F1 2013 FPS Bug Confirmed - Higher FPS = Faster Laptimes

F1 2013 The Game (Codemasters)
Hi guys,

Edit: I'm only going to post my own findings not others as it's not fair if they don't want to be drawn into it...

Right so I've heard this circulating for a little while, sorry for the grandiose title but I think it's important for leagues on here to know what is going on. I spent my time on Saturday after release completing scenarios from which I had the top 10 scores for 15/20 of them. Fantastic I thought, I'm sorted for on-line already. Then Saturday evening during a pre-season league race I noticed I would use full KERS and DRS in Nurburgring (not the highest speed of tracks) and watch people *still* pull away from me. Sunday, 5 lap races and noticed I averaged about 1.5 seconds a lap slower than a couple of people, 2.7 seconds around one track...I managed only 2 victories after around 20 races compared to my 48% victory rating in 2012. Tonight I managed 6 out of 6 victories...

Many wont know me... I'm a twitchy paranoid driver who ultimately isn't as fast as some but I'm ridiculously consistent hence the concern I had; I thought people were hiding set-ups but they just reported they were using 2012 set-ups (sorry to those whom I doubted for a brief time).

I tried numerous hosts with the same people, tried lowering settings, extreme set-ups, all to no avail. Then I stopped recording and noticed a small reduction in the gap but reported it to people as inconclusive after complaining to them all night, noting that a couple of tenths wasn't enough to draw conclusions... Today I get home from work and Shaki and Starplayer both informed me about the FPS bug.

The basic premise is, the higher your FPS, the faster you go. This is the opposite of the rumours circulating around 2012. Of course in 2012 it wasn't feasible that you could run at 20 fps to test the theory and still be accurate but now it's reversed you can all test it. Go into on-line, make the conditions stable (sunny) and use the same set-up with both minimum and maximum graphics settings. This will not work offline; logic dictates that if all cars are controlled by your computer (offline) you'll all get the same reduction, probably culminating in lap times which do not sync to real life but do sync to realistic lap times against AI... it has to be on-line as sync issues, latency and differing computer set-ups all occur there, increasing the likelihood of issues. Hence, scenario and other such modes will not be affected by this... 99% certain.

So my final test, two 5 lap races around Spa, the first of which was recorded at 140FPS, the second at 50FPS. If anyone tried to overtake, I backed off so I could get clean air. My fastest lap with 140FPS was recorded with medium fuel, 50FPS on high fuel.

140FPS Medium Fuel:

50FPS High Fuel:

Oh and for good measure, the results when not everyone knows about this issue... I felt horrible after this race but please remember, I was a long long way off the pace prior to trying this. Sorry there aren't more but I don't want to win races like this :(


I'd like to propose that F1 2013 PC Leagues don't start until this is sorted although I'm pretty certain you're all already aware of this. I realise this may make others do the same but I don't want people to feel the utter frustration that I did whilst racing not knowing what was going on...

Also please note that whilst at 140FPS, my steering wheel would basically attempt to steer me around corners. The G27 isn't the strongest of wheels but when it attempts to full lock in one direction, seemingly with no notice, it is extremely bizarre to drive. Going from 7th gear down to 2nd around a right hander with say an average braking point of 120metres, at about 90metres, the wheel would pull at 100% force to the right during the braking zone which you would have to correct, hence the fact that I think I could have gone faster with 140FPS if I had of turned the FFB to a lower setting or gotten used to the weird effect. At some points it turns off altogether (Monaco anywhere below 3rd gear) at some places it tries to veer you off the track (Brazil, last proper corner). Not sure if this has any impact on where this coding fault lies but worthy of looking at anyway.

I hypothesise that this is based on someone trying to improve performance for console versions where a change needed to be made for the PC port. On consoles, everyone has roughly the same FPS so no problem... might I suggest that if anyone happens to read this from CM, look at your timing counter and look for where someone has rounded up or down a number to improve performance. Maybe an implementation of a customised .ceil() or .floor() which would affect rounding numbers dependant on the number of FPS per second... any float truncation? It's going to be in your on-line code base...

Codemasters, you've made a game which in certain parts is particularly epic; if this is all resolved you will have a winner here, please don't let it go to waste... timing bugs in a racing game, especially one which tries on hundredths of a second to win or loose cannot remain. :(

Kind Regards,
He is engineer and designs complicated simulation software for physicists ...

Well... If you try to attack my education or qualification, keep going, this off topic

Agreed. But I do not design software for physicists, this is a personal project following on from what I have done previously.

You wanna say your PC is good enough and used the sentence to promote you are expert in this field, OK I got a trap in Language LOL

I said my computer has to be good for N-Body simulation. I didn't mean it to imply anything other than 'I have a decent PC' after you suggested I should throw mine out of the window. I did realise quite quickly though that this was taken in the wrong context hence the following comments.

If you PC is serious good enough how couldn't run FPS 120 in better graphics?
Don't worry my PC is should not good enough as your PC but enough about the game in 60 FPS.

No idea where the 120 came from but 60 fps is not a good enough limit test, pure and simple. Especially when you're controlling that limit from an external program, not from within the game which you are trying to test with...
Gosh, just go out and fight it out! :D

Anyone give me Air ticket? Well...

I just spend whole day to learn the bug about this game, but now I know some serious programmer here has no idea to fix the game issues accidentally. (Anyway, I don't care what his life.)

No idea where the 120 came from but 60 fps is not a good enough limit test, pure and simple. Especially when you're controlling that limit from an external program, not from within the game which you are trying to test with...

This pretty simple, my method is just limit the display driver how many frames render in second. You got no idea?

If you try to use the game option to test the game issues, You keep spend or waste the time on it.

Since someone no idea the graphic option itself is what "external factor" whom said.
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Hey guys, did you know that having a higher fps increases the traction and straight line speed of your car? Who knew right. Maybe we should talk to codies about this problem because it sure is stupid.

Seriously though guys you don't need a degree in blowing your own trumpet to understand how a game works. This issue was tested by some of the fastest and most consistent people around on the PC on the FIRST day of the game (mainly because of the fps last year).

Just because 1 person may not have noticed it doesn't mean that everyone else was wrong, especially one so inconsistent.

Thread needs closing till there is a fix or comments by CM themselves.
Hey guys, did you know that having a higher fps increases the traction and straight line speed of your car? Who knew right. Maybe we should talk to codies about this problem because it sure is stupid.

Seriously though guys you don't need a degree in blowing your own trumpet to understand how a game works. This issue was tested by some of the fastest and most consistent people around on the PC on the FIRST day of the game (mainly because of the fps last year).

Just because 1 person may not have noticed it doesn't mean that everyone else was wrong, especially one so inconsistent.

Thread needs closing till there is a fix or comments by CM themselves.
CodeMasters are aware of the issue and are working on a fix.
Hey guys, did you know that having a higher fps increases the traction and straight line speed of your car? Who knew right. Maybe we should talk to codies about this problem because it sure is stupid.

Seriously though guys you don't need a degree in blowing your own trumpet to understand how a game works. This issue was tested by some of the fastest and most consistent people around on the PC on the FIRST day of the game (mainly because of the fps last year).

Just because 1 person may not have noticed it doesn't mean that everyone else was wrong, especially one so inconsistent.

Thread needs closing till there is a fix or comments by CM themselves.
Why the dislike? If you actually bothered to read through this thread instead of interrupting thinking you know everything, you'd see that CodeMasters have made posts on twitter saying they are fixing the issue.
I don't care what N body simulation.

BTW, if your PC is powerful enough to reach over 120 FPS at Ultra Graphics, the bug is still here.

This is the reason I test with Ultra and Ultra Low Graphics with Framerate Limiter.

But some say I'm using external factor to affect test result is such as meaning less.
Don't worry, I never challenge Physicist since I'm just Gaming folks.

But at the moment, gain this 2 sec advantage to reduce graphic to Ultra Low for victory, just like a childhood.
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TCS_disable your posts are not really helping. All you are doing is muddying the water with disinformation about tests that make no sense. Remove the Frame limiter from your tests and just change the graphical fidelity from ultra low to ultra high. You'll see the performance difference.

If you want to test with a frame limiter leave the graphics on ultra low and THEN apply a frame limiter and test with 30FPS, 60FPS, 90FPS and any higher that you can think of. That's the scientific way to do it. You only change ONE variable at a time NOT two.
Isn't that just fair? It's like in real F1, if you have spent more money on your hardware/technical structure you'll be faster :D
Interesting feature, they added ;)
Well I have not played this since i found out about this i have 2x 780 done a time trail on brazil the first day as i dont use v sync and use 120hz nice and smooth first lap i did 1.07.8 which i knew then, some thing was not right.
In tt mode f1 2012 i done !.08.3 thats with full drs anywhere. And as we know only limited with drs in f1 2013 but my second lap was !.05.7 thats not right at all.maybe would have been quicker but i stop the lap.
I wont play this till it is fixed they are taking tthere sweet time in fixing this if you ask me.
A quick fix untill they got it sorted is to release a lock for the fps for all @ 60 fps so then its fair for all.
TCS_disable your posts are not really helping. All you are doing is muddying the water with disinformation about tests that make no sense. Remove the Frame limiter from your tests and just change the graphical fidelity from ultra low to ultra high. You'll see the performance difference.

If you want to test with a frame limiter leave the graphics on ultra low and THEN apply a frame limiter and test with 30FPS, 60FPS, 90FPS and any higher that you can think of. That's the scientific way to do it. You only change ONE variable at a time NOT two.

I tried 30(Locked FPS) 60(Locked FPS or Vsync only) and 75(No Vsync and lock) in Ultra Graphics. Wanna 90? I need throw my PC and build new one.

I tried 30(Locked FPS) 60(Locked FPS or Vsync only) and 75(locked FPS) and 120 FPS (Locked FPS or No Vsync and lock) in Ultra Low Graphics. I starting feel get younger.

Well... Ultra Graphics is my Game Graphics option, I running this set up with 58-75 FPS in benchmark (With out Vsync).

Alright I back...

Hmmm.... Base on my F1C 99-02 to Race 06 gaming experience, if PC not stronger enough on Graphics, Vsync will cause the Frame rate like Roller Coaster and not stable while have some object move very fast on Vertical in sec by the Vsync reduce the frame rate for anti screen tearing. This is the Reason I disable that. Vsync make no tearing graphics, but may cause FPS not stable, this is not good and possible reduce my Judgement sense in every moment.

OK, if we wanna leave that "stronger" Factor, switch off SFX and reduce polygon could help PC reduce workload. If wanna simulate a stable FPS in very condition like act as weakness PC, that's why I still apply Frame Limiter in Ultra Low Graphics on tests.

Just look at the timing I post, Ultra Low Graphics and Ultra Graphics at FPS 60, My timing still close just as 0.6

In most common feelings, the gap under 0.2-0.8 sec is still good while you keep repeats to did same thing, (I'm looping Canada Circuit whole day...)
Since I am not a AI, I couldn't did every lap like photocopy. Also, some "external" factor from Real Life may affect the timing. like My family call or I got idea how to drive faster.

This why i keep 60FPS and 75FPS test in Ultra Low Graphics and Ultra Graphics, I need a test simple to compare these different environment .

Unfortunately my PC couldn't reach 120FPS in Ultra Graphics (I need throw my PC), I need turn down the graphic to gain FPS... Hey... most of the guys are talking FPS bug they are using same method to gain more FPS. How's I'm non-sense in this topic? Well..

About the levels of FPS I decided...

Test in FPS 30, 60 just most console game are running this levels of FPS in the world .
60Hz also my monitor at 1080p (I'm running Ultra Low in 1080p), Also, this is most LCD common refresh rate.

75 is the natural FPS level how my PC could did while Ultra Graphics without Vsync and FPS Lock.

Test in 120 is most of case where got problem in this level of FPS. Also, some high-end 3D monitor are run 120Hz, That means Vsync may stuck from this Level of FPS for this user.

If you keep say these meaning less just keep it, I know how I ruined my lovely holiday.
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I tried 30(Locked FPS) 60(Locked FPS or Vsync only) and 75(No Vsync and lock) in Ultra Graphics. Wanna 90? I need throw my PC and build new one.

I tried 30(Locked FPS) 60(Locked FPS or Vsync only) and 75(locked FPS) and 120 FPS (Locked FPS or No Vsync and lock) in Ultra Low Graphics. I starting feel get younger.

Well... Ultra Graphics is my Game Graphics option, I running this set up with 58-75 FPS in benchmark (With out Vsync).

Alright I back...

Hmmm.... Base on my F1C 99-02 to Race 06 gaming experience, if PC not stronger enough on Graphics, Vsync will cause the Frame rate like Roller Coaster and not stable while have some object move very fast on Vertical in sec by the Vsync reduce the frame rate for anti screen tearing. This is the Reason I disable that. Vsync make no tearing graphics, but may cause FPS not stable, this is not good and possible reduce my Judgement sense in every moment.

OK, if we wanna leave that "stronger" Factor, switch off SFX and reduce polygon could help PC reduce workload. If wanna simulate a stable FPS in very condition like act as weakness PC, that's why I still apply Frame Limiter in Ultra Low Graphics on tests.

Just look at the timing I post, Ultra Low Graphics and Ultra Graphics at FPS 60, My timing still close just as 0.6

In most common feelings, the gap under 0.2-0.8 sec is still good while you keep repeats to did same thing, (I'm looping Canada Circuit whole day...)
Since I am not a AI, I couldn't did every lap like photocopy. Also, some "external" factor from Real Life may affect the timing. like My family call or I got idea how to drive faster.

This why i keep 60FPS and 75FPS in Ultra Low Graphics and Ultra Graphics.

Unfortunately my PC couldn't reach 120FPS in Ultra Graphics (I need throw my PC), I need turn down the graphic to gain FPS...

Hey... most guys are talking FPS bug are using same method to gain more FPS. How's I'm non-sense in this topic?

About the levels of FPS

Test in FPS 30, 60 just most game are running this levels of FPS in the world .
60Hz also my monitor refresh rate at 1080p (I'm running Ultra Low in 1080p)

75 is the natural FPS level how my PC could did while Ultra Graphics without Vsync and FPS Lock.

Test in 120 is most of case where got problem in this level of FPS. Also, this is high-end 3D monitor are run 120Hz, That means Vsync may stuck from this Level of FPS for this user.

If you keep say these meaning less just keep it, I know how I ruin my holiday.
Your major problem is you keep changing the graphics settings and vsync and locking FPS. That's 3 factors just there you're changing. You can't do that. You have to do every single test on ultra low graphics, vsync off and only limit the FPS. You can only change one variable. Not 3.
Your major problem is you keep changing the graphics settings and vsync and locking FPS. That's 3 factors just there you're changing. You can't do that. You have to do every single test on ultra low graphics, vsync off and only limit the FPS. You can only change one variable. Not 3.

Are you sure I keep graphics settings change?

You forgot i'm running Ultra graphics in 1st time, and 2nd time are Ultra Low.
These pics were shown are locked FPS condition in Ultra graphics and Ultra low graphics in a Batch!

I 'm not changing the graphics to keep desired FPS what I want! I just limit the FPS!

So I sure heavy graphics just a key about the PC workload to gain higher FPS or not.
Also, my test shown with stable High FPS, all quality of graphics may have same FPS Bug.

Vsync? Just the physicist said I didn't know the Problem, I turn it on for him. 3? This just Client request and i feed them.
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I don't understand why do you obsess to prove something about this bug. For me, it seems that you want to justify what you are doing or your thoughts, not to provide useful information of this bug for others.
I don't understand why do you obsess to prove something about this bug. For me, it seems that you want to justify what you are doing or your thoughts, not to provide useful information of this bug for others.

If you want my helpful details go same topic in CM forum, where I posted.
For me, here have someone just all the time argue Frame limiter more than talking what I found and show he got a Nice Job.
Calm down guys. Mark posted that he managed to do much better time with 140FPS then 50FPS. TCS posted(post on page 4 with Ultra low graphics), there you can see that time on 120FPS is much faster then on 60FPS. That's the same thing if you ask me.:thumbsup:
Just look at the timing I post, Ultra Low Graphics and Ultra Graphics at FPS 60, My timing still close just as 0.6
Here you say that you have similar time on 60FPS as you have on 60FPS, with only difference in graphic settings. That is correct, as your speed will change only when you change FPS.;)

Conclusion: You both found same thing, and Mike and other fast guys confirmed it.:cool:
Still a big problem although I've installed all updates.

I tested it on 2 different computers.
Canada TimeAttack.
PC with high end graphics card: 1:13,400
PC with onboard graphics: 1:16,100

Same settings. Driving identical.

All modes are buggy (offline and multiplayer).
Really frustrating. It is no fun if you want to compare your lap times with friends or play against each other (LAN or online). :poop:

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