Automobilista 2 | Hotfix Update Available

Paul Jeffrey

Yet another new Automobilsta 2 hotfix update released on Steam recently - adding plenty of interesting fixes, tweaks, improvements and changes to the popular racing title.
  • Various physics improvements.
  • Update to Spa.
  • New community liveries.

In something of a flurry of recent updates, Reiza Studios have remained hard at work bringing yet further goodies to the AMS 2 racing simulation on Steam, with another hotfix update deployment dropping on Friday hot off the back of the recent V1.1.0.4 update of earlier this week.

Update Notes:

Automobilista 2 has now been updated to v1.1.0.5 - this is a hotfix to further complement our latest release with some additional improvements and corrections.

The update is large in size (1.6GB) because of a build error changing the checksum of some large files that have otherwise remained unchanged - we apologise in advance if that causes any inconvenience.

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  • Fixed bug that could lead to vehicles receiving draft from vehicles far behind them

  • Fixed distance to screen value on triple screen setup
  • Further driveline adjustments & fine tuning, fixing issues with clutch slipping in upshifts with some cars
  • Adjusted default clutch setting for Stock cars, Montana, Camaro GT4R, Porsches
  • Fixed bug with F-Retro wet tires breaking physics
  • Fixed bug with F-Ultimate slicks breaking physics if driven on wet
  • Adjusted default gear ratios for M1 Procar, Group A cars
  • Further improvements to AI lateral weaving/abruptness of movement
  • Added new improvements to AI behaviour when it predicts it´s going to run off the road (should reduce some causes of abrupt lateral movement / loss of control)
  • Further general A performance callibration
  • Caterham Academy: adjusted sounds, improved audio loops
  • Copa Fusca: Fixed engine sound drop-off during gear shifts
  • SprintRace: further improvements to audio loops
  • M1 Procar: increased volume when driving in swingman view
  • Spa: various fixes for lodding pop-ups, further optimization
  • Velopark: Improved wall collisions; fixed some terrain gaps; improved shadows; adjusted tire stack height; adjusted 3D grass to fix instances of wall clipping; removed shadow casting & reflections from transparent face
  • Interlagos Historic: Added startlights; removed shadow casting from transparent fences
  • Oulton Park: Added missing track lights
  • Curitiba: Adjusted HUD map zoom
  • Curvelo: Adjusted render mesh to match updated physical noise
  • Added community liveries: Copa Fusca - Fernando Goncalves #888 / Luiz Gonzaga #09 / Marcos Cruz #20 / Tom Emilsen #3422 / Troyan Donut #61 / Filomena Silva #00
  • Caterham 360 Superlight - Allan Nenes #25 / Gasper Zupan #2
  • Caterham 620R - Gyda Marvik #25 / Chris Shire #26

Original Source: Reiza Studios

AMS 2 - available now exclusively to PC.

Want to know more about the sim? Got a trick or tip to share with the community? Fire up a thread in the AMS 2 sub forum here at RaceDepartment and share that knowledge!

AMS 2 Footer.jpg
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hey, surely you guys realize that the game is designed primarily for wheels and pedals (with daylight a long, distant second before controllers in 3rd place)?

You miss out on so much with just a controller.

Not trying to be mean - of course people play NBA2k with a keyboard! Its just the objective reality - if you play this with a controller you'd be better served doing something else with your time, is all. While its entirely feasible to do so, if a little lousy, the point of the game is not to use a controller - because in this instance a controller is too casual and not the intended experience...

It would be like playing Valve's Alex without VR....

And also - I can't imagine ANY one, ever, sorry, wanting to play Rfactor 2 with a controller. One may as well play super mario cart or something. It would be a lot more fun.

Its farcical. But good luck to you. 2 people, maybe 3, probably represent 1% of the player base, so its not insignificant a number just now - you never know your luck in a big city.

I would have thought that IF patch didn't have controller updates - I would call that an inappreciable thing. Making such calls for it almost unacceptable.


People would have already paid 1000+ for a pc - and 50-100 local currency for the game itself. As such, you really owe it to yourself to experience the title with a wheel.

The price, locally? lol 300 for A FULL RIG [G27 AND FRAME AND pedals, chair]...

You know it makes sense... in US$ thats 30% less, so 210. Second hand.

Make these people offers - even if its just a G27 and pedals by itself - go to their listings and low-ball the living- farrrk out of them! lol. :)

^> ?? I refuse to believe someone who bought a g27 for 450, would want/demand to sell it for 400. Its absurd - he would need to put a 3 in front of it, and then probably at most an 8 for the next numeral. The man will probably take a lot less. He is simply looking to fund his next wheel.

Yes - there's this livid dream about gaming being inclusive - daughters of developers were apparently itching to play Battlefield but you never saw one, and 50% of wow players are girls apparently - even IF only a couple do youtube and 1 girl did gw2 on youtube - you be the judge of the dream (and my gf plays this game but its barely an interest of hers.. and lets face it driving itself is fairly ubiquitous itself) - and you can LIVE that dream - go for it, but while you do, please get a wheel at some point, all those titles are far better with a wheel.

Whats with this "entitlement"!!!?? Of course its more realistic with a wheel, No one would argue that point. BUT, we are all individuals, with our own preferences. The game is designed for gamepad controllers as well as Wheels and dare i say it, Keyboards. It is a legitament request to have gamepads updated as well, as the many request for various wheels.
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Ever since this update I've been getting some peculiar, seemingly buggy behavior from the AI I haven't seen before, in certain scenarios. I found it most pronounced when I was trying to do a half hour race around Bathurst with the GT1s. Basically, anyone ahead of me on the grid behaves as they should, in accordance with their AI and Aggression levels, but everyone behind me seems to simply give up right away, quickly becoming a tiny speck in my mirror and over the course of a lap I can hang a five-second or higher lead on them no matter how high I crank the AI level. Furthermore, if I pass an AI car who has been behaving as normal, once I'm actually ahead of them and made the move stick they rapidly disappear in my rearview as well. I've tried throwing the Aggression slider all over the place with seemingly no change to the behavior, and if I put the AI level too high all that happens is the guys ahead of me leave me in the dust, and everyone behind me continues to disappear in the distance, and I just end up racing all alone. I feel like if this was a widespread issue I would have heard someone else griping about it by now, and I've even seen people on YouTube run this exact race in the past few days perfectly fine, so I'm starting to worry it's an only-me issue somehow. Anyone else experienced anything like this?
Ever since this update I've been getting some peculiar, seemingly buggy behavior from the AI I haven't seen before, in certain scenarios. I found it most pronounced when I was trying to do a half hour race around Bathurst with the GT1s.
I haven’t spent any time in the GT1s at Bathurst but I’ve been under the impression that there’s just something not right in general regarding the AI’s speed at that track. That’s nothing more than a hunch based on my time in the GT3s and pre-GT4 Ginetta at the circuit. In those cars I’ve noticed that I’m way faster than the AI than at any other track with AI set at the same skill level %. Like multiple seconds faster sometimes. That doesn’t really explain the in-front/behind behavior you mentioned but maybe that’s a middle ground stepping stone we’re on toward getting the AI speed sorted out overall for Bathurst.

If you haven’t already done so, I’d suggest spending some time in the GT1s at other tracks. At Spa I’ve noticed that it kind of seems like they have a modest amount of aero understeer if you’re following somewhat close and the AI will sometimes fall back from you in alignment with this. I could very well be making that up in my head but it might be worth checking into yourself. If you feel the same, then perhaps that’s what’s going on at Bathurst but it’s being significantly exaggerated by the overall “Bathurst thing” with the AI speed I mentioned above.
Alright. About these controllers. If you need to make up stories about disabled kids itching to play automobilista 2 over ALL other sim games which by their very nature - maybe Grid 1, 2, 2019, etc... those kind to controllers- then thats so funny. It really is! All on your PC instead of a dedicated console a young fellow may wish to sit in front of. I am not saying such compromises, no matter how many are without merit, just that its questionable.

If the mods wish to condone that kind of behavior that is up to them, I have a copy of my last message and I did actually review that several times.

Each point I made was entirely irrefutable.

Just remember, as principled and correct from a financial and participation point of view, a view which does not deny anyone the right to play this game how they think they should, I am not the liar or dishonest intellectually. IF people are playing this game with a controller - then thats akin to me claiming that I want Forza Horizon's to work better with a keyboard.

The utter ridiculousness of it.

The relevancy of this post is to point out how such demands are irrelevant - and to move back on topic. The lack of controller support in 1.1.5 is not a failing of Reiza. It was an apt and just decision to leave out controller fixes on the proviso of time or anything else. However I think while they were not wholly aware of it, I also think now/if they are, they should do nothing about it.

Am I evil? Well its not how I thought I would wind up thinking, but objectively speaking this is where I landed. Controllers are fallbacks and also-rans in games like this, just like the keyboard is in NBA 2k17-20, Forza Horizon, Eu4 (where you quite literally need a mouse)..

See my point? Now how about more track fixes. That was definitely working.
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just for your interest I know some guys that are fast as some aliens with DD wheels even if they are on keyboard or gamepad...
I find those elitism around steering wheels quite boring and useless...
Also keep in mind PC2 pad support was quite good so I am not surprised they are asking for the same kind of support for AMS2...maybe the way they ask for it sounds entitled as the whole "wheel being better than joypad" one and...
You are equal even on this!
Each point I made was entirely irrefutable.
No point is ever irrefutable. People who believe that are the ones trying to force their views on everyone else, which is not the way to do things. You're entitled to your opinion just like everyone else, but you are no more "right" or "wrong" than anyone else either.

You've now made your point, and that's that. Everyone back on-topic now, because this debate is pointless and not in any way related to this thread's main discussion. Feel free to start a debate about the merits of different control methods here or here.
First time I tried AMS2 was when it came out, so quite a while ago. I dismissed it and let it be. Purchased a T300 last week and boy what a difference that made. The FFB is the best I've tried so far, etching rF2 by a small margin. It made my T300 FFB conk out 18min into a 20min race :laugh: (being fixed as we speak). Physics wise it drives similar to rF2 but I feel the tires better here.
The UI is better than rF2 thats for sure, not perfect, but better. But the stock HUD in triple screens is terrible when it comes to placement, its placed on the far left on the left screen; is there a way to move that to a more central position, or is there a third party HUD option like OtterHud?
But the stock HUD in triple screens is terrible when it comes to placement, its placed on the far left on the left screen; is there a way to move that to a more central position, or is there a third party HUD option like OtterHud?
If you pause the game while actually driving, you can access the HUD editor from the menu. You can move widgets around and enable/disable them, as well as move and resize the HUD itself. Not sure how it handles triple-screen as I'm in VR, but I'm guessing you would be able to put things on whichever screen you want.
i tried this again recently after a year of more competitive ACC races and league, this game feels like garbage and totally un realistic
ACC is really trash with ridiculous driving lines to cut time and missing longitudinal weight transfer. The silliest thing is when the cars always snap when driving Eau Rouge over the curbs on the right. And than this static rubber on the track makes it basically a train simulator.
First time I tried AMS2 was when it came out, so quite a while ago. I dismissed it and let it be. Purchased a T300 last week and boy what a difference that made. The FFB is the best I've tried so far, etching rF2 by a small margin. It made my T300 FFB conk out 18min into a 20min race :laugh: (being fixed as we speak). Physics wise it drives similar to rF2 but I feel the tires better here.
The UI is better than rF2 thats for sure, not perfect, but better. But the stock HUD in triple screens is terrible when it comes to placement, its placed on the far left on the left screen; is there a way to move that to a more central position, or is there a third party HUD option like OtterHud?

I use triple screens and the HUD placement is fine (centre screen). Have you enabled triple screen in the options menu?
I think so...? The game automatically saw my triple setup and adjusted to the custom resolution I'm running to account for bezels. But I'll have a check. And cheers Ross, didnt know you could do that, I'll have a look at that aswell (when the wheel is put back together).
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I think so...? The game automatically saw my triple setup and adjusted to the custom resolution I'm running to account for bezels. But I'll have a check. And cheers Ross, didnt know you could do that, I'll have a look at that aswell (when the wheel is put back together).

It sounds like you are using NV surround for your OS, but not using AMS2 triple screen setting. If that’s the case, you should use it corrects the view for fov and screen angles.

Edit: Also make sure you select the correct resolution for your displays under ‘performance’ (not the bezel corrected resolution).
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First time I tried AMS2 was when it came out, so quite a while ago. I dismissed it and let it be. Purchased a T300 last week and boy what a difference that made. The FFB is the best I've tried so far, etching rF2 by a small margin. It made my T300 FFB conk out 18min into a 20min race :laugh: (being fixed as we speak). Physics wise it drives similar to rF2 but I feel the tires better here.
The UI is better than rF2 thats for sure, not perfect, but better. But the stock HUD in triple screens is terrible when it comes to placement, its placed on the far left on the left screen; is there a way to move that to a more central position, or is there a third party HUD option like OtterHud?
I'd be keen to know what FFB settings you use in AMS2 with the T300. While the I find the FFB is improving in AMS2, I still haven't managed it to get to feel anywhere close to as good as RF2's road feel with my wheel (also a T300).
I'd be keen to know what FFB settings you use in AMS2 with the T300. While the I find the FFB is improving in AMS2, I still haven't managed it to get to feel anywhere close to as good as RF2's road feel with my wheel (also a T300).
Stock settings basically. Everything to max in the control panel obviously, then stock settings in AMS2 with the exception of Gain set to 100 (75 is standard). Be advised though, it'll be a heavy wheel to turn, which I like, and it reacts to every bump in the road, straights included. Curbs are particularly fun though, I really had to fight the wheel.
A few words of warning though; 1; I only have one 20min race of experience in one car on one track, so its hardly representative. And 2; my wheel said 'nope!' and conked out the FFB 18 minutes in, though I later found out that the fan wasnt forced on (it is now) and I've replaced the original for a Noctua one. A little more airflow, less noise and much more reliability. And the top of the case is now swiss cheese for better airflow.
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And 2; my wheel said 'nope!' and conked out the FFB 18 minutes in, though I later found out that the fan wasnt forced on (it is now) and I've replaced the original for a Noctua one. A little more airflow, less noise and much more reliability. And the top of the case is now swiss cheese for better airflow.

I had that wheel years ago and it went up in smoke after the warranty was over.It is the cheapest wheel with bad parts in it.If you crank up the FFB,it is getting hot,the power supplie is build in,wich makes it worse.I would be careful not to overpower that thing with extrem forces.I noticed nothing first but i smelled burning plastic one night and oh my ...nothing to save and it wasn't used not much.;)
Yeah, thats a risk I know. I've opened the case up quite a lot and added a better fan. Before this mod the powersupply was warm as was the motor, but not scorching. If it still get hot to the point where it turns itself off I'll add another 60mm fan to the outside of the case. The Noctua one only draws 0.12 amps whereas the original one draws 0.25 amps so technically I can solder another Noctua fan in the same plug/curcuit board without overloading it.
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