F1 2020 F1 2020 | The Cars Of Michael Schumacher

F1 2020 The Game (Codemasters)

Paul Jeffrey

The upcoming Formula One game from Codemasters is set to pay homage to one of the most successful drivers in Grand Prix Racing - with the Michael Schumacher Deluxe Edition featuring several of the Germans racing machines.

Michael Schumacher was a driver who did a fantastic job of dividing opinion within the motorsport fanbase. For some, he was the ultimate example of never say die determination with a passion to succeed. For others, he was a ruthless driver who wouldn't think twice about crossing over the line of acceptable behaviour. Whatever side of the fence you sit on, the records of Schumachers Formula One career are plain for all to see. In just 306 starts in Formula One, Schumacher amassed an incredible 91 career victories, seven World Championships and 155 podium finishes - often in cars that were not the most potent of the day.

Having retired from competition at the end of the 2006 season, Schumacher would do much to redeem public opinion with a less successful, but entirely more human second crack at Grand Prix racing with Mercedes. Returning to the sport at 41 years of age in 2010 for a brief three year period, the success wouldn't come back, but a visibly much more relaxed and personable Michael Schumacher would grace the Formula One paddocks during his second career.

With Schumacher still fighting for fitness again following his life altering skiing accident in the winter of 2013, Codemasters are taking the opportunity to honour the Germans incredible career in Formula One, featuring many of his historic racing machines in the upcoming 2020 Formula One videogame, set to be released this July.

"As part of the 70th anniversary of F1®, it's fitting to celebrate the most successful World Champion of all time," said Lee Mather, F1 Franchise Game Director at Codemasters. "We are equally excited to finally bring the Jordan 191 and Benetton B194 to the F1® series as both have been long-requested by our community, alongside two more of his iconic cars."
Players will also be able to drive four of his most iconic vehicles from the 90s and 2000s.
  • 1991: Jordan 191 – The car that launched Michael's career. The emerald green car was first driven at the 1991 Belgium Grand Prix
  • 1994: Benetton B194 – The season Michael won his first World Championship, winning six of the first seven races
  • 1995: Benetton B195 – In a class of its own, it brought Michael his second and Benetton's first and only World Championship
  • 2000: Ferrari F1-2000 – The car delivered 10 pole positions, 10 race victories and secured Ferrari its first driver's World Championship since 1979

The F1 2020 Deluxe Schumacher Edition, launching with three days early access, also comes with exclusive themed car liveries and driver customisation items, including a unique podium celebration.

Players who purchase either F1 2020 Seventy or Deluxe Schumacher Edition will have access to the Ferrari F2004. The car, which brought Michael his record-breaking seventh World Championship, a real fan favourite since being introduced to the franchise back in F1 2017, has now been updated with #1 added to the nosecone and his name embossed on the headrest.

F1 2020 is set to release on July 7th for PS4, Xbox One, PC and Google Stadia.

Got questions about the game? Start a new thread at the RaceDepartment F1 2020 sub forum here at RaceDepartment, and let the community help you out!

F1 2020 F1004.jpg
F1 2020 B194.jpg
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Michael Schumacher Deluxe Edition - complete with 'cheat mode' :rolleyes:

ZOMG how funny did you come up with that all by yourself?

Seriously its 2020 and morons come out with this crap every time, I have seen this ‘joke’ in multiple threads since the announcement of the Schumacher cars and now I’ve had enough of this bullshit.
Have you actually scratched the surface of this story or were the British tabloid headlines and xenophobic anti German innuendo enough hard evidence for you?

I mean did it even enter your small mind that Cosworth was the British engine manufacturer? Benetton Formula 1 based in the UK? But somehow they all conspired to give secret traction control to their relatively unknown German driver. Not his team mates they are all cool and didn’t use the cheat but that German guy ohhhf he def had a secret mode going that he wrote the code all by himself too. Idiocy.

Michael was basically the rookie in this situation with Riccardo Patrese but they switched on super secret retard traction control mode according to you?
"I did all the winter testing leading up to '93 because Michael had a problem with his knee. Anyway, he arrived at Silverstone for his first test of the year in February and it was one of those cold, foggy days when you would rather have stayed in bed. I went out and set a 1m27sec. Then he went out and after 5 laps had done a 1m24sec! I knew then he was pretty special. I went to check his telemetry and saw he was flat through Bridge! The year before we could only manage that corner flat for one lap in qualifying."

Can you please explain why an English team funded by an Italian company had so much deep seated love for this German newcomer they were willing to cheat just on his car? Staggering.

How about something from Ross Brawn? Yes another German loving Englishman who just so loved Michael he conspired to help him cheat (but again not his team mates they are all cool).
What does he say about the incident?
Tom and Flavio were on one side and Max Mosley was on the other. And they were at loggerheads. I remember a meeting at Barcelona where Tom and Flavio came out of it and said, ‘Max has resigned. He’s gone. He’s finished. We are going to have someone new.’ And I knew Max reasonably well by then and I thought, ‘Well, this’ll be interesting to watch.’ And, of course, they had stabbed the beast but they hadn’t killed it. Then it became very unpleasant after that. We got hauled in by the FIA, after Imola, and all our electronic black boxes on our cars were confiscated. A company called LDRA (Liverpool Data Recovery Agency) got involved in investigating what was in our black boxes. The first time round they found nothing amiss, so we were given the black boxes back. And then the war started between Max and the teams, and particularly Flavio and Tom. The black boxes were confiscated again. The FIA came along and said, ‘These are the numbers, can we have those black boxes again?’ So, having returned the black boxes, they took them again. They said they had some new methodology where they were going to be able to find out what we had been up to. In the end, we went to Paris to the Court of Appeal, and I remember some very unpleasant days there, but we were acquitted.
When the FIA went after us a second time, I had taken a short break. In those days there was a gap in the early part of the year, so I had nipped off to Mauritius for a quick holiday. And I just spent the whole time on the phone. I remember my phone bill was something like £1,000. I got a phone call from Flavio saying, ‘We are in trouble with the black boxes, don’t worry I’ve done a deal, we are going to lose the points for Imola, but everything will be okay after that, they’ll forget it.’ And I said, ‘We’re not going to lose the points for Imola, Flavio, because we have done nothing wrong.’ And Rory and I resigned. We told Flavio that we were not going to accept his deal. So Flavio backed off and we went into battle over the thing.

So Ross Brawn a man trusted enough to be the current managing director of Formula 1 and Rory Byrne resigned over the indignation of even admitting any wrongdoing? My these guys really laid their lives on the lines for this young German upstart didn’t they? This conspiracy runs deep.
Say how did Michael convince everybody to cheat and lie for him? Mind control? Bribery? He’s German don’t you know he can’t lie straight in bed there must be some story behind it?

Wait one last thing Ayrton Senna stood by the side of the track at Aida and heard strange engine notes mid corner when Michael was driving past and said they are cheating. Jeez that’s pretty damming. Had Ayrton even displayed the signs of a ‘sore looser’ before in the past?
Quote from “The Life of Senna”:
But when Senna spun his car in the first qualifying session and could only manage second on the grid, some doubts began to surface.
Senna was fuming. He believed he had been cheated of pole by Magnum’s David Leslie. He suspected the team of cheating and said so. He complained to journalists: “It was not fair. For sure they were not within the rules. Where there are so many limitations, there is no way that you can suddenly find a second of time. And when it came to the race they were one second away again. I don’t like being made to look stupid.”

This was after a year away from racing? High level cheating in Formula 2?? Instead of thinking he might be a little rusty and somebody legitimately beat him to pole? Haha this is your source for the conspiracy?

Michaels engineer that year an Australian (Nazi sympathiser no doubt) has written a book detailing how he was the first to maximise left foot braking. Keeping his foot on the throttle mid corner to stabilize what was obviously a difficult car to control(Another TC joke the on board footage of the 94 car shows it was a handful). But of course Ayrton is god and would have known all of this how could a young upstart show him up with a new driving technique he of all people didn’t know about?

So now I know this is quite a chunk of text for a small minded attention seeker who made a one line quip just to get some giggles. But really I have had enough of this ****. Is it the British sense of humour or something I’m missing? McLaren were literally caught cheating red handed but their cars can be included without any smug comments. No dirt stuck to Hamilton or Alonso even though they were at the team when it was caught cheating. Hamilton can lie to the stewards about Trulli overtaking him under safety car, work for a team caught cheating, call backmarkers monkeys, run illegal tyre pressures, back his team mate into traffic against team orders, be a generally arrogant unlikeable turd of a human but less mud is flung at him than at a driver and supposed incidents from decades ago? He should thank god every morning that he’s British imagine if this punk was German you would drag him to the Hague for crimes against Formula 1.
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ZOMG how funny did you come up with that all by yourself?

Seriously its 2020 and morons come out with this crap every time, I have seen this ‘joke’ in multiple threads since the announcement of the Schumacher cars and now I’ve had enough of this bullshit.
Have you actually scratched the surface of this story or were the British tabloid headlines and xenophobic anti German innuendo enough hard evidence for you?

I mean did it even enter your small mind that Cosworth was the British engine manufacturer? Benetton Formula 1 based in the UK? But somehow they all conspired to give secret traction control to their relatively unknown German driver. Not his team mates they are all cool and didn’t use the cheat but that German guy ohhhf he def had a secret mode going that he wrote the code all by himself too. Idiocy.

Michael was basically the rookie in this situation with Riccardo Patrese but they switched on super secret retard traction control mode according to you?
"I did all the winter testing leading up to '93 because Michael had a problem with his knee. Anyway, he arrived at Silverstone for his first test of the year in February and it was one of those cold, foggy days when you would rather have stayed in bed. I went out and set a 1m27sec. Then he went out and after 5 laps had done a 1m24sec! I knew then he was pretty special. I went to check his telemetry and saw he was flat through Bridge! The year before we could only manage that corner flat for one lap in qualifying."

Can you please explain why an English team funded by an Italian company had so much deep seated love for this German newcomer they were willing to cheat just on his car? Staggering.

How about something from Ross Brawn? Yes another German loving Englishman who just so loved Michael he conspired to help him cheat (but again not his team mates they are all cool).
What does he say about the incident?
Tom and Flavio were on one side and Max Mosley was on the other. And they were at loggerheads. I remember a meeting at Barcelona where Tom and Flavio came out of it and said, ‘Max has resigned. He’s gone. He’s finished. We are going to have someone new.’ And I knew Max reasonably well by then and I thought, ‘Well, this’ll be interesting to watch.’ And, of course, they had stabbed the beast but they hadn’t killed it. Then it became very unpleasant after that. We got hauled in by the FIA, after Imola, and all our electronic black boxes on our cars were confiscated. A company called LDRA (Liverpool Data Recovery Agency) got involved in investigating what was in our black boxes. The first time round they found nothing amiss, so we were given the black boxes back. And then the war started between Max and the teams, and particularly Flavio and Tom. The black boxes were confiscated again. The FIA came along and said, ‘These are the numbers, can we have those black boxes again?’ So, having returned the black boxes, they took them again. They said they had some new methodology where they were going to be able to find out what we had been up to. In the end, we went to Paris to the Court of Appeal, and I remember some very unpleasant days there, but we were acquitted.
When the FIA went after us a second time, I had taken a short break. In those days there was a gap in the early part of the year, so I had nipped off to Mauritius for a quick holiday. And I just spent the whole time on the phone. I remember my phone bill was something like £1,000. I got a phone call from Flavio saying, ‘We are in trouble with the black boxes, don’t worry I’ve done a deal, we are going to lose the points for Imola, but everything will be okay after that, they’ll forget it.’ And I said, ‘We’re not going to lose the points for Imola, Flavio, because we have done nothing wrong.’ And Rory and I resigned. We told Flavio that we were not going to accept his deal. So Flavio backed off and we went into battle over the thing.

So Ross Brawn a man trusted enough to be the current managing director of Formula 1 and Rory Byrne resigned over the indignation of even admitting any wrongdoing? My these guys really laid their lives on the lines for this young German upstart didn’t they? This conspiracy runs deep.
Say how did Michael convince everybody to cheat and lie for him? Mind control? Bribery? He’s German don’t you know he can’t lie straight in bed there must be some story behind it?

Wait one last thing Ayrton Senna stood by the side of the track at Aida and heard strange engine notes mid corner when Michael was driving past and said they are cheating. Jeez that’s pretty damming. Had Ayrton even displayed the signs of a ‘sore looser’ before in the past?
Quote from “The Life of Senna”:
But when Senna spun his car in the first qualifying session and could only manage second on the grid, some doubts began to surface.
Senna was fuming. He believed he had been cheated of pole by Magnum’s David Leslie. He suspected the team of cheating and said so. He complained to journalists: “It was not fair. For sure they were not within the rules. Where there are so many limitations, there is no way that you can suddenly find a second of time. And when it came to the race they were one second away again. I don’t like being made to look stupid.”

This was after a year away from racing? High level cheating in Formula 2?? Instead of thinking he might be a little rusty and somebody legitimately beat him to pole? Haha this is your source for the conspiracy?

Michaels engineer that year an Australian (Nazi sympathiser no doubt) has written a book detailing how he was the first to maximise left foot braking. Keeping his foot on the throttle mid corner to stabilize what was obviously a difficult car to control(Another TC joke the on board footage of the 94 car shows it was a handful). But of course Ayrton is god and would have known all of this how could a young upstart show him up with a new driving technique he of all people didn’t know about?

So now I know this is quite a chunk of text for a small minded attention seeker who made a one line quip just to get some giggles. But really I have had enough of this ****. Is it the British sense of humour or something I’m missing? McLaren were literally caught cheating red handed but their cars can be included without any smug comments. No dirt stuck to Hamilton or Alonso even though they were at the team when it was caught cheating. Hamilton can lie to the stewards about Trulli overtaking him under safety car, work for a team caught cheating, call backmarkers monkeys, run illegal tyre pressures, back his team mate into traffic against team orders, be a generally arrogant unlikeable turd of a human but less mud is flung at him than at a driver and supposed incidents from decades ago? He should thank god every morning that he’s British imagine if this punk was German you would drag him to the Hague for crimes against Formula 1.

If you put all the data, video's, teams mates, his domination in 1994. It does seem to indicate that his car had a system that avoided wheel spin. His pole at monaco, was too fast. If you look at traction control benfits, it's about .500ms to 1 second per lap, you can go much earlier on throttle without any worries of spinning out. If you watch Aida and Imola, he gets out no spin and is ahead of aryton with in 50 meters, at Imola he was already head to head, before yellow flags came out.
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Damn, imagine defending a straight up murder attempt.

He has never actually murdered someone on track. He has brake tested elite drivers such as Hakkinen because he has knowledge that they are not idiots and he fears them. He has ran into other drivers when it was safe to do so such as Hill. He helps drivers like Irvine because they both realise who is the better driver.

What happened with Reubens was either a case of Schumacher being too old and in a slow car, or being too smart and pushing it to the limit. It looked bad at the time but I have seen worse and it doesn't look that bad in hindsight. Ironically, Codemasters actually programmed Schumacher's AI well that year and there was a noticeable difference in overtaking him vs. other drivers such as Reubens who had zero aggression.

Piquet didn't like Reubens because he made too many mistakes and wasn't aggressive enough. Sure he was a nice guy and I love him but at the end of the day is the yoga teacher really going to **** the nice guy?

Also, now Codemasters AI is too aggressive for all drivers, so does that make them all mass murderers? I actually agree a lot of good racing etiquette and respect is missing. As much as Schumacher had control of his car and his ability to drive dirty, he also had ability to prevent serious danger. It is a confused line where his ability ended.
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He has never actually murdered someone on track. He has brake tested elite drivers such as Hakkinen because he has knowledge that they are not idiots and he fears them. He has ran into other drivers when it was safe to do so such as Hill. He helps drivers like Irvine because they both realise who is the better driver.

What happened with Reubens was either a case of Schumacher being too old and in a slow car, or being too smart and pushing it to the limit. It looked bad at the time but I have seen worse and it doesn't look that bad in hindsight. Ironically, Codemasters actually programmed Schumacher's AI well that year and there was a noticeable difference in overtaking him vs. other drivers such as Reubens who had zero aggression.

Piquet didn't like Reubens because he made too many mistakes and wasn't aggressive enough. Sure he was a nice guy and I love him but at the end of the day is the yoga teacher really going to **** the nice guy?

Alright dude, keep defending your cheat god, I really don't care.
If you put all the data, video's, teams mates, his domination in 1994. It does seem to indicate that his car had a system that avoided wheel spin. His pole at monaco, was too fast. If you look at traction control benfits, it's about .500ms to 1 second per lap, you can go much earlier on throttle without any worries of spinning out. If you watch Aida and Imola, he gets out no spin and is ahead of aryton with in 50 meters, at Imola he was already head to head, before yellow flags came out.

Hi, I notice you didn't address one single quote I produced or any of the logic based off facts that I discussed. But sure let’s make some conjecture based off video and rumours?

Like me I suggest you read deeply into things before just believing the British tabloid headline.
This is a great interview with JJ Letho I will quote from:

I certainly know this Monaco theory and have read in Adrian Newey’s book how to build a car he believes the disparity between Michaels pace and JJ Letho is somehow proof Michaels car had cheats on it:
“Schumacher won from pole, his teammate JJ Lehto was seventh (note the disparity).”

“Circumstantially, though, what was hugely suspicious was the performance difference between Schumacher and his teammates, Lehto and now Jos Verstappen. There is no doubt that Schumacher’s a great driver, but this sort of disparity between professional teammates in F1 was unprecedented. Neither had it been apparent to the same extent the previous season, when Martin Brundle was his teammate. It begged the question – was something different about his car? And of course, the thing that you can change – if you’re prepared to go down that route – is the electronics. History supports this observation – Schumacher beat his future teammates at Ferrari, but not by anything like the same margin.”

So how does anyone even quantify that Michael’s lap was 'too fast'? Compared to what? Do you somehow innately know the potential speed of the Benneton that day?

For a supposedly intelligent individual he seems to have completely glossed over the fact that JJ had broken his neck badly in pre-season testing and had come back too soon. Monaco of all places is somewhere you need to be comfortable and confident or you are in the wall.

What JJ says:
“No wonder: driving the 1993 car, Lehto left the track at near top speed as he tried to turn into Stowe. “I woke up in the wall with a broken neck.”

“I was conscious when they were trying to get me out, but couldn’t move. I remember thinking I was lucky to be at Silverstone because the doctors are so good. They saw instantly that something bad had happened, got a neck support on, got me out, took me to hospital took X-rays and said at once, ‘This is really bad, don’t move. At all.’ Then everyone got involved, Flavio [Briatore], Bernie [Ecclestone], Sid [Watkins]: they organised the best doctors at the best clinic.” Two vertebrae had been completely crushed.

Lehto had an operation at the London Clinic and would remain in hospital for a further fortnight, but his recovery would take a lot longer. “By the time I got home I was in so much pain I couldn’t sleep. I had to walk, all the time. I couldn’t even sit down.

“Slowly it got better, but the season was starting and I had to get back as soon as I could; but my neck was really weak because they’d cut through all the muscles in the operation. I had no feeling in my fingers and toes but was terrified of losing my seat. Trying to get back quickly was a mistake, but I thought I had no choice. In the end I lost the seat anyway. But I was so lucky with the accident: I’m still walking and I’m still alive. In the end that’s all that matters.”

Even so he draws stark contrast to his treatment relative to that received by Häkkinen after his awful accident in Adelaide at the end of the 1995 season. “I wish I had been with Ron and at McLaren like Mika. Ron really looked after him, gave him all the time he needed to recover. I really admired that. Flav is a businessman, Benetton was turning into a good team with Michael and they needed to maintain momentum.

“When I came back I was sick and in pain; Flavio didn’t give me any testing, so I can’t say the car was so different I couldn’t drive it. Truth is, I never got the chance. I did some races after the accident but was in so much pain I couldn’t drive.””

Does this sound like someone who is going to touch a driver of Schumacher’s calibre when he is at the top of his game and JJ is at his worst??

The interview then touches on the car handling:
Or perhaps Schumacher was just given a far better car? Lehto is not shy about quashing that notion. “Michael and I always had identical machinery. I never doubted that. His advantage came from his talent but also the fact the car was designed for him and his style of driving. He liked it edgy; it was quite strange to drive and I never really got the chance to get on top of it.”

So somehow JJ Letho being a human being who was injured and driving a car that was totally wrong for him coming back and not being close enough to Michaels lap is your proof for a grand conspiracy? Not a very strong case I have to say. I can completely wreck it with logic and common sense.

The same can be applied to Jos Verstappen. A total F1 rookie thrown into an edgy car built for Michael he didn’t get close. You only go down the route of magic software just on Michaels car when you are a one eyed competitor/hater. As I made clear in my first post common sense asks WHY? WHY do the team cheat just for him? Its complete idiocy.

Michael controlling the pitch of the car while left foot breaking mid corner as revealed by his Australian 94 engineer has already been discussed in my first post. You think he couldn’t use that to control wheel spin? Or the fact that there is famous footage comparing a throttle trace of Michael to Jonny Herbert at bridge corner where Michael is much smoother releasing and applying the throttle. The guy is the greatest of all time after all do you think he could handle a car better than his team mates just a bit? FML.

As for Adrian’s point about the gap closing at Ferrari this can easily be explained by the refinement of F1 cars. In 96 when the Ferrari was a dog the gap was actually still huge and Eddie Irvine said he had no idea how Michael ever won a race in that. Later as the cars stabilised this actually reduced Michaels advantage of being able to ride on the edge unlike his team mates.

I look forward to taking on anyone ignoring my logic and factual research. Please fling mud at this great sportsman if that’s what you need to feel better about an unapologetic German dominating your favourite sport but don’t try to present this bollocks as anything based on any kind of fact on my watch.
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Damn, imagine defending a straight up murder attempt.

You are a straight up and down moron.
Plenty of F1 drivers have pushed rivals close to a wall are they all attempting murder? AHAHAHA

Senna kept his foot full on the throttle straight into the back of Prost at Japan and the ridiculous Brazilian fan boys spent the whole time in the Senna doco somehow justifying this as payback? No wonder they got a Bafta for that pure fuctional spin on reality. After Prost gave them all his time they threw him under the bus like that. Shows what kind of people you are dealing with.

"Prost and Senna fought out what was arguably Formula 1's greatest rivalry. After they became team-mates at McLaren in 1988, the first spark flew when Senna aggressively shoved Prost towards the pitwall at Estoril, later prompting the Frenchman to state: “Sometimes I admit I was frightened by him; he was prepared to do anything.” "

Funny that professional whinger Barrichello didn't think Senna was a dangerous murderer?
Attempted murder sheeesh see a doctor and get your IQ tested, while there please get sterilised the average IQ is already falling for the first time in history anything you spawn wont reverse that trend.
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No comebacks or retorts to my presentation of actual facts and sensible logic?

Oh no whats the matter ladies was it more fun when you could throw crap and Michael and only got back giggles and similar opinions in your little echo chamber?

So sorry that I pointed out that the 94 cars were very unstable due to the late banning of active suspension and that Michael's team mates were either crippled (JJ couldn't feel his hands or feet, Johnny Herberts feet were so damaged he couldn't walk) or complete novices (Jos Verstappen going straight from Formula 3 to the F1 Benetton).

It must have hurt to have your little fantasy that the only explaining of the disparity in performance was that Michael was cheating. Go to your safe space and cry yourselves better. Maybe talk to a friend who also thinks its sensible an entire team would cheat with just one driver and no hard evidence would ever come out. Just don't ask why they would all do this only for him because there is no answer. :cry:

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