I know it's a long time ago but Moto GP06 is one I always remember as a truly playable bike game where the handling felt great up to and just beyond the limit, since then graphics have got better but handling hasn't really improved.
Jesus man....MotoGP 06 was one of the worst, if not the worst, in the whole MotoGP game series. If THAT's your benchmark, how the hell do expect any "improvement"? Come on man get serious. It's like saying that you've only played Mario Kart and because THAT felt "great", ACC doesn't feel like an improvement. No...just no...
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Jesus man....MotoGP 06 was one of the worst, if not the worst, in the whole MotoGP game series. If THAT's your benchmark, how the hell do expect any "improvement"? Come on man get serious. It's like saying that you've only played Mario Kart and because THAT felt "great", ACC doesn't feel like an improvement. No...just no...

And that's your opinion, I disagree and so did both the critic and users reviews from the time. Both MotoGP3 and MotoGP 06 were good bike games, our little race group played a lot of them mostly because at that time the multiplayer was way ahead of other racing games. 06 was one of the first games with inbuilt ability to assign a commentator for example. How you made the leap to me only having played 06 is lost on me, I've played most of the bike games since, handling in all of them remains completely subjective - some like certain series of games, others don't.

Also yes, Mario Kart is a superb game. Games are meant to be fun.

ACC is good now but it had instant spin kerbs just a few months ago, they took the feedback on the chin and fixed it.

I'm enjoying IOM TT2, it has its flaws but it's a decent enough game to enjoy blasting around the mountain in. You are welcome to disagree.

Also, relax man, there is enough angst in the world at the moment, no need for more arguments over subjective opinions about games. Enjoy whatever game it is you enjoy!
Ok here it goes one more time because i think i wasn't clear enough.

You might like some silly old game more than anything else in the world because of whatever reason, but you can't say that there's been no improvement. You can't say that MotoGP06 (the worst in the series) is better than MotoGP19. You just can't. Modern racing games are lightyears ahead of these old games in every aspect not just graphics. You can't even make a comparison.

The same people who reviewed MotoGP06 (or whatever old game that was around at the time) will tell you exactly what i am telling you. There's been a HUGE improvement in every aspect, no just eyecandy. There is no point even arguing about it. It's just subjective, it's a fact that you can't dispute. That's it, so simple.
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BTW, I've made a quick and dirty ReShade preset to color correct the game a bit and adjust the lack of contrast and muted colors if anyone's interested. Though the game dynamically raises brightness and generally "washes out" the image when you're riding in the shadow, so it's only a compromise.




did u drop this in documents (user settings) folder ? been trying to clean up screen view because it is to cloudy i think
I decided to try it and... tbh I expected more.
It's more less the same game from last year with some small improvements.
Above all, didn't see anyone mentioned... what a hell is their problem with the views, I really don't know ?!
I mean... can't they understand I don't want some artificial dynamic FOV, and turn it on or off it's always ON !?
Beside that camera is always too far away then it supposed to be, I really can't feel connected with the driver.
And I just can't use actually pretty good cockpit camera, cause I'm not a frickin expert for this game.
Sorry Kylotonn guys, I play some other genres too you know... :unsure:
gah... :mad:
Also, it is a Kylotonn game, so there's still no FOV adjustment.
What does that mean ?
There IS FOV adjustment in (Kylotonn's) WRC 8.
Even in WRC 7 - unless I'm very much mistaken. :)
UserSettings.cfg (located in documents\MyGames) has pretty much every graphical setting there is in the game. Right at the top there are two FoV settings. Vertical and Horizontal. Everything except from FoV has an effect in the game. Nothing about dynamic FoV ,which is the effect of one of the chase cams.

Actually i managed to make it work once but i couldn't figure out how i did it. What i did was to copy the FoV lines from TT2 to TT1 just to test if it works and it worked (same file,same location). Somehow the FoV had also changed in TT2.Weird stuff. But i accidentally did a data reset and everything went back to stop. Tried to do it again but didn't work.

Funny thing about camera views. The one labeled as FAR, in reality is the closest one. The one labeled as close or near or whatever, is the the far one. They couldn't even get that one right.

Another issue is that the rider doesn't change position (tucked in/standing up) according to speed and acceleration. He's always tucked it. Now, if you stand up when you're braking, you're slowing down much faster but the rear loses all grip and starts fishtailing. The camera follows the bike like it's glued on it, and when the fishtailing starts, the view goes violently left and right.

Man i'm telling you this game is a MESS. I'm done with it. I hope Milestone gives us Ride 4 FAST. We kinda need it in this stupid situation. There's nothing more to do in Ride 3....
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UserSettings.cfg (located in documents\MyGames) has pretty much every graphical setting there is in the game. Right at the top there are two FoV settings. Vertical and Horizontal. Everything except from FoV has an effect in the game. Nothing about dynamic FoV ,which is the effect of one of the chase cams.

Actually i managed to make it work once but i couldn't figure out how i did it. What i did was to copy the FoV lines from TT2 to TT1 just to test if it works and it worked (same file,same location). Somehow the FoV had also changed in TT2.Weird stuff. But i accidentally did a data reset and everything went back to stop. Tried to do it again but didn't work.

Funny thing about camera views. The one labeled as FAR, in reality is the closest one. The one labeled as close or near or whatever, is the the far one. They couldn't even get that one right.

Another issue is that the rider doesn't change position (tucked in/standing up) according to speed and acceleration. He's always tucked it. Now, if you stand up when you're braking, you're slowing down much faster but the rear loses all grip and starts fishtailing. The camera follows the bike like it's glued on it, and when the fishtailing starts, the view goes violently left and right.

Man i'm telling you this game is a MESS. I'm done with it. I hope Milestone gives us Ride 4 FAST. We kinda need it in this stupid situation. There's nothing more to do in Ride 3....
Thanks for that FOV tip. I'll try it asap and I'll let you guys know about the results.
I see default settings are
Engine.Camera.HorizontalFov = 1.25; Engine.Camera.VerticalFov = 0.75;
so I'll try first go with something like
Engine.Camera.HorizontalFov = 1.00; Engine.Camera.VerticalFov = 0.50;
Although... I'm not sure that both needs to be changed since in my experience
vertical usually needs to be changed and I'm not sure about the amount on both
but like I said... let's see... hit and miss. As usual. Can't break the game with this.
Or can I ? :D

Yes I agree the game is (quite a) mess but, unlike you, I'm not throwing the towel.
When you adapt to controls (and you have to cause with the same joystick I drive
MotoGP, MXGP Supercross also) you can actually drive one lap without crashing.
And no I'm not talking about title track itself. That's just impossible without crashing ofc. :D
Also, I really do hope patches can improve the game a lot, so let's just try to be optimistic.
We all need that these days, do we ? :geek:
I went quite radical with this and I am running the following in the 'static' 1st person cockpit view:

Engine.Camera.HorizontalFov = 2.00;
Engine.Camera.VerticalFov = 1.00;

Works for me.

For what it is for me this game is potentially brilliant. I struggled at first but gave up trying to get my assortment of steering wheels to work in the game. For me, as it stands, TT IOM 2 is most definitely a gamepad game. Which is the complete opposite for me of TT IOM.

I am a tester for Brook LLC and I have tried every possible configuration of adapter settings using the in development Ras1ution steering wheel adapter and the more traditional Brook Super Converters to fine tune the settings of steering wheels on PS4 and I have also done this on pc with my Cronus Max device and with x360ce and Xoutput on pc. I cannot find a 'sweet-spot' in IOM TT 2 using a steering wheel. So Kylotonn do need to work on this as a matter of urgency to adjust and fine tune the 1st person view. They also imo need to address the concerns of steering wheel users.. As everyone concerned about this aspect is saying.

But all that apart TT IOM 2 is very good imo for what it is. A mainstream release.

I ran both TT IOM and TT IOM 2 back to back. And on a properly set-up steering wheel TT IOM is for me still a great game. TT IOM 2 does need some more work to keep people happy in 1st person view.

I also took GP 500 (the original and best Melbourne House game from 1999) round the 'mini' TT IOM course (the Jim Pearson gpl track converted for GP500) and of course GP500 has better feel on the brakes and 'tucks' if you overdo things much more realistically and also on the throttle will step out on the power but tbh on the needle-threading IOM TT course there is not an overwhelmingly drastic disadvantage in overall feel with TT IOM 2. But yes of course it could be made more 'simmy' and more challenging and realistic on the brakes and on the power and crucially given a bit more 'feel' through the physics..all in all though for me TT IOM 1 & 2 are in their own way landmark titles in the mainstream m/c racing game genre. With Bike Sim Experience hopefully waiting in the wings I doubt I will be buying another 'edge taken off the physics by design' Milestone title in the foreseeable future. For me on the Milestone games the physics have been made way too forgiving.. You can achieve very fast lap times I am told on motogp 19 by even using the D-pad..

Good effort I would say by Kylotonn. Although the physics of course could be further fine tuned and improved.

Just my personal opinion of course. It would be a boring world if we all liked the same thing. ;)
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Hey :)

I have tried adjusting FOV settings in the documents folder . I have gone to extremes .
But i cant see any difference in any view --compared to the original setting ??

And when I go back to the Folder it haven't reset the settings --so its not that
Hey :)

I have tried adjusting FOV settings in the documents folder . I have gone to extremes .
But i cant see any difference in any view --compared to the original setting ??

And when I go back to the Folder it haven't reset the settings --so its not that

Hey! ;)

Yes you're right about that Stig. I just did a back-to-back 'live' comparison on the same monitor at the same time switching between PS4 via hdmi and pc via a dvi connection. So that will teach me to just do it by eye rather than by what's left of my 'brain'.. I agree there is no difference. lol.

So I guess we all wait for a patch update from Kylotonn after all? ;)

One thing I did do was to dial a steering wheel nicely onto the PS4 version of the game using my CronusMax device. Felt pretty much identical to how I dial in the same steering wheel onto TT IOM (1) on PS4. And it felt perfectly good to me in terms of its feel & input responses, shortcomings of the 1st party view notwithstanding.. My feeling having done this is that IOM TT 2 is a little too tame in its physics when using a wheel. Which is what others are saying I think also..

On a gamepad TT IOM 2 for me does feel more of a challenge and for me therefore is more fun.

Not very scientific but there you go. :mad:
Like i said, the one and only time i made this work was by doing this:
Copied the two FoV lines from TT2 settings file, pasted them on the TT1 settings file.
Ran TT1 just to check if it worked and it did. Then i went back to TT2 and the FoV had also changed. I have no idea why it worked but it did.

Give that a go if you have TT1 installed. I figured out what happened after i had uninstalled both so....
Like i said, the one and only time i made this work was by doing this:
Copied the two FoV lines from TT2 settings file, pasted them on the TT1 settings file.
Ran TT1 just to check if it worked and it did. Then i went back to TT2 and the FoV had also changed. I have no idea why it worked but it did.

Give that a go if you have TT1 installed. I figured out what happened after i had uninstalled both so....
Now you make me think : TT1 must have the same documents folder--one could try and rename TT1 folder as TT2 ---Maybe it was Steam interfering --but that wont happen in off line mode :O_o:
" I was just thinking loud "
I even swapped the files around, inter-changed them between TT1 and TT2. It made no difference to the game starting-up, running or to any of the in-game FOV views in 1st person. So I gave up with this idea, good as it was, pretty quickly. I thought doing this would crash the game but (for me at least) it didn't. Strange.

As an aside 'back at the Milestone ranch' (and for those saying motogp is more 'simmy' than TT IOM 2) this backs up what I was saying and is from an eSport finalist..

I even swapped the files around, inter-changed them between TT1 and TT2. It made no difference to the game starting-up, running or to any of the in-game FOV views in 1st person. So I gave up with this idea, good as it was, pretty quickly. I thought doing this would crash the game but (for me at least) it didn't. Strange.

As an aside 'back at the Milestone ranch' (and for those saying motogp is more 'simmy' than TT IOM 2) this backs up what I was saying and is from an eSport finalist..

I really don't think people are saying Milestone games ar more "simmy" that the TTIOM games, for me Milestone have the basic bike behaviour down better than Kyloton. I'm only up to Ride 2 and VR46 so can't comment on the newer Milestone stuff, but when you do push the front it tucks and the rear steps outs with too much throttle (albeit it's too easy to avoid those situations). Now TTIOM had none of that behaviour at all and I'm hearing worrying stuff about TTIOM2 on the subject. They've clearly improved things for the sequel (to be frank things couldn't really get worse), but not good enough for me to buy full price, this is a sale game for me now.
I hear you Damage. And when it comes to RIDE 2 and VR 46 I completely agree with you. It's what came later, really from motogp 17 onwards and during and after the change to unreal engine 4 which has meant that many of us have walked away from these titles.. I organised and raced in full online championships on both VR 46 and RIDE 2 and it was for what it was quite challenging and good fun. So we're not talking a different language here I think to be honest.

The problem, in my opinion, is that in their latest games Milestone have plonked the thing down on the lowest rung of the physics settings..
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I hear you Damage. And when it comes to RIDE 2 and VR 46 I completely agree with you. It's what came later, really from motogp 17 onwards and during and after the change to unreal engine 4 which has meant that many of us have walked away from these titles.. I organised and raced in full online championships on both VR 46 and RIDE 2 and it was for what it was quite challenging and good fun. So we're not talking a different language here I think to be honest.

The problem, in my opinion, is that in their latest games Milestone have plonked the thing down on the lowest rung of the physics settings..

oh so it's good I'm so far behind in Milestone games then?!!! :) Disapointing to hear MS have gone in that direction, I can't see why they can't give us a full on hardcore mode and adjust backwards from there. Although due to my crappy ability to steer with a pad (I tend to steer with the throttle in MS games) I'm happy with the game imposing a lean angle limit I can't cross (unlike IOMTT, that took me a while to get used to, then again that is probably more realistic!).

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