interesting too, reading how some appear to refuse or right off potential improvements I have seen or made. Those that want to downplay what stereo immersion can bring, maybe they do not represent everyone or what they experienced is not the same. For me the fact is Simhub has 8x stereo effects that are stereo for a reason and it's upto the user to determine if for them they are beneficial or not. I do enjoy having that, so will be making them anyways, but its not like I am forcing people to only do that or use them. Its not hard to offer mono solutions of those.

This thread was not necessarily looking at me seeking a lot of feedback nor needed a great deal of interaction, it was more focused on me sharing, my own findings and views with these newer hardware options. People were welcomed to offer their own views or how/why they used them and if they want to offer help/feedback to the community here that's upto them.

I disagree it was ever "a given" how the HPR would perform trying to use it like a typical transducer/exciter. I certainly did not see anywhere people promoting the use of it with an amplifier highlighting how good/bad it performed. Even with searching as I highlighted for examples.

Going Off The Handle
This had nothing to do with "multilayer effects" nor EQ which is the response I get back with an attitude. Gees thanks, yet that was not even in the picture. The same guy then wants to like a post with hurtful intent but then explain to you all how he has respect for me.

Look guys, what was being asked was, just how the unit performs to typical transducers/exciters people already are using.

With those, users are not just applying the same frequency, even if owners of them are using quite standard effects. So the response had a focus on things that was not an element of the discussion. What was, is that often different frequencies are in play with various effects, which can only be done with the amp route.

As this is a comparison, the idea is to highlight the pros or cons of each of these options. So it seems the HPR is limited to what it can offer, but it may do that well enough to please a large portion of the community. This is evident based on a lot of views given.

For those easily offended do not read....

Do people want my views here, or do I just go get lost?
To those who seek dishing dirt, are you finished yet?
Do the angry ones, need to get anything else off your chest?

If you have a tactile nirvana somewhere else, that's got the one and only way to do things with everything all sorted out and all within a controlled environment... Why are you even here?

If I wanted to, would it have been impossible for me to get access to, or leak effects against the wishes or rules set as conditions their. So If I choose to not be a part of that and for various reasons, many of which you are not aware of. I am not over their trolling, interfering or disrupting or dumping personal insults on others.....

Then likewise, if you hate my guts, you have beef with me from past debates or hold onto grudges. As it seems some of you have not changed neither or can't let go. Stay clear from my own posts, put me on ignore, please go ahead....

This needs to be said.......
I will however, report the next dick that wants to apply personal insult or posts with intended malice. Nobody is making you stay here or read my own views., I am not intruding on someone else's thread here....

Oh Dear I'm Not Mr Perfect
What I want to do is

Give my honest perspective, it's not in anyway being presented as an attack or in aggression to any group or individuals but as discussion. I may be harsh with my own views or opinions and can be argumentative or stubborn. I think those attributes are evident and known, but I do try to base my views on experiences with what we are taking about. I do not claim to be right on everything, never did and nor will. Nor do I have any problems to admit when something proves me to be wrong...

Anyone that has ever had more personal 1-1 conversation with me about tactile, I would have told them, I do not hold myself in some form of high authority regards tactile while others sometimes try to paint that picture on forums as if I do. Never claimed to be an engineer, a musician, or computer coder and certainly not an eloquent talker.

What I do try, is base things on what I have tried/experimented with. Is their enough on these forums to warrant often things I showed or tried were new or creative? Things that, in my own personal pursuit as a hobbyist I put a lot of money into useful audio hardware to aid my own approaches or interest in tactile. Is it true or false that often many things I have offered to the community have helped advance tactile immersion for others and so many others considered, implemented or used as a basis.

Yet what came about things I contested, with people wanting to put sensors on seats. How many peoples rigs today, use tactile with applied leverage? How many use modified speakers/woofers. Did we see 4 corner installations become the better approach? So, several things I debated with people in the past what happened with them?

I never debated their is only one way to progress with tactile and yes I am aware that some want to go further into the rabbit hole. Which I do have views on and would like to share....

Goals With The Comparison
Even on the most budget/ basic level (which this thread was looking into). Regards determining in 2024, what hardware option is able to offer better performance or immersion? One that can be used on pedals, but also on a seat?
Is it possible to just find a good working solution as a single unit, to simplify an easy entry into tactile immersion?

I want to do my own thing, and build effects "specifically" with my own approach for whatever these best budget hardware options appear to be. As then I will create a thread for that and offer with it, effects with the solution.

If people here don't need that, are not interested then my advice is to find better ways to spend your time.
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Do you find the range of power the MBQ offers a necessity on the brake? Were other options just not giving you enough kick?

I ask because I’m curious to know if I’m missing something using anything less than an MBQ :)

I could compare the size of the HPR / BK lfe / MQB if anyone is interested?

One is quite tiny, the other is too big and this was always why I offered the MQB as a recommendation for that usage on pedals.

What metalnwood said, indeed it brings the ability to use higher watts but it can deliver more grunt with lowish-mid frequencies which is what some may want to play around with for brake pedal effects.

As another first or new approach?
For my own rig setup, what I intend to do with the Sim Lab pedals is to use dual BDS exciters on the body of the pedals with an MQB on the brake pedal stem. Curious to see if that is possible.

Maybe, its not necessarily the best thing, to limit how we apply effects to single units. Like I demonstrated many years ago with combining BK/TST. Each element can bring its own operational gains and I believe this would be similar to that.

It also should give me more freedom to be creative, in how to apply or combine effects in scenarios for acceleration or braking.

Simply because now with 3 units and the ability to cover better more dynamic range it goes beyond the operational limitations any single unit has.

The only way to know is to experiment....
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Thanks for posting the images and showing what you are looking to do.
My own focus is on effects that will maintain compatibility with whatever sims Simhub supports. I think the community will have people that do not mind tinkering at a per car level and do not mind the extra hassle. However I still see a scenario that someone today cannot just take a tried/tested and affordable solution with recommended hardware to then enjoy pre-made effects *(for that hardware).

I see some flaws in the approach of looking to build effects for a general assortment of make/models of units. Some appear to group them into category's regards what frequencies they can or cannot produce. I prefer to narrow it down to discover and determine what units can be best matched and used, then make those the basis of what effects are built on and are recommended to be used.

One method will let the user experience with more accuracy what the intended effects were developed to feel like. While on the other hand, a bunch of people with very different combinations of hardware will likely all feel parts or something, but not necessarily how or what is intended.

Effects Experimentation
As I said while not a musician...
I did experiment with musical intervals too, utilising different ratios of a fundamental frequency. Often I will make an effect with certain frequencies and then try alternatives using 1/3 or 1/5 but I like the application I am currently using with partial octaves and low/high values. This can help multiple exciters on the back of the seat work well in tandem if desired for specific effects.

The musicality approach certainly appears to work well. I also look at frequencies or multiples of frequencies that do not fit in with the partial octaves, as I think, these could be used for certain other effects to help with achieving different characteristics in their feel.

Looking at what you are using currently, you certainly appear to be limited with the frequencies you can properly experience. This is one reason I am more interested in a unit like the BDS but have not yet really dug into all its potential. No question that it brings more power than any of the previous exciters and even in this comparison shines.

At a later time I am going to directly (for my own interest), compare the BDS to all the other budget models of transducers/exciters 1-1. Later this week will see how it feels compared to the Reckhorn as from my understanding that is one of the best budget models in medium sized transducers. Clearly it has more power/wattage capability too.

I believe combined with more capable low bass units (Dayton 300 / BK PRO / BK LFE / BK CON / Q10B I think the BDS model will form an excellent approach to be used on seat/pedals.
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