RD GP Championship 2016

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Congrats to the podium! Tried to stay out of your way while you lapped me :)

Avoided the T1 carnage, but still couldn't finish the first lap without being knocked off the track.
Struggled to bring it home. Probably should have pitted. Would have still finished last :p
Well my championship is back on track :sneaky:
Insanely happy with that, not so much the second place but just my closeness in pace to Sun.

Qualifying went well, managed to set a PB with a 17.6. for P2
The race was nervous for the first few laps as I tried to stay with Sun, but a few little mistakes here and there allowed him to get away so just tried to be smooth and collected. I could see that Tobi was quick but I was slowly edging away from him. Then I just brought it home to finally secure a good result after two pretty mediocre rounds.

Congrats on the win @Sun Levi fantastic driving, especially side-by-side through Le Combes!
Hope you guys had a great race! Gutted I missed this (especially since I'll have to sit out Ro4 as well due to something work-related) Championship hopes are down the drain, but perhaps I can steal a win from Sun at some point :D
Thanks guys :inlove:

I'd like to dedicate my pole position to my man @SK for going straight on at blanchimont & crashing while on his PB lap just to give me a juicy slipstream. Hands down the funniest & most exciting qualifying session I've ever had.

Race went much better than expected, with Chris being so fast I didn't think I could've build a gap that big so, I'm over the moon! (get it?) Congrats @Chris Stacey @kedy89 for the podium! :thumbsup:



Thanks guys :inlove:

I'd like to dedicate my pole position to my man @Evan spall for going straight on at blanchimont & crashing while on his PB lap just to give me a juicy slipstream. Hands down the funniest & most exciting qualifying session I've ever had.

Race went much better than expected, with Chris being so fast I didn't think I could've build a gap that big so, I'm over the moon! (get it?) Congrats @Chris Stacey @kedy89 for the podium! :thumbsup:

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Round 3 - Spa Francorchamps
Final Results can be found HERE

Driver: @Aidan Keranen
Penalty: 15 seconds added to total race time at the next round due to DNF in Round 3.
Reason: Breach of article 6.1 on fastest lap.
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @Fred Locklear
Penalty: 10 seconds added to total race time.
Reason: Crossing pit-exit white line.
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @Matt Bailey
Penalty: 10 seconds added to total race time.
Reason: Crossing pit-exit white line.
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @Alexis Clapano
Penalty: 5 seconds added to total race time.
Reason: Breach of article 6.1 on fastest lap.
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @Ashley Cowan
Penalty: 5 seconds added to total race time.
Reason: Breach of article 6.1 on fastest lap.
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @Jimlaad43 (Edward Rockett)
Penalty: 5 seconds added to total race time.
Reason: Breach of article 6.1 on fastest lap.
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @Nick10 (Nick Milton)
Penalty: 5 seconds added to total race time.
Reason: Breach of article 6.1 on fastest lap.
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @Shawn Jacobs
Penalty: 5 seconds added to total race time.
Reason: Breach of article 6.1 on fastest lap.
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @elloLeo Kinnunen (Tom Newman-Morris)
Penalty: 5 seconds added to total race time.
Reason: Breach of article 6.1 on fastest lap.
Evidence: Screenshots


Driver: @Alexis Clapano
Penalty: 10 penalty points.
Reason: Causing an avoidable collision in the Red Zone resulting in a large portion of the field being affected.
Evidence: Video
Driver: @Decenten (Josh Noack)
Penalty: 6 penalty points.
Reason: Causing an avoidable collision in the Red Zone.
Evidence: Video
Driver: @Matt Bailey
Penalty: 3 penalty points.
Reason: Breach of Article 6.3B.
Evidence: Video
Driver: @Fred Locklear
Penalty: 3 penalty points.
Reason: Breach of Article 6.8 - Unsafe rejoining of the race track.
Evidence: Video
Driver: @Alexis Clapano
Penalty: 70 seconds added to total race time.
Reason: Breach of article 6.1.
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @Jimlaad43 (Edward Rockett)
Penalty: 30 seconds added to total race time.
Reason: Breach of article 6.1.
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @Matt Bailey
Penalty: 30 seconds added to total race time.
Reason: Breach of article 6.1.
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @Ricoow (Ricardo Umans)
Penalty: 30 seconds added to total race time.
Reason: Breach of article 6.1.
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @Aidan Keranen
Penalty: 20 seconds added to total race time at the next round due to DNF in Round 3.
Reason: Breach of article 6.1.
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @Nick10 (Nick Milton)
Penalty: 20 seconds added to total race time.
Reason: Breach of article 6.1.
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @elloLeo Kinnunen (Tom Newman-Morris)
Penalty: 20 seconds added to total race time.
Reason: Breach of article 6.1.
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @Fred Locklear
Penalty: 10 seconds added to total race time.
Reason: Breach of article 6.1.
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @Decenten (Josh Noack)
Penalty: 5 seconds added to total race time.
Reason: Breach of article 6.1.
Evidence: Screenshots
Driver: @Sun Levi
Penalty: Reprimand.
Reason: Breach of article 6.1.
Evidence: Screenshots
  • Name: David Armstrong
  • Round Number: 5 (Imola)
  • Reason: Family visiting from Perth

:( Sorry guys I only found about this today. Don't get to see my Dad + step mum + little brother all that often so I really can't make it.
Spectacular Spa! 19 adventures, because the word "corner" just doesn't do it justice. The Belgian circuit played host to the third round of the RaceDepartment Grand Prix Championship. A drivers favourite and the jewel in the crown, Spa provided the perfect backdrop to the most dramatic race so far!

Perhaps becoming a little routine, Sun Levi yet again took pole for the third time in as many races by carving up the Ardennes with a lightning quick 2:17.2. However all was not as it seemed as Chris Stacey mounted some resistance by lapping only a tenth slower than the championship leader shortly before Levi managed to find another 3 tenths to put himself comfortably on pole. The great ones are always able to find that little bit extra when it counts, however through a clever piece of strategy Levi was successful in receiving a healthy tow out of Curve Paul Frère to Blanchimont from team mate Evan Spall who sacrificed his own lap to help Levi extend his advantage and put the nail in the coffin for P1.

Surprise of the session definitely went to Alexis Clapano who qualified in a seasons best fifth place (2:18.3). The Filipino driver was able to fend off Stephen Sekhon, Josh Noack and Charles Baccio who have all proved to be very handy on single lap pace. League newcomer Shawn Jacobs would take 11th place on debut lining up behind Michael Stead. Tom Newman-Morris however would have a poor session managing just two flying laps for 21st place as Nick Milton would round out the grid after making an inspired effort to drive after suffering a frostbitten finger.


As the lights extinguished, all cars got a reasonably similar start, meaning it would be mostly two-wide through the La Source hairpin. Everyone made it through La Source cleanly, however on the exit Alexis Clapano would undo all his hard work in qualifying by running wide into Stephen Sekhons' line and causing Sekhon to spin. The collision resulted in a large pile up of cars as many were simply unable to react in time to take avoiding action.

Levi, Stacey, Machado and Kederer all made it through cleanly as they were ahead of the carnage from the start, however Michael Stead did very well to also make it through unscathed after starting tenth and gaining four places by the time he reached Eau Rouge. The other big beneficiaries of the turn one mayhem included Ashley Cowan (8), Evan Spall (7), Nick Milton (6) and Dan Cosofret ( 5).

Out of Raidillon, Chris Stacey was able to get in to the slipstream of Levi down the Kemmel straight as the leading pair went side-by-side into the Le Combes chicane. Clean driving would see the pair remain level, however Levi being on the inside for the first part would eventually prevail through the left hander of Le Combes with a sharp jab of throttle. Not wanting to risk too much and needing a strong result, Stacey provided little resistance and Levi was able to scamper off, edging away by a few tenths per lap.


A little too close for comfort for the Championship leader... At least for the first lap.

As the rest of the field made it's way down the longest full throttle stretch of road on the calendar, Shawn Jacobs, Evan Spall and Jamie Pyatt would go three-wide on the Kemmel before Jacobs was able to sweep to the head with superior top speed as Spall, Pyatt and Fred Locklear filtered smoothly in behind.

In the opening laps it became clear that fourth placed Tobi Kederer had superior race pace to his Brazilian rival immediately ahead of him on track in Machado. Despite his best defense, Machado was left rather helpless as Kederer was able to utilise the slipstream out of Raidillon and take third place under braking into Le Combes.

Shawn Jacobs was gradually beginning to gap Evan Spall, however a spin at Liege saw him rejoin just behind on the entry to Pouhon. With Jamie Pyatt following closely behind, Jacobs would soon close the gap to Spall and the pair would go side by side through the ultra-fast Blanchimont. Jacobs did well not to cause an incident as he took too much of the inside kerb and almost collided with Spalls' sidepod. Spall would exit the corner ahead as Jacobs continued the assault, however on the exit of the tricky Bus Stop chicane, Spall put the power down too soon and lost the rear end resulting in a half spin, however Jacobs was unable to take the position and Spall entered La Source still ahead.

Down the Kemmel straight and Spall would be challenged by Jacobs, however the savvy defensive skills of Spall would see him retain the position. Jacobs was clearly running less wing as he cruised up to the gearbox of Spall through Blanchimont and made a late braking maneuver around the outside to take the position. However the battle raged on as Jacobs had a poor exit out of the final chicane which enabled #14 TDR Green car of Spall to regain his place with a beautiful 'round-the-outside-of-turn-one' jobby.


Tobi Kederer (left) made use of his quick race pace to dispatch Matheus Machado (right) in the opening laps to eventually take third place: A career best for him.

Yet again Jacobs would gain massive amounts of time on the run up to the Bus Stop chicane and this time the pair went side by side through it. No mean feat. But Spall would come out ahead again with a better exit. However, with Jacobs being closer than before on the exit of Raidillon, he would breeze past going into Le Combes.

With Jamie Pyatt having a front row seat for much of the battle, he was able to capitalise on Spall's apparent lack of straight line speed as he too made a passing maneuver on the inside of Blanchimont. But, Spall refused to give up the fight and managed to stick with Pyatt down the Kemmel straight to reclaim the position into Le Combes.

Unfortunately for Evan it would all come undone as on the following lap he took too much of the apex at Liege and partially lost control but managed to keep it out of the barriers, allowing Pyatt through for 10th place.


Shawn Jacobs (left) and Evan Spall (right) fought brutally hard for 9th place in the first half the race.

Further ahead, Josh Noack and Dan Cosofret were also embroiled in a heated battle as the pair traded places over the next four laps. The #773 Independent car of Noack would make a beautiful replica of Max Verstappen's pass on Felipe Nasr at last years Belgian Grand Prix by going around the outside of Blanchimont and making it stick under braking to the Bus Stop. However Noack went one better as he was able to keep his car within track limits on the exit of Blanchimont, unlike Verstappen.

But just as Noack was beginning to pull away from Cosofret, he ran wide at Stavelot, dipping a tyre onto the gravel and then making another small mistake on the exit of Curve Paul Frère meaning he lost a huge amount of momentum on the long run up to the chicane. This allowed Cosofret to close up and eventually pass Noack for 7th place.

However despite the small mistakes, Noack clearly had better pace and was quickly back onto the gearbox of Cosofret. With a good tow down the Kemmel straight, Noack was able to pass Cosofret around the outside going into Le Combes. This would signal the end of that particular scrap as Noack gradually pulled away.

Josh Noack and Dan Cosofret also found themselves in a similar battle to that of Spall and Jacobs as the pair traded places several times.

Towards the end of the race however, Noack was held up by Alexis Clapano who was suffering with a damaged car. Noack was able to make the pass on the exit of the Bus Stop, however Clapano made use of the slipstream and the seemingly never ending straight that is the Kemmel straight to re-pass Noack. The ensuing battle allowed Cosofret to close back up on Noack as it now became a three-way fight for 6th position.

It all came unstuck for Clapano later on in the lap however as he spun at Stavelot allowing Noack and Cosofret through for their easiest overtakes of the day. A couple of laps later it would also come unstuck for Noack as he got on the power too early on the exit of La Source, sending him into the inside barrier as Cosofret took the position and went on to finish the race in 6th.


Levi reigns supreme at the battle of the Ardennes.

Final Result
As the chequered flag fell, Sun Levi had extended his lead on Stacey to 9 seconds and took not only a hat trick of wins, but a hat trick of Grande Chelem's. That's three races in a row of Pole position, fastest race lap, leading every lap and taking the race win. Chris Stacey came home in second place after a somewhat lonely race as he was just as far behind Levi as he was ahead of Kederer. And Tobi Kederer brought his car home for third place and another strong performance from the German driver.

Round 3.png

Podium Interviews
Sun Levi - 1st Place
Congratulations on another sublime performance Sun! Spa is widely considered as one of the best and most demanding tracks in the world, how special is it for you to have won so convincingly today?

A. "Spa is one of my all time favourite tracks so, it's awesome to have won here! The car felt a little tricky to drive but overall it was great fun! Once again I'm very happy with my performance & looking forward to the next round. Congrats to Chris & Tobi for their first podiums of the season!"

Chris Stacey - 2nd Place
Congratulations on taking second place today Chris, this must boost your confidence for the coming rounds knowing that you have the pace to fight for podiums? Take us through your race, you almost had Sun going into Le Combes, but he managed to wrestle it off you.

A. "Thanks! Yeah it was a tough race today. I was really happy with my pace and the car felt like it was on rails for the most part even though I couldn't match Sun after a few laps. I very nearly had him at Le Combes and I knew he was on the inside but I just couldn't see him, so I didn't want to risk having a collision, especially knowing how dodgy Assetto Corsa's collision netcode is, so I didn't want to get too aggressive on the opening lap.

I made a few little mistakes at the Bus Stop in the first couple of laps and that let him get away, and from there I simply wanted to get a strong result to get my championship back on track. Unlike last round tyre wear was a total non-issue for me, so that was nice as Zandvoort was a pretty hectic weekend for me.

As for my confidence going into the next two rounds, well it hasn't really changed much, I'm still confident that whilst I may not have the pace to challenge Sun, I still feel that I am the second quickest driver here even though Tobias and Matheus have both proven to be massively fast so far, but in the first two rounds things just didn't fall my way for one reason or the other. I'm just happy to have my championship heading in the right direction again!"

Tobi Kederer - 3rd Place
Congratulations on third place Tobi! Your best result of the season and you're now sitting third in the championship through consistently achieving good results. This must give you a lot of motivation for the final two rounds, do you think you can maintain third in the championship?

A. "Thanks, the race just went perfect, I got more confidence in the car with every lap I did. Luckily I could stay out of trouble at the start, and after passing Matheus early on I could build a small gap which I kept until the end.

Motivation is always high, but this result adds even more. I sure hope to keep third, maybe even go for second, but it'll definitely be a hard task with fast guys like Matheus, Tobias, and Chris as opponents."

Championship Standings
Three rounds down, two to go. Sun Levi has extended his lead in the drivers championship via yet another win, but also with the crucial absence of one of his championship rivals in Tobias Rohner. Tobi Kederer's consistent points hoovering has allowed him to claim third in the standings as Tobias drops to fifth behind Chris Stacey. Michael Stead and Stephen Sekhon are equal 7th, while Shawn Jacobs has made a very promising debut by bagging 15 points for 13th in the standings.

Drivers Table.png

In the teams championship things are a little closer at the top as the two Talking Door Racing teams fight it out for ultimate glory. Whilst Levi has been a heavy contributor to TDR Green's cause, today's strong result from Evan Spall and Charles Baccio have helped to keep them ahead of their Red sister team.

Teams Table.png

We're now three rounds deep into the championship and as we head to Germany for Round 4, there's only one question left to be answered: Can anyone take the challenge to Sun Levi this season?
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Glossing over the T1 crash I see

Not at all.
Everyone made it through La Source cleanly, however on the exit Alexis Clapano would undo all his hard work in qualifying by running wide into Stephen Sekhons' line and causing Sekhon to spin. The collision resulted in a large pile up of cars as many were simply unable to react in time to take avoiding action.

Levi, Stacey, Machado and Kederer all made it through cleanly as they were ahead of the carnage from the start, however Michael Stead did very well to also make it through unscathed after starting tenth and gaining four places by the time he reached Eau Rouge. The other big beneficiaries of the turn one mayhem included Ashley Cowan (8), Evan Spall (7), Nick Milton (6) and Dan Cosofret ( 5).
Nice write up once again Chris :) congrats to the guys on the podium! Gutted to have missed it and it looks like I might be missing the next too. Just found out its my mother in laws 60th on the next race night, spewing :mad:
Bit disappointed as I spun after getting screen stutters due to voicemeeter. The sound was going bonkers as well with it sounding like I was driving down the road with the window down. To be 6th after the disappointment of Silverstone is pretty good
Great write up @Chris Stacey , never thought I'd get to read commentary of my racing, incredibly cool, thanks man.

Sucks you had the wing damage @SK but it made for an epic battle :)
It was really great to watch on the replay! Awesome battle.

Bit disappointed as I spun after getting screen stutters due to voicemeeter. The sound was going bonkers as well with it sounding like I was driving down the road with the window down. To be 6th after the disappointment of Silverstone is pretty good
Very unlucky indeed mate. Sucks how these things rear their heads when it matters most.
Round 4 Nürburgring.jpg

The baby version of the baby version of The Real McCoy.

General Information

Date: Saturday 9th April 2016
Start time: 20:00 AEST (10:00 GMT / 11:00 BST)
Virtual Time of Day: 14:00
Starting Track Grip: 96%
Racing Laps: 34 | Standing Start

Track Map & Red Zone:
The red zone for Round 4 applies from the start line to the exit of Turn 2 during the first lap of the race. Incidents that occur in this zone will be automatically looked at and scrutinized more heavily, and may be punished more severely. The objective of the red zone is to promote a clean start to the race so that everyone can get through the first lap unscathed. Erratic changes of direction, contact and crashes will be penalized more harshly if found guilty.


Track Limits
Article 6.1 of the 2016 RaceDepartment League Regulations states that all drivers must maintain at least two wheels within the white lines of the track at all times when under normal control of their car. Whilst article 6.1 applies to the entire race track, the stewards will pay particularly strong attention to the following areas of the track. The cutting penalties outlined in the Stewards Notice Board thread will be applied to drivers who take liberties with these areas too often.

Turn 4
Running wide on the exit of Turn 4 is not permitted.

Pit Lane Exit
Drivers must not exceed the white line on the exit of the pit lane which guides you safely back to the racing line, at any point during Qualifying or the Race. If caught doing so, you will be given an automatic 10 second time penalty added to your race time. Drivers are allowed to cross it during the practice session, provided it does not impede anyone or cause an incident. If it does impede or cause an incident, then the affected driver is free to submit an incident report.

You are required to be present on TeamSpeak during all rounds of the league. Upon joining the RaceDepartment TeamSpeak server, you must set up your teams' Sub-Channel within the RDGPC channel, using your team name.

Confirmed Entry List - Round 4

  1. @Sun Levi
  2. @Matheus Machado
  3. @kedy89 (Tobi Kederer)
  4. @Chris Stacey
  5. @Tobias Röhner
  6. @Michael Stead
  7. @IRobot (Stephen Sekhon)
  8. @Chark (Charles Baccio)
  9. @Sniper (Tony Binelli)
  10. @Casper (Jamie Pyatt)
  11. @Shawn Jacobs
  12. @David Armstrong
  13. @Jeremy Talbot
  14. @Ashley Cowan
  15. @elloLeo Kinnunen (Tom Newman-Morris)
  16. @SK (Evan Spall)
  17. @Matt Bailey
  18. @Nick10 (Nick Milton)
  19. @Aidan Keranen
  20. @Jack (Jack Trooper)
  21. @petsku67 (Petteri Ruotsalainen)
  22. @Ricoow (Ricardo Umans)
  23. @Fred Locklear
  24. @Alexis Clapano


  1. Josh Noack
  2. Edward Rockett
  3. Alexander Townsend (withdrawn from series)
  4. Dan Cosofret
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Until the other car is a car length or two, its my blindside as i have my FOV as close as possible as if im driving the car and using single screen. I think I will have to consider having a further FOV or perhaps...is there like an app here like Iracing where it tells you if its clear to the left/right?
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