Opinion: iRacing Road Course Races Need Safety Cars

Rain is coming to iRacing fast, but perhaps Safety Cars for circuit racing would be a better addition. OT writer Angus Martin gives his thoughts on the matter, make sure to chime in yourself.

Image credit: iRacing.com / Champion Motorsport

One of the biggest series on the iRacing service is no doubt the IMSA-branded multiclass competitions. In real life, these sportscar events see Safety Cars – or Full Course Yellows as they are called in the States – play a major part. So why do they not appear in iRacing events?

That is a question I have been wondering more and more in recent months. In fact, we are seeing the arrival of rain become more and more imminent. But is that really the race-altering mechanic that would make the service more fun? I would suggest that, especially for Special Events, Safety Cars would be a far more popular addition. Here is why.


I would prefer Safety Cars in iRacing Special Events than Rain. Image credit: iRacing.com

How Safety Cars Improve Racing​

There is no doubt, this is not a new opinion of mine. For years I have loved the iRacing IMSA and other multiclass races, but have been missing this feature. As a fan of the sport in the real world, there is no overlooking the impact – good or bad – that the Safety Car has on racing.

The Americans have race stoppages down to a fine art. Opening the pits at a specific moment, they do not ruin teams’ strategies. Instead, it resets the race, allowing all cars to fill the tank and go flat-out. Those a lap down are able to benefit however by skipping the pit window under yellow and gaining a lap on the field, by utilising the pass-around from the front.

Not only does this keep racing exciting from start to finish, even in 24-hour endurance races. It also allows more teams to stay in the fight, by regaining lost laps. Who could forget the fantastic Mazda podium in the 2021 Daytona 24 Hours despite at one point sitting three laps behind the leader?

In more recent events, Safety Cars have led to epic to-the-line fights. Seemingly every IMSA race in living memory has led to tense nail-biters, most of which were thanks to late Safety Cars. Perhaps it is best not mentioning the Formula One example we are all thinking of. There is no doubt this is something that would improve iRacing Special Events.

Spice Up iRacing Special Events​

As aforementioned, my opinion on Safety Cars in iRacing circuit events is not new. But in recent weeks and months, it is certainly growing stronger. I will be honest, the desire to bunch up the pack and catch up lost laps may come from a pair of unfortunate early incidents in recent Special Events. Both my 2023 Petit Le Mans and last weekend’s Daytona 24 were unfortunately impacted by early incidents.

The endurance spirit to go on is strong. As such, never would I or my teammates give up from a few laps down. However, if the possibility of Safety Cars were in the mix, motivation to push on and hope would certainly be stronger.


Longer battles would be frequent with iRacing Safety Cars in Special Events. Image credit: iRacing.com

In addition to the desire to make up time after mistakes, Safety Cars would clearly help keep the pack together and ensure battles continued until late into the race. The winner in my Daytona 24 Hour split claimed the crown by over two laps. Surely they would have enjoyed a closer battle.

How Would iRacing Safety Cars Work?​

As it stands, iRacing already features Safety Car functionality on its service. In fact, oval racers will be well accustomed with the procedure. Furthermore, several private leagues manage to integrate race interruptions.

For the higher echelons of oval series, the Pace Car will leave the pits to bunch up the field when an incident occurs. Spins and car-to-car contact will at times cause a stoppage. Indeed, it seems to be a random event as not every 2x or 4x incident will cause the release of the Safety Car. In the case of league road racing, live stewards and admins must manually call for Safety Car periods.


Safety Cars – or Cautions – are not rare on iRacing ovals. Image credit: iRacing.com

It seems the game organisers simply choose not to incorporate the system into road racing series. Perhaps for good reason. Certainly, incidents are not rare on circuits. Complex layouts, wheel to wheel racing, divebombs and such no doubt contribute to increased incident frequency compared to oval racing. As a result, one must assume that using the same system as oval races would not work.

Adapting the Oval System​

However, I would propose that a simple reduction in the odds of seeing a Safety Car after an incident would work. For instance, if the game code were to roll a dice every time a trio of cars get a 4x in a pile-up. In this case, the majority of races would not incur a stoppage.

Additionally, one would no doubt restrict the Safety Car procedure to the Special Events in iRacing. In fact, no standard event runs enough time to comfortably contain a SC period. No-one wants to jump into a 15-minute GT4 race to spend 10 of those minutes driving at a slow pace.

Furthermore, there is obviously the risk that Safety Cars breed Safety Cars. After a Caution period, cars bunch up into a tight pack, meaning impatient battles will always cause incidents. Perhaps to avoid the near-certainty of back-to-back stoppages, a cool-off period would work. I would suggest that a race must remain green for a full hour before the Pace Car can re-join the track. This would simultaneously kill repeat offences and the possibility of lap-one yellows.

Would you like to see iRacing add Safety Cars to circuit racing? How would you implement the feature? Tell us on Twitter at @OverTake_gg or in the comments down below!
About author
Angus Martin
Motorsport gets my blood pumping more than anything else. Be it physical or virtual, I'm down to bang doors.


This is the most lame suggestion I have read on RD.Yellow caution laps are the most awful thing about Iracing oval racing.Martinsville races are normally over 50% run under caution.People game it and spin out other cars to not go a lap down.

Racing sims need to simulate everything about racing with 2 exceptions.No mechanical failures and no yellow flags run behind safety cars on road courses.If you enjoy driving round slowly in circles at safety car speed then do it in your own time!
What do you have against mechanical failures? A real simulator should definitely have mechanical failures, a real one, not fake like some fake ones like AC...

It would make people (even more) reckless in special events, as it would be more forgiving to mistakes/damages. It would not be fair to those with a proper endurance mindset.

If you want 24h of pack racing, just sign up for 24 consecutive 60min sprint races and leave endurance races alone.
It doesn't need to be caused by driver caused incidents, even if the 6+ hour races had a set amount of FCY's that alone would make waiting 20+ minutes for repairs from crash damage actually worthwhile staying in the race for.

Sure, there are valid concerns having SC's being triggered by incidents on track risks turning races into safety car parade laps but honestly for the longer events running them green from start to finish leads to a much more frustrating outcome. For example the split my team was in for the Spa 24 hour there was a massive wreck lap 1 at Eau Rouge/Raidillon which lead to 10 or so retirements which we avoided and then were left with nowhere to go as the car infront of us dropped it at the right hander after Les Combes and 3 others retired. No SC's and still people driving like mad men and others left being 10+ laps down before even getting halfway through the first lap. Our car unlapped ourselves from the leader 8 times but still finished 9 laps down and had no other notable incidents in the race.

Having multiple FCY's at random intervals spread throughout would at least encourage teams to stay in the race and gain laps back through the SC periods. As it stands once a car receives significant damage and depending which race it is in most pull the plug and race in the next split or have all their preparation wasted, usually at the hands of drivers who don't care. At this point it needs to be actually trialled before it can be criticized because it is no fun practicing for weeks only to get taken out in the first hour or two by an idiot (usually in a prototype or just completely incompetent) to then put you 20+ minutes down with no prosepect of being to salvage anything from the race.
It doesn't need to be caused by driver caused incidents, even if the 6+ hour races had a set amount of FCY's that alone would make waiting 20+ minutes for repairs from crash damage actually worthwhile staying in the race for.

Sure, there are valid concerns having SC's being triggered by incidents on track risks turning races into safety car parade laps but honestly for the longer events running them green from start to finish leads to a much more frustrating outcome. For example the split my team was in for the Spa 24 hour there was a massive wreck lap 1 at Eau Rouge/Raidillon which lead to 10 or so retirements which we avoided and then were left with nowhere to go as the car infront of us dropped it at the right hander after Les Combes and 3 others retired. No SC's and still people driving like mad men and others left being 10+ laps down before even getting halfway through the first lap. Our car unlapped ourselves from the leader 8 times but still finished 9 laps down and had no other notable incidents in the race.

Having multiple FCY's at random intervals spread throughout would at least encourage teams to stay in the race and gain laps back through the SC periods. As it stands once a car receives significant damage and depending which race it is in most pull the plug and race in the next split or have all their preparation wasted, usually at the hands of drivers who don't care. At this point it needs to be actually trialled before it can be criticized because it is no fun practicing for weeks only to get taken out in the first hour or two by an idiot (usually in a prototype or just completely incompetent) to then put you 20+ minutes down with no prosepect of being to salvage anything from the race.
How about having FCYs in road courses triggered only when somebody calls a tow?
How is it that I have maintained an A class 4.99 for the last 9 years while staying around 2,500 rating? iRacing is real life. Nobody gets a check from the guy that ruined your race.
I don't know, you tell me. That is your experience. You are a better driver, and maybe have more time to race? As I said, if I had time to race frequently, I would eventually get out of the bottom, doing the same race 3x a day, every day. But if I have time for online race only once a week, and with high probability of getting wrecked, I'm not magically getting out of that bottom.
It doesn't need to be caused by driver caused incidents, even if the 6+ hour races had a set amount of FCY's that alone would make waiting 20+ minutes for repairs from crash damage actually worthwhile staying in the race for.

Sure, there are valid concerns having SC's being triggered by incidents on track risks turning races into safety car parade laps but honestly for the longer events running them green from start to finish leads to a much more frustrating outcome. For example the split my team was in for the Spa 24 hour there was a massive wreck lap 1 at Eau Rouge/Raidillon which lead to 10 or so retirements which we avoided and then were left with nowhere to go as the car infront of us dropped it at the right hander after Les Combes and 3 others retired. No SC's and still people driving like mad men and others left being 10+ laps down before even getting halfway through the first lap. Our car unlapped ourselves from the leader 8 times but still finished 9 laps down and had no other notable incidents in the race.

Having multiple FCY's at random intervals spread throughout would at least encourage teams to stay in the race and gain laps back through the SC periods. As it stands once a car receives significant damage and depending which race it is in most pull the plug and race in the next split or have all their preparation wasted, usually at the hands of drivers who don't care. At this point it needs to be actually trialled before it can be criticized because it is no fun practicing for weeks only to get taken out in the first hour or two by an idiot (usually in a prototype or just completely incompetent) to then put you 20+ minutes down with no prosepect of being to salvage anything from the race.
Just consider that every restart after an FCY period is an opportunity for another massive wreck like the one you mentioned. How would that help improve the race?
iRacing already has the option for full course yellows on road courses when racing against the AI. I've seen it triggered on more than one occasion when a bunch of AI cars piled up. You can also manually throw a yellow with a text command. I only race against the AI currently so I'm surprised to read that this functionality isn't already available in the sim when racing with humans
Just consider that every restart after an FCY period is an opportunity for another massive wreck like the one you mentioned. How would that help improve the race?
I would rather take the chance of there being an increased risk of incidents after a FCY than having races be green from start to finish. Having half the field retire on lap one isn't helping the race and having people drop out in the earlier splits because they are 5-10 minutes down and can race the one of the later splits doesn't help either, at least give people a chance to get back into the race.

It will give teams the ability to stay out, get a lap back (or two if they get lucky with pitstops from others and a wave around) behind one of the FCY's and/or pit to repair some damage, as well as bunch cars up to help close the gaps to the cars ahead of them to either get them for position or get another lap back. Also, it adds some realism and immersion, no modern endurance race which has safety cars goes green from start to finish anymore.

The more cars able to stay on the lead lap or within a lap of cars around them the better and FCY's would achieve this.

I know that people have concerns over incidents shortly after FCY periods but what would rather? A fast repair where drivers will throw caution to the wind because they know they'll get their car fixed with no additional time loss outside of pit transit? the driving standards wouldn't improve. FCY's at least give teams and drivers a chance to get time back and if there's further incidents, well that's racing.
How about having FCYs in road courses triggered only when somebody calls a tow?
I mean it is an option, the only issue that could arise from that is in higher splits when there's multiple team cars I am sure it would be exploited to help the other team car in the team benefit, we've already seen various e-Sports teams do this in top split in past event. But i'm not opposed to it, though perhaps if multiple cars require a tow it would be less exploitable.
For official sessions, no way. For league races I've always found the idea of someone manually being the race control and also being able to drive a safety car really appealing. But in simracing, I really don't see much of the point
What do you have against mechanical failures? A real simulator should definitely have mechanical failures, a real one, not fake like some fake ones like AC...
Because a real car fails because it's not prepared properly,driven properly or a part just fails.There is no reason for a sim racing car to fail.It is completely fake or pretend.

The same goes for safety cars.The reason we have safety cars is in the name.For SAFETY.If a car spins off and rolls in a SIM race what is the reason to trail round at 60mph?Nobody is in danger,no marshalls will be injured removing the car so it is unnecessary boredom and completely fake.
The only possible case for a safety car would be some sort of AI resetting the cars just before it goes green again after 2 minutes after everyone inputs there option of no pit,pit for tyres,pit for fuel or both.
That way it would simulate a real NASCAR,Indycar/Endurance races without the boredom and would allow a toilet break.I think you could do this in early Papyrus NASCAR games.

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Angus Martin
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